22. His Majesty, bastard Xavier

"Enough with the waterwork, bitch." Alexa sneered.

Upon hearing that, Sam started crying more loudly. Nate groaned.

Ariana stepped forward. "Despite what you've done, I've decided not to press charge against you or that man. Now, go before I change my mind."

Sam looked at her and gulped. She helped her partner in crime get up from the floor and walked away with him.

Just then, Sean returned. He walked straight towards Ariana."I'll explain everything to you. It's better if you hear it from me."

Alexa nudged Nate. "Let's go."

Ariana walked inside her room, followed by Sean. She was really nervous and uncomfortable at the moment. It was obvious why Sam had done everything and she knew where her conversation with Sean was going to head towards.

"So?" she asked, not meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Sean muttered.