Xavier combed Valery’s hair as she prepares to leave the city for the neighboring one. He still had no idea what she wanted there but he knew it was for the good of all. She looked very magnificent like she always does. She held his hand and looked at him through the mirror and he smiled at her.

“Promise me that you will look after the palace while I’m away,” she said.

“I will keep it safe for you. Just go and finish your mission and come back to me,” he said and she smiled this time.

“I will.”

After a while, he watched as Valery boarded her carriage and got ready to leave. She opened the carriage window and she smiled at him before the carriage left.

“I didn’t know that the Saintess looked that young,” the innkeeper said.

He smiled at the old man whom he had known for ages.

“A lot of things about her can shock you, trust me,” he said.