“What are you doing to him? He’s my friend and wanted to help me!” Mika protested, feeling sorry Drake had to go through that, seeing he spat blood, as Thomas was pressuring his heart. “Stop! I will go with you! Leave him alone!” She pleaded, sacrificing her will.
Thomas released Drake from his attack. Drake coughed and gasped for air, spitting blood on the floor.
Mika disappeared with Thomas. He took her in his room, and on his bed. Windows and doors locked at once, making a dangerous noise for Mika to hear. The message? She was trapped, not being permitted to freely go out as she pleased, at least until further orders.
He stared at her, standing beside the bed, facing her. “Finally, you are here.” He whispered, with a faint voice.
“I won’t be your bride! You can’t force me! I’m not willing!” She decided, crossing her arms, eluding his gaze.
“You are. But I thought you died.” He whispered again.
“I should thank that lady and Drake for saving me after you killed me!” She word-slapped him.
“I wasn’t referring to that.” He said, putting his hands inside his pockets.
“Then? You killed me more than once?” She raged the question on him.
“When you were three, I thought you died. At least, that was what your father let me think.” A reply that made Mika turn her head and confront his beast eyes. He still had them, as he needed to heal after the night’s attack.
“How do you know about that?” She became interested in who he was and what involvement he had had back then. Could he be the one who had kidnapped her?
“I know. It doesn’t matter anymore. What is important, you are alive, and the contract is valid. You are mine.” He avoided the details.
“Don’t do this to me! Tell me! Who the fuck are you and why are you doing this to me?! Contract? What contract?! Better said, why a contract? For what? What’s going on?!” Questions she didn’t receive an answer to.
Thomas sat on the bed, putting his head on her lap and falling asleep. He was injured. He couldn’t stand anymore or have enough strength to explain. He needed rest and her. The best remedy he could ask for.
“Hey! What are you doing?” She tried to move him. Her eyes landed on his face. He was the picture of a sleeping angel. A loose hair strand covered his forehead, and a bit of his right eye.
She slowly approached her fingers and removed it. Mika was in awe at his sight. She wasn’t afraid of him. Only rage resided in her guts. But she had mixed feelings. She was sort of attracted to him, a thing she realized when she found herself approaching his lips dangerously. She stopped at an inch length, instantly pulling back.
I must be crazy! He infected me with his craziness! What’s the meaning of this? Why is he like that? He killed my father! Were her last thoughts before falling asleep herself. It was late in the night.
“Let me help you.” offered Olivia, wanting to give Drake a hand.
“I don’t need it! You may leave! There’s nothing for you here tonight! Think of something else as price to be paid for your services! And if you persist in your madness, I will have my way with you for the failed spell you gave for the Red Moon night! It’s because of you he did that! Don’t provoke me to make you hold responsibility for that! Two of my men died because of you then! Mika would have been the third!” He inflicted his rage on her, but Thomas was the one who made him snap, and the whole Mika situation he was updated with.
Things were happening with lighting speed, and none of these he knew. His Master seemingly had kept away from him important things. He wouldn’t mind for other unknown stuff, but regarding Mika, it drove him mad, determining his craze against his favorite person, who was like his brother, his father, and best friend.
“If you are this stirred up, why don’t we work together, and each obtain our want. We can help each other. I get Thomas, and you Mika. You clearly are in love with her. This happened fast, I see, but it’s love. What say you?” She was waiting his answer with her arms crossed.
“Not making a deal with you. I’m loyal to Thomas. This is between me and him. It has nothing to do with you. I won’t play your game. Leave.” He fired her to go around her business, taking a napkin and cleaning himself.
“When you will change your mind, you know where to find me.” She was picking her belongings from the sofa and leaving to the exit.
Drake went to the bar and poured himself a full glass of Jack. Straight. He was bitter.
He wouldn’t consume the marriage tonight, right? He wouldn’t do this to her. She doesn’t want him. He knew her. He lied. He never lies. His bride? Why hasn’t he ever told me about such an important matter? He didn’t trust me? I have never betrayed him. What should I do? I….
He was about and around the feelings he had for both. He loved Thomas, now he loved Mika, too. Anything else he could give up on for his Master, this time it seemed impossible. If Mika would choose him, he was able to accept her as his Master’s bride. But she wasn’t willing. This gave him hope for a chance to be with her. Maybe he favored him more. Or did she?
He spent some time drinking two bottles of whiskey, and then went into his room, which was on a separate wing from Thomas’s.
Mika woke up the next morning, snuggled in Thomas’s arms, him still sleeping.
When did we end up like this? He’s a vampire! What am I doing? He must have done something to me to let my guard down like this. Why my body feels safe around him? I have never liked to be touched or approached by men, still, I never immediately reject him. I even had my first kiss with him. Am I stupid?!
She retracted from his embrace but was kept tight by an awakened Thomas.
“Where are you going?” He asked with half opened eyes, revealing his glamorous navy-blue eyes and long dark lashes.