Chapter 7 - If He Loves You That Much...

Mona's POV:

“But he’s my boyfriend! We’re together for the last two years! I didn’t know when I came back to the States about all this! And I won’t give up on him! I love him and he loves me! We were planning on getting married soon! I was supposed to arrange a meeting between him and my father! But when I landed last night, my father spared me no time to tell him about that as he went on with this nonsense and how the companies are in a major collapse!” He’s clenching his jawline at twitching point and his eyes become dark as in pitch-dark as I’m as serious as fuck telling him all that.

Yeah, I can be a great actress when I want to. I don’t usually do this as it’s not in my nature to lie or use it to deal with things. But this shit of a situation calls for it and I have no other way to play it so that I can avoid this if I may.

“Oh yeah?”


“Then call the fucker. If he loves you that much, he can pay the 200 million with interest and keep you as his wife. If not, you sign the contract. Right now.” WHAT?! He’s so damn serious and in a killing hunger. I’m boiling!

“He doesn’t have that kind of money! And don’t measure love in money!”

“Then, he’s a loser. He can’t protect you. Sign the contract. Come on.” Yeah, he’s losing his patience on this. WHAT?!

“He’s not a loser! It’s 200 million! Not everyone is a fucking billionaire! But that doesn’t mean he can’t protect me!” He’s got his gangster smile growing on his lips. DEAD!

“He can? Then tell him to come here and protect you from me. No money involved. Who breathes after, is the winner. If he can kill me for you, then he’s not a loser. How about that, baby? Does it work for you?”

“HE’S NOT MAFIA LIKE YOU, FUCKER! WHY DO YOU COMPARE THINGS LIKE THAT?! HOW DO YOU PROPOSE SUCH INSANE SOLUTIONS?! It’s not my fault I find myself in such a crazy situation with you! Did you ask me if I have a person in my life?! No! You didn’t! But you expect me to marry you and shut down my own life! The hell I will!”

“But he agrees to have me as a husband for a while and fuck you like that and be your lover? And you tell me he’s not a loser? Think again, baby.” He’s in a devil persona at me in his all. WHAT?! SON OF A BITCH! YOU DON’T GIVE UP?! SHIT!

“I haven’t told him yet! I didn’t have the time to do it! Last night till this morning I only thought about how to solve all this shit I’m in! It didn’t cross my mind to tell him because I’m my own person and deal with my own shit!”

“And he didn’t call you to see if you landed safe or things like that normal boyfriends who love do? For sure he called you and sensed you’re not fine.” He’s playing hardcore with my brain! FUCK YOU! OH GOD! HE’S CRUSHING MY SANITY! THIS FUCKER!

I’m keeping myself true to my words, serious, and revolted. Revolted I am, and serious. Just lying on the boyfriend part.

“I haven’t answered to his call! I just texted him I’m fine and that I have a problem with my dad I need to solve! He’s understanding! I was supposed to call him this afternoon when I had time! I told him it’s business related and that I have work to do in the company! He knows me and understands!” He’s calming down out of nowhere. But he’s with a vicious smirk on his lips and bobs his head.

“Alright. You have time now. Call him and tell him. See what he has to say about this. I for sure want to see and know his reaction and way of approach. Let’s see how much he loves you. If he loves you for real, he won’t agree with a fake marriage. Please, call the fucker, before I put my men to search, grab, and bring him in. And make sure to tell him about our earlier bonding as well.” I FUCKING HATE YOU!

We’re in a lock of spitting fire stares. He’s in his fucker smirk, relaxed on his chair but inflamed under all that. I’m flaring under my nostrils, contracting my jawline.

“Fine!” Who the fuck can I call and play my game here? Uh! Brad might be one…. He’s always on the want to fuck me and be my boyfriend. But I need to text him first to know… Shit…

I fish out my phone from my suit jacket, acting natural, and start texting Brad.

“I said call him, baby, not text him.” I slay him with my stare.

“He might be in a class or something. He’s one year under me! Son of a bitch….” He’s chewing from his inner cheek.

And I text Brad who’s in England still.

‘Brad? Can I call you? Don’t ask anything. You’re my boyfriend and about to marry me. Whatever you hear over the phone, play accordingly. Please, I need your help.’

I choose Russian as language to send the message as I know Russian, and we were in a common project with a Russian company. So, I might solve this shit with the fucker. And maybe get myself out of this marriage thingy.

Shawn is silent as I haven’t used many words as text to raise suspicion. Brad Loren is a businessman as well and he’s wealthy, but not at this fucker’s level. He’s good looking, towering and buffed, but not at this fucker’s level. We’re friends and he would help me, but yes, he wants me for the last four years or so. However, with Brad I can better deal with and not reach in such a mess.

Almost instantly, Brad replies with a text in English. ‘Yes, love. I’ll call you.’ And he calls and I answer with such a triumphant smile at the raging bull before me.

“What is it, love? How’s your dad?” Good you’re an intelligent motherfucker…. I have my phone on speaker and my eyes don’t escape the tortured beast before me. Ha-ha! You want to fuck with me, huh? Don’t fuck with a genius…. Ha-ha! Brad has a manly and sexy voice, and it’s husky, like he usually is when speaking to me. Which I love it now as Shawn hears it as well and it makes it more believable.

“He’s fine, baby. In general…. We have some business problems. Some nasty ones I didn’t know about.” I’m in a sexy, sweet voice, playing the girlfriend act. Shawn is boiling but controlling. His left hand is balling....

“Business problems? What do you mean?” He becomes serious. No, it’s not an act, he’s truly concerned.

“Well, I told you last night I had some business problems, but I didn’t tell you the details of it and how nasty they are.”

“I wasn’t concerned as I know you. But from your now voice, it’s bad. What’s about? How can I help?” I sigh, a real sigh, and move my stare from Shawn to his desk.

“Alright, but please, don’t get mad and wait till I finish all I have to say. Okay?”

“Sure, baby.” He’s real and loves the play as he always wanted to call me like that, but I’ve always put him to his place not to do that. “You know I can never get mad on you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I’m so laughing inside, but a bit cringy I need to act all this. However, I play it real in front of the raging on silent bull across the desk.

I continue. “Okay. The problems I texted you last night are 200 million debts my companies have. Dad hasn’t told me these years the problems have reached to that level. He thought he’d manage them, but he didn’t. When I landed last night, he explained me all that we have and that he didn’t tell me because he wanted me to finish the PhD without distractions and come back home safe. The bigger problem is that one of the investors proposed something out of the ordinary in today’s society and…. Please, don’t get mad….”

I’m rubbing my forehead for real as it hits me again. To tell someone else about this, it fucking pains me. But I trust Brad and I know he’d at least play the game and leave it to another time for the explanations.

“Baby? I won’t get mad at you, but I’m already getting mad on that fucker. I know and trust you. Calm down and tell me what happened. I’m always there for you. You know I love you.” Yeah, he’s honest. I know….

“He wants me to marry him to clear all the debts. It was a 40 million debt to him, but he bought all the other debts the companies had and he’s now the sole creditor of the 200 million with a 25% interest. I have two options. Give the money now, which I don’t have, or marry him. I tried to propose another plan to return the money, on a few months delay, to put the plan in action and earn the money, but he refuses. I’m with the contract before me to sign it. The marriage contract. I told him I have you in my life, that I love you, that we’re for the last two years together and planning to get married. I haven’t had a chance to tell dad about us yet. I’m sorry about that. But I told the investor as one of the reasons why I can’t get married to him and because I don’t have the money now, I said to sign the marriage contract as a fake one but legally, on condition to have a divorce when I’ll pay him back with interest and all, but to not be a real married couple because I would never do that having you in my life. I’m sorry, I’m going insane with all this.”

Shawn is motioning his left hand at me to tell him about the bonding we had earlier. I slay him with my eyes and shake my head in a no! He frowns at me. FUCK OFF! I WON’T TELL HIM THAT!