Chapter 17 - Give Him Back To Me

Mona's POV:

She’s having the body of a top model, the fuckable kind, with a whorish beauty at face though, but she’s beautiful. Her dark hair is wavy and long at her back, and her emerald eyes are bitching at me. Her pursed lips with a dark cherry lipstick itch to speak to me. She’s dressed in a black dress above her knees, hugging her body, and a fur coat of a lighter color reigns her shoulders. She has heavy makeup on her face and a generous cleavage, with thick jewelry pouring on her.

And yes, she has some Gucci high heels in her feet with a purse to match. She’s wealthy and a bad baby bitch. And yes, she’s having the allure of a vampy woman. Her nails are a match to her lipstick in color and some fake, long ones. She’s a diamond vampy baby bitch.

Oh! I just love her!

Gibson looks behind and sees me.

“Madam? Please, get inside. I’ll deal with….”

Before he can continue and baby vampy fang me as well in words, having the two gorillas behind her, I beam and address her.

“Miss Anastacia? Please, come inside. I already said I’ll meet with you to chat as you have requested. Gibson? She has my approval to come here. And don’t tell your boss of her coming here, Gibson. It’s between us girls.”

The vampy bitch has a bitch smile at me, storms her entry through Gibson but Gibson bull stares at the other two, meaning they can’t do the same. However, he’s inflamed I allowed her to speak to me.

“Dana? Show Miss Anastacia inside my office and offer her a drink or whatever she needs to feel comfortable. I’ll be right there.”

Dana motions her brows at me with a devilish smile and goes with her as baby vampy is already clicking her heels against the marbled floor.

Oh! I said I’m going to love this show!

I close the door to Gibson’s back and slow down my steps to see the girls entering in my office.

I’ll take the audio recorder from Dana’s desk and have it in my pocket. Whatever she’ll say, I’ll have evidence in front of Shawn if I’ll need it. Muhahaha! It seems things fall into place in all this.

Dana brings drinks and whatever in my office while I take a seat at my desk, take my cigarettes, light one, and relax on my chair with a genuine smile at 'Anastacia'. She’s annoyed seeing me like this, but keeps herself silent, crossing her long legs in a lady pose.

Sexy baby bitch…. He should have taken you indeed, babe. I’m sure you’d give him whatever he would fucking want. Ha-ha!

“So, Miss Anastacia, may I know the reason of your coming here? I promise I’ll be good and listen to all you have to say without interruption.” The small audio recorder is in my jacket’s right pocket, recording everything we’re speaking. I’m bad, I know…. Muhahaha!

And she waits no more….

“Frederik is mine.”

I’ve already understood that, babe. Expand on the topic, love.

I nod at her with same genuine smile.

Seeing I’m not having a negative reaction and don’t confront her, she’s fuming under her nostrils.

“Go on, baby. I said I’m listening without interruptions.” I’m smoking, crossing my legs, leaned back on my chair, with my head a bit aside at my right, calm, confident, happy.

Give me stuff on the fucker, love. I so want it. He, he, he….

“I’m the only daughter of Sierra family. Have you heard of it?” She’s in a baby bitch smirk with a flash of stares in her emerald eyes, like she’s the crowned princess of the fucking world.

I shake my head.

“No, baby. But I’m sure it’s a high positioned family by your looks.”

Her confidence starts flopping before me as I’m all a smile, relaxed and the least threatened by her.

“One of the biggest in Mafia, Mona. Under Frederik, of course, as he’s the head overall.” She motions her head per her words, trying to be almighty before me, not caring she’s spilling such sensitive info.

Well, she knows Frederik being a mafia and probably sure I know as well, not considering a problem between us. It’s not a problem to be honest.

“Good for you, baby. Congratulations.”

She frowns at me. I retaliate with a sexy wink as I’m so damn enjoying this. I didn’t have fucked the fucker and I’m already dealing with bitches. Muhahaha! No, Dana is outside. It’s only me and her in here.

She’s not that bright, but at least she has a remarkable exterior wrap. Oh yeah…. You never can have it all….

“So, I want you to divorce Frederik as he’s my man.”

I refrain to have an outburst of laughter, keeping my genuine smile at her.

“What’s the nature of your relationship with him, baby? Have you been lovers or something? I need to know more than that, love.”

She stares into my eyes and words come out of her mouth like being trained.

“Yes, we were and are lovers. And I don’t know why the marriage between you two as I was supposed to be his official woman. It’s been decided since long ago by our families.” I take a sip of coffee. “I need you to divorce him and give back what’s mine.”

I twist my head without escaping her stare all this time.

“Have you talked to him on this, baby? What’s his stand in this, Anastacia?”

She’s contracting her jawline, breathing her chest out.

Ha-ha! You little brat….

“He said he can’t officially marry me as he had to marry you! I have to stay as his mistress! I would never accept it like that! I’m way above you! I’m not some low bitch out there! I’m way better than you in everything!”

I bet you are, babe…. Ha-ha! Oh! This is so funny!

“And when did he tell you that, baby?”

Her eyes spark and has no delay in reply.

“Two days ago! When I last fucked him in Italy!”

Oh? Good. Ha-ha! Ma’boy is indeed fucked by yours truly, honey. Thanks for this.

I’m the same as before, but with a broader genuine smile, and I’m sure my eyes are two stars twinkling in satisfaction.

She’s taken aback I don’t spat at her for fucking my husband.

I would never do that even if I was in a real relationship with him. Never the bitches are guilty, but the fuckers. It’s the fuckers’ decision to cheat or not. The bitches try their hand, but if the fuckers don’t want to cheat on their partners, they have no win on the fuckers. So, yeah, that’s me.

I would kill the fucker cheating on me, not the bitch, no matter how bitchy she would be with me. I don’t give a fuck on whatever bitch out there, but I would give a fuck on the fucker. Well, as I said, in a real scenario with a real partner of mine. With Frederik I have nothing real, so I don’t give a fuck, just that I have things against him to create my escape from what I have with him. My aim is to return the money back and that’s all from my part. I love single life.

And because she considers she needs to put me down, she continues.

“He said he’s not satisfied with you in bed and I’m the best on that.”

Well, he’s right on that. I have no fucking experience in sex, and I take pride in that, love. MUHAHAHA! Oh, baby bitch…. You’re lying with everything. I know that. But hey, thank you for having material against the fucker.

“You will never satisfy him as I do. He said your lame in bed.”

I sure am, baby. Ha-ha! I just black out in sleep after a hardcore day, love…. MUHAHAHA!

“He’s right, honey, and you’re right, too. How old are you by the way? If you don’t mind me asking that is.” I light another cigarette with calm, beaming at her.

She’s fucking boiling we don’t get into a cat fight.

I’m an educated one, babe. I never lower myself in a cat fight. I did beat up dudes, but never girls or women. Ha-ha!


Baby bitch with a ton of sexual experience.

“And since when are you his lover, darling?”

“For the last two years.” Yeah, she’s serious in all she says. She’s playing her part.

“And how do you take his media scandals with other women, baby?” I look at her with pity, showcasing real concern for her 'fragile' heart. “It must be hard on you to know he’s fucking other women while with you for two years, babe…. I’m so sorry for that happening to you. Honestly.”

She pops her eyes at me and clenches her jawline, having an erratic breathing.

“I-It’s because I knew I’m the official one!”

“Aww! So many women going through his bed…. But yeah, to be the official one does bring some comfort. You’re right on that.”

“What do you mean?”

Yeah, I’m cool in everything, just 'concerned' about her…. Ha-ha!

“Well, I’m the official one. And you’re right. When the official woman, on papers, you don’t really give a fuck on the other bitches, Anastacia. You just want to kill him, not the other women. Ha-ha!” I’m with a smirking all at her. She’s going crazy.


“What do you mean kill him?! You can’t kill him! You would never have the power to kill one like my Frederik!”

Your Frederik…. Ha-ha!

“Just divorce him!” She jumps on her heels at that last part with her hands grabbing my desk. “I want him back!”

I’m swinging my chair, looking at her, laughing under my lips.

“Sure, babe. Make him divorce me and he’s all yours. He’s a bad fucker in bed and I do need one with a bigger dick than he has. He doesn’t satisfy me, honey. So, I’ll gladly give him back to you if you can succeed in making him give up on me.”

She forms several ‘O’ on her face hearing that.

“You’re lying! He’s not like that!”

I don’t fucking know how he is to be honest. Ha-ha! And I don’t care on top of that. I do care about my virginity though. MUHAHAHA!

“Maybe yes, maybe no. Who knows, baby? You know better than me on that part. You’re fucking him for the last two years. Way longer than me. You’re the expert on him. But the pure truth in this is that if you can make him divorce me, without me going against or saying something to him, he’s all yours, darling. I promise.”

Her eyes are two spitting dragons at me and the fury she has is unmatched. I’m smoking, sending my honesty through my eyes with a genuine smile.

“Ugh! I can’t make him divorce you! He chose you! He….” She realizes she has stepped out of her character. Muhahaha!