
Elena Davis,

I just stormed out of the conference hall after bedding a good night to Mr. Scissor mouth. It’s just a day still I felt like it’s enough. First he banged me on the table then tried to take advantage of me and like it’s not enough I had to barge in his make out session with Liza. Clearly he isn’t civilized enough, where he was living in the jungle? But the way he was staring at me, like finding something in me which is familiar to him made me go soft on him for no reason. I don’t know, normally I freak out in such situations but this time I didn’t feel unsafe or such that even when he banged me on the table, I was just scared at that time.

I have to agree his forest green eyes hold a power of dominance like he is used to dominating everyone around him. He even walks and speaks like he is the god who created this world like everything around him belongs to him. Well, his mannerism doesn’t match with his physic, he is way more handsome than he deserves to be. I was amused at the fact that he had the ability to make me pass down the shiver across my skin and the nerve of that man he even smirked at me witnessing it. I hate it very much. Who behaves so unprofessional with their employees? And sniff them? He was so close to me that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. This man is unbelievable.

Whatever, I am waiting for Theo as he told me to wait in the lobby. I saw him coming towards me with his usual beaming smile. He waved from a distance and walked towards me while holding a coffee cup in his hands. He is the best, always knows what to do to make my mood refresh.

“Your latte was waiting for you, here.” He handed me a coffee mug as soon as he reached.

“Thank you so much Theo, I needed it.” I complimented him; he is such a sweet and caring guy. I took a few sips of coffee and as expected it was of my choice.

“No need, sweetheart. Why is your mood so bad?” he inquired. I just shrugged my shoulders in response but he tilted his head in left with an encouraging look on his face.

“Nothing, it’s just our new boss.” I answered him as I knew sooner or later; he will make me tell him. He frowned at my response and we started walking towards the parking lots. I was about to tell him what he did in his office but we heard heavy footsteps resonating throughout the parking area, we both turned towards the source of sound to check who it was. It’s too early for other employees to leave the office.

I think my bad luck is going on as we saw Mr. Accardo walking towards us with his hands resting in his pants pocket radiating his dark magnetic aura with him. There is something with this man that makes me feel curious and wanted to unlace him to understand his, this type of nature. What’s in him that is dark peach black but still beautiful about him? His walk and speech always scream danger but something is different about him. I could feel Theo stiffened in his position as Mr. Accordo’s eyes met Theo’s. Theo turned to look at me with his curious gaze.

“El, do you know him?” he asked, clutching his coffee mug in his hands and taking a protective step towards me in his defensive mode.

“Absolutely, Elena knows me.” Mr. Accardo bossed at him while straightening his neck holding a dead calmness on his face. Theo gets uncomfortable under him.

“Theo, he is Mr. Arius Accardo. Our boss and Mr. Accoardo, he is Theodore Miller, Head of the management department.” As I finished their formal introduction, Theo forwarded his hand to shake but he just stood there looking at me ignoring him completely. Theo waited for him for a few seconds thinking that he would shake his hand but he didn’t just behave like he was completely invisible to him. He withdrew his hand when I cleared my throat to indicate him, he just froze in place looking at him.

“Your id.” He pulled out my company card from his pocket and held it in front of me. I immediately took it from him. How did he have it? Have I dropped it off at his office?

“I took it from your waist to check who you were but you thought that-” he is going too far, especially in front of Theo.

“Thank you Mr. Accardo. I really appreciate it.” I know I shouldn’t cut him off but I had too. This man doesn’t have any filter over his mouth. He straightened shoulder and narrowed his eyes a little. Out of nowhere he walked past and drove away in his car.

“What just happened?” Theo’s voice broke my trance; I was looking at his car. He was holding a lot of questions in his eyes. The questions which I don’t even know the answers to; and some which I am not willing to give, because I still have to find out.

“Nothing just ignore him, he is a little difficult to understand.” I was successful in avoiding his questions and we discussed some work and then we both headed to our apartment. For some reason I felt Theo behaved weirdly around him. I don’t know, but it was clear that even after his departure, he wasn’t comfortable to even speak with me. Maybe he had a stressful day that’s why.


I could feel the increasing coldness in the air as winter isn’t that long anymore? Leaves from trees have almost fallen, making them prepare for another turn of their life, the chance of again new life, new bloom, new expectations from mother nature. I had visited dad secretly as I knew my family weren’t very fond of him and always see him as the culprit in my life. It’s been nearly six months but still everyday it feels fresh for some unknown reasons. Patty fell in love with his co-worker and moved out of the apartment. I feel sad for sometime but I am more than happy for her. She always flush red in front of her boyfriend Tom, she is so much into him that a lot of time she just gets lost in his thoughts without anyone’s consent.

Working with my mood and always holding a razor sharp gaze boss wasn't an easy task for me. He decided to work only a few days as my work load as his assistant decreased a lot. He always remains busy with his work in Italy. God knows what he does but I accidentally saw a mark on his neck while he was adjusting his tie. He also noticed that I saw that mark but he didn’t react a bit to that. It was a deep cut; it must have been very painful for him. Even the imagination of its bearing made me shiver but he chuckled at my shiver like he is very habitual of this stuff.

Whoever it is good point is that he at least tries to act like a normal person around me. Well, he doesn’t need to act normal in front of others because he diverted whole meetings to handle the management team. He only passes the orders or rejects them. Poor, Theo had to work a lot all this time. Weirdest part is that he isn’t even interested in the profit of company making. As I am working with him longer the mystery revolves around him increasing, making me push towards him. Wanting me to know him more than him, to get familiar with every cell that exists in his body.

The one thing never changed is his rude behavior and his filthy mouth, the same which God, forget to fix filters. He literally speaks the thing that comes to his mind first. He uses Italian to speak for a few calls in front of me and most of the time he screams on call instead of speaking and then his parade of whores starts. It’s my luck that he didn’t try to do some funny business with me from that day but every time we clashed he intimidated me with his closeness and his forest green eyes but never crossed his limits. It wasn’t difficult to understand how he craved to do it but the forever professional look in my eyes always stopped him. I respect that at least he is trying to become civil and giving respect to the relationship that exists between us employer and employee. He didn't expect me to get so much used to his behavior but his amused reactions every time made me win the match. I am also confused as to how I can get used to his actions and I haven’t resigned yet. At least he started to consider my opinions on projects and other stuff.

As usual I got ready, talked to Patty on the phone. We talk on a daily basis as he thinks that I am not capable of taking care of myself. My brain doesn’t work outside of the office. She also knows about him and always showed great interest in listening to his rude behavior. She thinks that someone finally came into my life that can put me in place. As he is my boss, I had to follow most of his commands but she took it in a weird manner. I got on my floor and started reading today's agenda. I nearly choked my coffee when I read the file. I put aside my coffee mug and gave full attention to the file. It was very clearly written that he had a board meeting to attend in half an hour. The person never ever thought to know the name of the head of departments. Now, I'm going to deal with the board members. Hope he just handles everything otherwise we can lose our important shareholders.

I kept aside that file and started preparing for the board meeting. A beep took my attention and I realized that it’s almost the time so; I got up and took essential files with me. Hoping for the best I started walking towards the conference hall. I was reading the file as my phone rang again. Theo’s name flashed on the screen. Just his name was enough to make me smile, I immediately opened his message. He wished me good luck for a meeting. I smirked at myself as I remembered the way it could go. I kept the phone in my pocket and started reading a file again. I saw Mr. Accardo was about to enter the conference hall but as he saw me he stopped in his tracks.

“Good Morning, MR. Accardo.” I smiled at him with my usual greeting and as expected he didn’t reply to my greeting, just a stare. He needs to understand that I am immune to all kinds of glares. He smirked as he noticed that my smile didn’t fade a bit even after his stare. The one thing I understood about him is that maybe he carries darkness within him but still he likes to work with a some definite set of rules and regulations, he knows how to judge people just by their body language.

“Why I have to do such useless meetings?” His question made me amused but I composed earlier than I expected.

“It’s important sir, you haven’t taken any decisions directly or attended any meetings. Board members are just feeling insecure about the growth of the company.” I explained to him the reason for the meeting. This entire problem is created by him and calls it a useless thing. Without replying he turned and entered the conference hall where all board members were already waiting for him. They all greeted him but he didn’t reply to him either. I think he should behave as human at least sometimes. He took a head seat with his demanding position making nearby members squirm at their place. I took the left seat near him.

“Start the meeting, I don’t have a lot of time to waste.” He announced with his rough tone. Everyone had a confused or amused face towards him. I wanted him not don’t ruin anything but he acts like he is determined to do it. It just took him a few minutes to ruin everything.

“Mr. Accardo, on what basis are you making decisions? You haven’t even attended any meetings. I demand a change in the CEO.” Mr. Williams spoke from his place; he looked very angry from his look.

“You don’t have any power to do that besides as a CEO I have all rights to take any decision according to my will without attending any meetings.” Mr. Accardo roared at him. Why is he behaving like this in the board meeting. Is he bored of his job? And wanting an escape from it? Or is messing up everything his hobby? I hit his leg from behind the table to make him understand that he needs to calm down. He just looked annoyed at me and clearly didn’t understand the fact.

“Don’t forget, we together hold that power to do that.” Fuming Mr. Smith stood up from his place. His whole face turned red. Mr. Accardo banged his hands on the table loudly making everyone flinch at their place and stood up resting his hands on the table. His eyes went red hearing his words.

“Don’t cross your limit without knowing what I can do with you. I can drop the prices of your company and make its worth equal to chunks of bread and all I need to do is just a phone call.” He is going too far.

“Gentlemen, please give us a few minutes.” I exploded in the middle of his talk. He glared at me with a murderous look. I was fuming already with his speech of victory. Even after my words he didn’t move a bit. I straightened my posture and took his hand resting on a table with mine and started walking towards the door of the conference hall. He didn’t oppose me but followed me, letting me hold his hand in mine. As we reached the outside of the conference hall I turned towards him.

“What the fuck you were doing there? Making them more angry isn’t a solution to this problem.” I yelled at him, giving him a dead look. He wasn’t flinching or anything, just watching me carefully with a calm face. He was so fuming a second ago but now, he just observes me like I wasn’t me, making me grow a volcanic anger within me to burst in him.

“If you can't handle some situation, let me handle it. And for god’s sake control your anger.” I cussed him while poking my finger in his chest repetitively. He was holding an amused look. I left him there to handle the situation but I felt that he held my hand and shoved me to the wall pressing him on me, avoiding all possible ways to exit. Shit what I did just? I just woke up the beast in him.