Chapter 19


"Yum yum" Little Sapphire smacked her lips together in obvious delight.

Isabella had seen a recipe of baby custard pudding in YouTube and she tried it.

Sapphire absolutely loved it.

"Horsiee" Sapphire said forwarding her favourite horse soft toy forward to be fed.

Isabella played along, acting as if she was feeding the toy.

Sapphire grinned.

"What are my beautiful girls doing?" They both looked up to see Benjamin walking in with a huge smile on his face.

"Benjiiii" Sapphire squealed happily as she slapped her hands on her high chair in delight.

Benjamin brought a package forward and Sapphire unpacked it in second.

Another squeal followed seeing a new toy.

"A cow?" Isabella asked amused. She has never seen a soft toy in cow form.

"I have never seen one before. And I thought this could give company to Horsiee. But we won't be calling it cowwie" Benjamin said