Chapter 74 – Guilt

Selena's POV:

When I reach Patricia’s house, the little ones are sleeping, only Missy is awake. Eric tells her that he’ll leave agents with them and some female agents will come. I am against it, but he insists as I have already skipped my insulin and I need rest.

He also tells her that in two days her mom will come back home on her own feet, without a mark on her body from what she has now. He called their grandparents, Patricia’s parents, to come. He gives them money and explains that he will leave security and all that is needed for the kids and that he will give Pat work to be financially independent once she can and want to do it. Until then, he will give her a form of alimony for the recovery period that will cover all that is necessary for her and for the children. After about an hour and a half, we go from here.