Chapter 22 - You're Crazy Alright...

Vivian's POV:

He’s out of control over me and he’s motioning over me sexually. My brain is sending me so many warnings and contradictory ones. I would mutilate him, but I would be a fucking monster. I’m raging for his actions, but I have no power over him. What the fuck should I do?

All this sends me no sensation of the positive kind for him. No tingle, no nothing. Nothing from what Desiree asked me then. Absolutely nothing as I’m not a sexual one or a relationship craving bitch. I’m just crazy, depressed, and want to be left alone. That’s fucking all.

Okay…. You want to play…. Okay, okay…. I’ll play you, little fucker…. I’ll drive you crazy and then you’ll see….

I grab his hair with my left hand and squeeze it, and answer to his burning kissing with all I have while I fucking curse him all the way in my mind. He starts relaxing and getting played. I continue responding to his kissing like I’m as hungry as he is. I’m hungry, for food, not for him.

He releases my other hand and I have my hands over his back and caressing him and kissing the little fucker like he does me, tightening my thighs on him to assure him of my want. In his mind we are having a very passionate moment and he’s so fucking turned on and burning on me and feeling me that he doesn’t seem to have reason anymore.

I’m cringing inside yet keeping a lustful attitude.

I’m so going to fuck you, pal…. You’re strong, stronger than me, but you now have your guard down…. Yeah, yeah…. Enjoy…. You make me so fucking sick…. The range of women you did this, too…. You disgust me….

His breathing is heated up and he’s all instinctive at this point. His body is now in total control. He’s out.

Three…. Two…. Half two…. One!

I smack his head with my left fist, followed with my right one. Two punches. I roll over him and serve him two more punches and jump out of the bed and on to the door.


I’ve fucked you, dear husband…. That’s all I’m capable of…. I told you I can’t deal with sex and stuff…. You’ve already got more than I can deal with. LITTLE FUCKER!

I’m running to Stevie’s room to lock myself there until he’ll come back home, and I think I’ll move permanently in his room as the monster is out of control.

The little fucker is after me, enraged.

“Come back here! I’ve told you can’t escape me, and I won’t accept your way! It’s a real marriage, not a fake one! You’re my wife!”

I slam the door to his face and lock it fast. I start breathing and raking my fingers through my hair. I’m losing it. He’s getting the worst out of me.


I keep silent and moving like crazy around the room, squeezing my head.

I’m hungry, I don’t have the shots with me to keep my craziness away, I’m depressed, and all that makes me more depressed. The disgust I have for what have just happened is burning me.

I’m hyperventilating, thinking that he touched me like that and that I had to play in that manner to get out from there.

The room starts spinning with me and his voice is daggering my brain. I shake my head and want to go to the bathroom to have cold water on me to decrease at least a bit what I have, but first step I make sends darkness before my eyes and I don’t know anymore…. I think I’ve collapsed….

I really wish I’ll die this time. I’ve been shot four days ago and had a lot of serums to recover fast outside and in flesh. However, the body has reactions and no matter how strong you are, if you’re one like me and have a messed-up mind with depression and all, it overwhelms you and you have this kind of side effects. I’m a strong bitch, but even strong bitches have weak moments. I never complain over anything and keep a cold exterior, but I’m human, too, and I have emotions when I’m shot, stabbed, cut and whatever.

Because I haven’t eaten anything as I was too tired last night and just wanted to sleep first, I end like this. Oh, well, great life, huh? Yet, I’m happy that my work helps the world and gets rid of bad people. That’s my comfort in all this. That’s my satisfaction and that’s what pushes me forward.

No matter how crazy I am, I’m using it against criminals and not innocent people. Now I’ve used it against Davy, who is not a bad guy in general, but it’s about my fucking person and I can’t stand that. It makes me lose my control. He’s using dirty tactics in his war with me. If he would stay away and do his thing in other places, I would have no bad reaction over him.

I come back to my senses. I’m on a bed, I think. Two men are talking, and someone is giving me a shot as I perceive a needle in my left arm. I can’t move or wake up, yet I can hear. I’m aware around me.

“From her medical files, they’ve updated it, she was shot four days ago and was given the recovery shots. Five bullets. One of them close to the heart. She’s safe and recovered. She seems to have fought with the shots in her for some while and didn’t collapse. Put down a lot of people and then was taken by her men to give her medical assistance. She’s a strong one. She has a low blood pressure now, but the shots we have just given her will get her to normal ones. It shows that her genes are rare, and she responds fast and well to treatments. Raven…. Hmm…. Oh! Yeah! Heard about her. She took the most dangerous experiment three years ago for recovery new generation treatment! Yes, yes…. Wow! Can’t believe she’s before my eyes…. Your wife was the craziest one to undergo it as from the lab there were signs that it could have deadly side effects. She said that she didn’t care if she would die as long as they would get what they needed through the research. She signed all the paperwork and did it. She did go into clinical death and all the team went crazy, but they didn’t manage to apply the backup serums to revive her because she woke up screaming and asking for another ride…. She’s one crazy being….” He chuckles.

I think that’s a doctor.

I’m crazy alright…. I saw Marianne then and wanted to see her again…. That’s why I asked for another ride…. Little fucker….

“So, she’s not in danger…. I mean…. She’s going to be fine?” That’s Davy little fucker.

Worried? You worry you won’t have the little mouse to run after and keep war on, right? You son of a bitch…. Wait till I get back on my feet…. Gun. One bullet. Puff and no Davy fucker. Yep. That’s going down…. Don’t think I’ll let go…. Raven is at Hell war with you…. Your BLOODY VAMPIRE as you called me…. You’re right on that little fucker. I’m bloody…. And your ass will see that live….

“No. She’s going to be fine. She needs to eat after those shots and drink some water to hydrate her body. I don’t know if she took her depression shots as I can see she has treatment for that. It’s not something to be concerned over. She has never attempted to kill herself and she’s one to get alive from deadly missions though hurt. She’s sane. We’ll need to ask her if she took those to take them if not. Luke? How’s her blood pressure now?” The doctor seems to come to my bed.

I’m fine now…. I just can’t open my eyes or move yet…. I’ll come back soon…. Oh! And when I will…. Davy? You’re marked, kid….

“It’s 96/55 pulse 87. It’s going up. She’s coming back in color.”

I’m okay…. Fuck…. I hate when I’m like this…. It was better if I would have died this time…. Yeah….

“Okay. Mr. LeAngelo. You have the shots for when she’ll come back to her senses. Give them to her. She needs to be awake for those. You know. Food and water and rest for a while. We’ll go to order the other shots as discussed and if there’s a problem, you call us, and we’ll come back. I’ve already contacted her doctors from her agency and told them that you gave the order to be sent to our agency and under our treatment from now on. I don’t see she’ll have other problems, so if I were you, I wouldn’t worry over that. She’s fine.”

Davy is silent.

His agency? What?!

“Send those shots as soon as possible. I don’t want her to have problems. She’s my wife, Mark. If something happens to her, I’ll kill everyone. You know that.”

Yeah, you want the war on for what I did to you, fucker, and for being forced into your life. Why don’t you tell him that? Huh?! Your wife, huh?! You monster…. You should have taken advantage over this and end me out of your life, but no, you want to take revenge. It’s sweeter, huh? Motherfucker….

After some minutes, the others go, and Davy is the only one who’s inside with me. I feel sleepy and almost in dreamland. He comes to my bed and lays down, caressing my face, making me cringe inside.


“You drive me crazy, little vampire…. Shot, huh? Three weeks without you, going mad for not knowing what’s happening to you and where you are, and I now hear you were hurt bad…. And still going deadly out there…. While I have fallen in love with you, all alone here, you went there without thinking about me…. I don’t matter to you…. We’ll see to that, you bloody vampire…. Wait until you wake up…. You have an owner now…. I won’t allow you to do this anymore…. Stevie is not going to fear for you again…. Raven is soon out, and only Vivian will remain…. I love you, sweet little vampire….”

Fallen in love?! You’re crazy alright…. Of course I didn’t think about you! You don’t matter to me! Good you know that! Owner?! What?! You won’t allow me what?! Stevie?! He’s a kid! He doesn’t understand! Raven is always on! You have no business in my life, you motherfucker! Who the fuck do you think you are?! You’re just a fucking paper husband! You don’t love me! I hate you! I’ll kill you! How the fuck can you love me?! Since when?! For what?! This kid is out of his fucking mind…. NO! YOU HAVEN’T KISSED ME JUST NOW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! I CAN’T MOVE OR WAKE UP! THIS IS RAPE! STOP KISSING ME ALL OVER! JESUS!

He’s kissing me all over and having me in his arms while I can’t come back to my senses. The shots they gave me keep me a while like this to work better and he’s using this time to fucking dirty me at his own will!

“I love you, baby…. I’ve missed you so much…. You’re not allowed to leave anywhere from now on…. If I knew you wouldn’t come back home till night, I would have stopped you from going…. You tortured me for three weeks and kept me in pain…. Stevie, too…. We both love you so much, little vampire….” He’s kissing my lips now….