Xavier's POV
It has been 2 years now since Zav was born, yeah, if you ask me time flew very pretty quickly.
Our baby girl Vania is now 8 years old and she grows feistier each year, the good feisty I mean.
I must say that last year I asked pria to marry me, again.
And like hell she said yes.
For her wedding present I gave her her own little company, 'GOLD'S GEMS', but with her hard work and perseverance it has gone international.
Vania was the mini bride.
The wedding was fantastic I even invited the press...
And I must add, Vania LOVES the attention from the media.
Pria and I attends prayer meetings every Wednesday, yes, we do, to show GOD gratitude for making her wake up from the coma.
Zavier has been a good and naughty boy, hah, what can i say? He takes it from me.
Pria has made me the happiest man alive, she completes me.
I must add, I have accomplished my goals, got my queen back and my family.
I love her, I love God, I love my family.