Chapter 88 - The End

*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*


Her lips trailed kisses down my neck, making me grip tight on the sheets while I bit my lower lip to keep myself from crying her name in pleasure. As she casually licked and gently sucked my skin, I couldn't help but grab her hair with my left hand, and my right one was inside her shirt and scratching her bareback.

She stopped kissing my neck and chuckled when I involuntarily pulled her hair back a bit hard, and I apologized quickly.

"Sorry, Love."

"Don't worry. I like it." Syd replied and looked me in the eyes. I saw her smirk and eyed my lips.

"Please stop biting your lip too hard. It'll bleed." She asked me and leaned down to peck on my lips, and I responded immediately.

How can I not bite it if she was so damn good at this kind of matter? And I don't want to be loud because neighbors might hear, or maybe any of her housemates or friends have arrived and wonder what we're doing here.