33. Trouble

Months went by pretty fast. The annual examination had arrived. Second year students barely slept, some even pulled all-nighter. They kept minimal contact with each other as they had no time to spare. It took roughly a month to cover all the written exams, practical tests and viva. Even after the exams had ended, the ones involved in healer training were still under pressure as its exam was approaching too.

Ariana, Nathaniel, Sean and Alexa hadn't hung out with each other like they used to for a long time. They rarely saw the other inside the university and their phone chats revolved around study only.

Alexa was frustrated with her friends as she didn't get to make fun plans with them on the last day of viva like other groups had done. On the contrary, her friends vanished god knows where during the day time and were always busy whenever she asked them to meet her.