Chapter 42 - I Wish I Was Single!

Frederik's POV:

The cars are at full speed to reach home, but I still don’t consider it fast enough…

Yeah, she’s grimacing in distress and her eyes are moving under her eyelids.

I check her pulse at her neck and her heart is in monster beatings, going to extremes.

“Randy?” I call him from the back.

“Yes, boss?” He turns his head at us.

“Give me that bottle I gave you for emergencies.”

“Yes, boss.”

He takes it from the front and hands it to me.

“Here, boss. Is it happening now?” He’s worried and Grant looks at us in the rear mirror.

“Yeah…. Baby?” I’m trying to wake her up.

The bottle is a small one with a syrup of some sort I have ordered through my connections to have it for her. When she’s under attack, this helps her.

She’s groaning, moving her head on my chest.

I kiss her face, and she has a low response in voice.

“What? Are we home?” She doesn’t open her eyes though, breathing in cuts like one with a high fever but cold at touch.