Chapter 2 - No More Delays. However...

Frederick's POV:

I’m in Gill Sandler’s office, at his company, talking about my investment. I’ve extended the return of it for almost two years. He managed to pay back half of the set monthly instalments, and this is getting out of hand.

Gill Sandler has been and is a worthy businessman with no problems so far, before these two years. I can’t blame him on one hand as there are problems in the market, yet I conduct business and I can’t act otherwise than a cold businessman.

Sandler rolled business with my dad previously and they know each other closely. Therefore, dad told me to give him a slack and wait for him to have a better business as he will return the money as contracted. They know each other since their youth as business partners. So, I’ve done that. For two years. However, I don’t run a charity and I can’t extend more. You don’t make billions with losses.

My dad has told me along the years Sandler’s story with his wife dying before time and that he has a daughter, younger than me. How he suffered and hasn’t remarried, staying even now faithful to his wife. He does have other women as he’s a man, but nothing serious or in the public eyes.

Dad has always been fond of his daughter, Mona. No, I don’t know her and have never seen her. But my dad said she’s always been a little genius and angel, going around the world to study since a young age. She’s been to China, Japan, England, India, Russia, and Germany with scholarships as she has always won with her studies, being an A-list student. Yeah, she’s been more out of the States than inside. Yet, though I did have an attraction to such a girl, I didn’t give much importance at the time as I had my own business to tend to.

Years passed and dad would tell me from time to time about her whenever I would hit home from one of my business trips and mom would call me to have dinner at their place as yes, I’m the only son. But no, he and mom would never tell me about her in getting me marry her or something like that. My dad would speak to her dad and ask him about Mona. Her dad would tell him her latest conquests and how proud he is of her and how lucky as a dad to have such a daughter compared to other dads having daughters nowadays. Mom and dad were always interested in her as they wanted to have a daughter as well and one like her. Mona seems to have never troubled her dad with problems, though my dad says she’s a rebel, too. When he would say the rebel part, he wouldn’t give the details of it, just smirked and shook his head in disbelief, entertained by the fact.

Anyhow, I’ve had her on my mind at times, but never went the mile to actually learn more about her, focusing on my duties and taking over my family business on all sides, which has consumed all my time and life. For my mafia side, to become the head of it, as my dad, I’ve trained since a young age, around seven, and had a deadly training, with a later deadlier experience to become what I am. The most feared and deadliest one. For my business side, I went through higher education to best schools and universities in the States and, like little genius, finished them with perfect scores. But yes, I’m a bad boy and not a one-woman man. I can’t be as I’m cold in feelings. I’m not a beast or a bad man with women, but you know what I mean. Just getting laid and that’s all. Never same woman. None has ever made me want more. They lack substance.

“Frederick, please, just give me more time. I’m trying to switch on another field to make profits, but I need more time.” Sandler is at his limit with everything and has a tired expression but keeping himself with a poker and businessman face and attitude, like he always is. I’ve already seen your companies’ financials. It’s bad, Gill. It’s end line, unfortunately.

I’m on the sofa in his office and he’s on the armchair. I’m sipping some whisky on the rocks. “Gill, as a person, I understand. As a businessman, it’s bad. Two years, I’ve been lenient to you because of our families knowing each other since long and you never breaking your contractual duties. And you are the only one I’ve done this with because my father vouched for you.” I get interrupted as his phone is ringing and at the sound of it, he goes pale in an instant, like he knows who’s calling.

“I’m sorry, Frederick. I need to take this. It’s my daughter from England. She recently had a car accident…. Yes, baby?” Mona…. Car accident? Well, dad said she’s a rebel, too…. Ha-ha! Hope she’s fine though…. I go silent and listen to them, sipping some whisky. He doesn’t have the phone on speaker, but I have a sharp hearing and I can decipher her replies and hear her voice.

“Daddy? I’m fine, don’t worry. Malika is not very well though.” Such a sexy voice…. Gill sighs in relief. “But they said it’s nothing bad, just that she’s going to stay in the hospital for a couple more days. Her dad said the car is a mess and he freaked out, thanking God we didn’t have the injuries the car presented. They’ve arrested the drunk driver.” I think she’s smoking.

“I thank God as well, baby. I would die to lose you like I did your mom…. What did the doctors say about you blacking out upon the impact?” What? I tilt my eyebrows and my heart gets a clench hearing all that. Never had such a reaction to someone or something. Only for my mom and dad I would have it.

“Eh…. I’ve been tired lately, dad. We had the Russian company as a study case and assistance for my PhD and spent nights without sleeping.” Gill shakes his head and shuts his eyes, brushing his face with his left hand. “They said I’m a bit low in calcium and having a start of anemia and that’s why. They gave me treatment for it and scheduled me for next checkup. I’m fine. Your daughter is strong, dad. The injuries are already healing. I have nothing bad, really. I didn’t have shock during the impact. If I were the one driving, I would have prevented the motherfucker to hit our car. Malika is not with my instincts, and she loses herself. I managed to grab the steering wheel and avoid, partially, the bad part of the accident when I saw the car losing control and coming toward us from my side, but instead of keeping her foot on the acceleration pedal, she hit the break…. I didn’t want to drive that day because I was sleepy, and she was better than me as she had a day off. I wish I was driving…. The detective was all a praise when I woke up and told him what had happened. Ha-ha! He said I prevented a worse accident with my intervention. Yeah, I didn’t lie to him…. I can’t fucking lie in general…. See, dad? You always worry over my car races, but it pays off…. Ha-ha! My guilty pleasure…. Anyways, how are things back there? Have you been good? Hope you’re on your diet and meds, all a good guy. Once I land in the States, we’re going for a full checkup, dad. I’ll see if you lie to me or not.” Gill chuckles. She’s in a playful voice and a bit bossy. Hmm…. Now I get why dad is so fond of her…. Car races…. The rebel side…. Ha-ha! I’m smiling.

“I’ve been good, baby.” His voice betrays him in front of her though as she becomes serious.



“What’s the matter? I said I’m fine. You know your daughter.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Is there something going on?”

“No, just worried about you. I hate you not sleeping and being miles away for the last four years. And now the accident….” He’s partially lying as he seems he hasn’t told her about the problems with the companies.

“Dad? Don’t lie to me. What’s wrong? Is everything okay with business? Tell me. You had health problems? Something is off and I know you’re not telling me the truth. Whatever it is, you tell me, dad.” She’s not stupid indeed….

The more I listen to her, the more my heart reacts and gets a warm wave enveloping it. I’m also concerned about her health state after that accident. Strange as fuck….

“No, baby. Everything is fine as you know it. I’m happy nothing bad happened to you. I was going to take the jet tonight and come to you….” He’s clearing his throat. He’s avoiding my sight all this time, focused on her.

“Come on, dad. I said you don’t need to do that. Nothing will take me out of existence and let you out of adrenaline! Ha-ha!” He smiles. “By the way, the Russian CEO?” She’s drinking something and pauses.

“What about?”

“Well, Malika knows about my car races. While working on the project in the company, she was reminiscing of my last year’s car race and laughing on how I dealt with the last car in the race to win it. He heard it and asked me about it. I told him vaguely as it’s…in the underground. He said his son is a car racing monster and he would love to see me racing against him. And we did it, last weekend…. I can never say no to that…. Guilty, dad. Sorry I haven’t told you though….” He’s contracting his jawline, but he remains silent. His eyes darken. The rebel daughter…. But she tells him at least…. Ha-ha! “And, my perfect score is maintained, dad. The sucker is a great racer, but he smelled my balls. Ha-ha! Okay, dad. I have to go now. I have the meeting with the team and they’re coming to the restaurant near the hospital. Call you later. Love you. Bye.” She rushes the last part and ends the call before Gill has opportunity to reply to her.

He motions his head, chewing from his left cheek. “You always kill me…. Car race…. Last weekend…. Car accident…. When you’ll come home…. Yeah.” He’s saying this while placing his phone in his suit jacket and when he tilts his eyes and sees me, he comes back to reality I’ve been here this entire time. “Oh, sorry, Frederick. I always have my mind out when she’s calling me. Especially after what happened two days ago…. She’s my only daughter and family.”

We have a deep lock of stares and I’m studying his eyes, rolling in my head all my dad has told me about Mona and what I’ve just heard. My heart is aching for her, and I now realize her voice, though strong and not giving signs of weakness, was a bit off. She might be covering her state in front of her dad to not make him worry about her.

“Don’t worry, Gill. I understand. Tell me what happened and about her.” I fake knowledge of their conversation, as in her replies.

After one look at me with surprise, he starts telling me about her, info I already knew in general from dad, and about the car accident. She called him the moment she came back to her senses and told him to not worry as she’s fine, but she was involved in a car accident, and she wasn’t the one driving. It was her best friend, Malika. He contacted the hospital to validate her words, though she never lies to him, no matter how bad it is, and they confirmed she’s fine and that she’s responding well after the accident, just that they’d run more tests to make sure the blackout she experienced is not a problem because of the accident with internal bleeding. Tests came out well and she’s safe on that, just the low calcium and start of anemia are present.

He continues in telling me he hasn’t told her about the financial problems as he’s keeping things covered in front of her. He’ll deal with them, though she’s half in shares and one of the major stockholders. But he’s the Chairman and it’s his duty to solve this as both leader and father. And then, he comes back in asking me for another delay.

Hmm…. Delay. I can’t give you another delay. But…. Something has changed indeed…. And you need to thank your daughter for that. It’s not like I wouldn’t give you a delay, but the situation you’re in will only further your losses and not your comeback. You’re refusing to accept that. I understand you’re not a quitter, but let’s face reality. I need to see some things first…. Yep. It’s time to learn more about baby Mona. Only then I can make you an offer to solve your problems. We’ll see.

I stand up and button my suit jacket. “I can’t give you more delays, Gill. I’ve already done it and the results are worse. Think of a way to give the investment back and fast. I’m sorry, but this is end line for me. I’ll call you soon to tell me. I’m glad your daughter is well though. She seems a good and loving daughter. I’ll see myself out.” I say this in a cold, businessman tone, which is my signature one, and walk out of his office, not letting him say more.