Chapter 15 - I Need To Come Back To My Senses

Mona's POV:

“I love you, baby…. It’s not my intention to be the bad guy with you, my love. Are you feeling better?”

I love your scent, and I love your heat, and I love your heartbeats, and I love your kisses, and I love you embracing me like this…. Hmm…. Yep. Something is so wrong with me….

“A bit…. I haven’t eaten anything today. Probably one of the reasons I’m like this…. And I haven’t had a break from work. Then you decided to play with my nerves. And here we are….”

He takes my chin and slowly makes me look at him. I sigh and I’m pouting with a frown, still feeling out because of my everything inside, but indeed a bit better and with a clearer vision.

I meet his dipped with worry green stars mixed with same lunatic and lustful stare. He kisses my lips.

“I don’t want to play with your nerves, baby…. And I understand your rejections.” He kisses my lips again.

This devil….

“But you need to understand as well that I’m honest with you in everything. I wouldn’t have forced you to marry me if I didn’t love you and want you like I do.”

“And you expect me to believe you and surrender to you just like that? I don’t know many things about you, but I’ve heard the rumors, Frederik. I’m not the type to fall in love and believe in happily ever after just because you say that. I’m constructed on facts and reality surrounding us. I don’t trust you, especially after the way you acted with everything. And no, I can’t be a real wife to you, because of various reasons. Some are personal, others are deriving from the forced marriage.”


“You will, baby….” He’s kissing my lips….

“No, I won’t!” But I’m with my hands around his waist like before and letting him kiss me…. I said something is awfully wrong with me….

He’s kissing my lips again.

“Yes, you will.”

“Stop it!”

He’s kissing me again….

“Stop what, my love?”


“You don’t say….” He’s kissing my lips while I’m fuming at him. “Come here, baby….” Again. “I want your mouth again as you’re too sweet, and I can’t keep myself away, my love….”


“Oh yes, baby…”


Well, he takes control over my mouth again, making me lose my senses and kissing him back after a full riot against him at the beginning.

When he manages to take a grip over himself and able to get off me, we go downstairs, at his 'orders', in his limo to go 'home'.

In the limo, he wants more kisses and touching but he meets my slapping, until I yell at him that I’m tired and getting dizzy again, and I then fall asleep on him, in his arms, under his caressing and kissing. I swear to God he’s like performing magic on me! This fucker!

But the euphoria and peace hugging my being because of him are divine…. So crazy…. I mentally facepalm myself because of this occurrence. I would have never done this with absolutely no one.

“Baby Mona?”

I hear his raspy voice at my right ear. In my left one I receive the shooting of his heartbeats. I’m pulled from my out of reality sleep, but still napping. I perceive I’m on his lap and he’s cupping my right cheek?

What the fuck? I was sitting next to him….

I’m exhausted and not really able to open my eyes or actually move. I haven’t really slept for a long time and it seems I can go to a good rest with him around me. Strange as fuck….

His hot kisses on my lips, in a soft touch, make me relax in my sleep even more and dive in my sleep.

I don’t quite care what’s happening right now with me and Bad Boy Fucker. I’ll take this sleep feeling the way I am at this moment.

“Baby? We reached home. Come on, baby Mona…. Wake up, love.”

Shut up. I need this sleep. I would have never done this, but I want this now. Mmm…. And I love bastard’s kisses when I sleep like this…. Yeah…. I’m out of my mind…. Dana said he’s a player. He fucking is. But for this part of him being a player, I love it. For the sexual part, I don’t. Well, you can’t have it all, can you?

“Boss?” Some man is calling him from outside the car as it appears the door on Frederik’s side is open.

Just let me sleep. If I wake up, you’ll resume your fucker boy persona with me. I prefer this to that, babe. He, he, he….

I’m between sleeping and being awake but give the impression I’m in a deep sleep as I’m with my mouth in a small gap and relaxed on his lap and in his arms. He sighs, caressing my back with his left hand and kissing the top of my head.


“You need to take a call from Italy. It’s bad. Ricci Mafia is acting again. Agostini is calling you.”

Mafia…. Oh, my dear Bad Boy Fucker husband….

I’m sleeping and they think, probably, I’m not hearing it.

Bad Boy Fucker takes the phone contracting, holding me with his right hand, with a ragged breathing, like annoyed for the incoming call. And he speaks in Italian. I don’t know to speak Italian, but I do understand at some lengths the language. So, I’ll do my best to translate his convo in English as much as I comprehend it.

“What the fuck is happening, Agostini?” He’s kissing my head and the other guy shuts the car’s door, getting in the car in the front seat, on the passenger’s side, by the noise of that door.

Baby boy even has the Italian accent and has a crystal-clear Italian. You could swear he’s fucking Italian. Ha-ha! You bastard….

Because I’m close to the phone, I can partially hear the other guy.

“Sorry, boss. We need you here. They’re starting again with the trafficking of minors and spreading them in the States. They’ve joined forces with other bigger mafia heads having clubs in the States and sending them there along with big shipments of drugs. We have killings in place and they’re retaliating. Many officials are involved for a share, facilitating the process of passing everything at borders. Clean airlines transportation, boss. The girls are drugged to not speak or seek for help. The airlines they use have their staff not question anything. When I talked to Rossi head and told him to stop this to prevent the war with us, he said he doesn’t give a shit and bring it on. He thinks he’s powerful against you because now he’s having alliances with the others, and Chinese are involved as well, boss. It’s a big event for them and the numbers are high when it comes to money and shares. We need you to come as fast as possible, boss, like yesterday. They’re moving as we speak, and we’re already hit with the men we have here for this compared to those they have.”

“Fucking shit…. Now?!”

You can go. I don’t mind at all. He, he, he…. I’ll be free of you for a while. Yeah, I like that.

“Sorry, boss. You know I wouldn’t request your presence if it weren’t a complete must. It is now. Rossi is considering himself king of the world with the others and not following rules anymore.”

Those motherfuckers…. Bad Boy Fucker is not that bad as a mafia….

“The official wolves are hungry for money and corruption is growing everywhere, closing an eye over kidnapping of minors, prostitution, drugs and gang clashes. They arrest low mafia members or innocent ones to cover in police cases and close them as solved. Well, you know how that goes, boss…. And they’ve changed the headquarters for the international business here in Italy. All heads come here for private face to face decisions. Rossi is the head over all and he’s giving approvals. That fucker has gathered an army of shitheads and weapons in the last week like never before. He has a main sponsor overseas for sure. I suspect the Chinese on this. Not sure though as they also appear under him as allies. Tomorrow morning there’s like a summit with all of them for the main agenda. You need to be there, boss. They’re not expecting you, and it’s the good moment to take them all at once for this. When they’ll see your face, many of them will back off from the business because you are feared, and they know how you deal with such arrangements. They won’t want a war with you no matter what Rossi promises them once they see you’ve sniffed on this. Rossi for sure hasn’t told them what he thinks against you as he knows he would lose many of them in the business.”

“Alright. I’ll take the jet and come there. Don’t interfere anymore with Rossi and let him believe I’m not engaging. If we had men losses, he thinks he’s in control and that we’re not as powerful as before. Let him bask in the bubble of conquer for some more hours. Send Randy all you have on the business. Names, reports, everything. I’ll fuck the officials as a second round.” He ends the call, boiling. “Randy?”

“Yes, boss?” He takes the phone from Frederik as it seems from the movement.

“Prepare the fucking jet. We’re going there. The fucker decided to act now when I’m finally with my baby…. Oh…. I’ll so kill him with my bare hands for everything….”

Sorry for the girls and everything as it pains me to hear about them experiencing that…. Poor girls…. But it’s good for me you’re going to maybe completely come back to my fucking senses and see how to deal with all this between me and you. Yeah….

“Yes, boss.” He’s calling someone.

“Baby?” He’s caressing my face and kissing my forehead while I’m the same as before, faking sleeping, though I’m fully awake inside after hearing all that happening in the underground and how the fuckers proceed with kids and drugs and all that.

It makes me sick to be aware of the reality of things in the world. I can say I’m not that against Frederik’s mafia persona anymore as he seems not to be one with a share in all that organized crime entity.

“Come on…. You sleepy head…. He, he, he….”

Yeah, well….

He’s kissing my lips several times.

“What?” I’m moving my head and a bit on him, like waking up and not knowing what is happening.

He groans when I move on his…down part with my ass. Yeah, well, he’s…in his male 'heats' and has been in them all this time. Anyways.

Son of a bitch….

“We’re home, baby.”