Chapter 9 - You'll Live A Monk Life

Mona's POV:

“Oh yeah?” He’s kissing my lips now, locked in a tension of stares between each other.

“Yes, baby.” My left hand takes and rolls his tie on it, jerking him by it in a strong grip, and my eyes are becoming a gangster as well, with my lips forming a wicked smile. He smirks and keeps himself silent.

Yes, my phone is ringing ongoing since I ended the call with Brad. Brad is out of his mind. I’m regretting to my core to have called him, but I had to try taking the fucker off me.

And to my defense, I’m not feeling very well lately, since the accident. I didn’t hit my head or anything, but something affected me, and I have some side effects since then.

“If you lay one finger on Brad, you’re dead, buddy. I’ll sign the papers. It was a lie because I despise you and don’t want to be associated with you like that. But….” I’m hoovering with my lips over his, without touching, not breaking eye contact with him.

He’s losing it and wants to capture my lips in another kiss, but I prevent him by his tie.

“I’ll never be yours, fucker.” I’m kissing the corner of his mouth, in a soft one.

“I’m no one’s.” I kiss the other corner of his mouth and his breathing is that of a raging bull.

“Nobody fucks with me, love. Not even you, baby.” I kiss the top of his lips, more in a brushing manner than actually kissing his lips. “Are we clear, fucker?”

You think you’re the only player in the house, honey? No. I can be a total bitch if I want to, baby. And you shall be my most treasured masterpiece to have you in a boiling blood. Ha-ha! You sucker….

I push him off me with all my might and jump down from the desk, fetch my ringing phone from the floor, shove it in my jacket, and go around the desk to fucking sign the papers.

“Let’s sign your doom, baby. And because of our recent bonding, my dear husband….”

I’m taking a seat on the chair, looking at the papers, taking the pen from the desk, hearing his heavy breathing and I know how contracted and fucked he is right now.

“You’re not allowed to fuck any other woman, no matter how I don’t fuck you, love. If I hear of a scandal or someone telling me you fucked her, you’re so fucked by yours truly. You summoned for the devil in me, baby.”

I’m signing the contract, speaking to him, with sincerity, confidence, and all that, as this is how I am.

“Marrying me means you’ll live a monk life, darling. This is what you get with all this shit you stirred up. And don’t worry, I’ll live a monk life as well. I’m a fair player. But the difference is that I have no problem with it, whereas you….” I finish signing the contracts and throw the pen and contracts on his side of the desk, standing up, slaying him with my narrowed stare and malevolent smirk, tilting my chin at him.

He’s contracting his jawline, heaving, with heated-up green stars and heated-up all at me.

“You’re so fucked, sexy. You own a dick, and that’s kind of painful. Ha-ha!” I flash him a wink and scan him from head to toes and back.

“Hmmm…. In no time I’ll have the scandal thrown at me with you looking like that, love. I can’t wait for the first woman to act and for me to send a fucking bullet in you without prior evidence search. I’m crazy and I never give the innocent until proven guilty thingy. You’re my property now, and I can do whatever the fuck I want with or to you, sexy. But no sex included. The rest is on, baby.” I twist my head with my lunatic stare fixed in his deep turned-on eyes, flash him with another wink, laugh under my lips, turn around, and walk like a lion to get out of his office. “I have business to do. See you later, dear husband.” I slam the door shut at my back, fuming now but keeping my cool.



He’s yelling from the office as he has been in a sort of trance something.

Yes, he seems he loves me or something and not being a real jerk with all this, but for me it makes no fucking difference. It’s not my want in all this, and you guys might understand my point of view.

However, I can’t lie to you guys, he does affect me, and my being is attracted to him. Not because of his image as I had lots of such specimens around me, but my heart and soul are like a bee on fucking honey kind of thing. Anyway, I shake this feeling off me and I will maintain my normal self, that of not breaking in front of him.

My words to him included no lie. That’s what I’m going to do and if he doesn’t play accordingly, his own wife will bring an end to his existence. I’m lunatic, baby. Never tap into the dark corner of my being if you don’t want to taste bitterness and retaliation. It never ends well.

I inch to the area my dad is waiting for me. He’s like a zombie, sitting on a chair, in a waiting room. I undergo my smiling daughter persona at him.

“Dad? Let’s go. I signed it. We need to go to the main company. I need to have a board meeting with everyone and see what we have to do. The debts are cleared, but business needs a revamp.” He has a lost stare at me, like not understanding my words to him, but I grab his arm and with care, I make him stand up and go with me.

He’s hit to his core and suffering…. But I’m the man now, and I’ll bring our companies to shine once again, returning the money to that fucker the soonest. I have time now being married to him. The only threat I have and what I need to fight against, is to not let him fuck me as in real fuck. He’s no fucking joke in strength against me.

Let’s go, dad…. We have a new war. And this one? The fuck I’ll lose it. Fuck yeah. But he was so damn cute when I kissed the corners of his mouth…. Ha-ha! You sexy motherfucker…. You thought I’ll get all wet and surrender to you, huh? No, baby…. This bitch is a strong bitch, love…. I never break. Oh yeah…. Game on, bad boy…. Muhahaha!