If someone else do it then it would be fine but because she was born by her mother, grew up as the young mistress of the Lotus palace and the Saintess she had to bear such comments like that on a daily basis.
They might not like her and she wouldn’t mind but her goal was to create a better living standard for those who relied upon her. With her they have jobs, food and a roof over their heads. She hated being poverty stricken.
There were so many officials out there who stole from the people and fill their own coffers. Such people like that she destroys after completely sucking them dry. She needed to get a good night sleep or else it will be very hard for her to travel.
He was very worried ever since Valery left the mountain. He had no idea what she was up to except for Nora. He knew they promised not to keep secrets between them but she had too many and he understood her. She was the mistress and so many people were relying on her.