Taking chances

Ray's POV

I called Mr Falls today to confirm my meeting with him and that's why am leaving campus early on a Friday afternoon. I didn't tell Ra about this yet cause I need to first see what will come out of this talk. Mr Falls adores her daughter with all his heart. I Knock on the door and Mrs falls ushers me in." Come on in son, sadly Christa is taking her afternoon nap but Robert is expecting you"

"Thank you Mrs Falls" I reply dissapointed, I was hoping to see Christa first.

"Right this way Son, and you don't have to be formal with me. Flora is the name" she smiles at me leading me to a room I believe is the study.

"Please enter Mr. Fisher," Mr. Falls calls me inside as Mrs Falls closes the door behind us and goes back to her chores. "Thank you for honoring my invitation son, I won't take up alot of your time so I will go straight to the point." he adds on hands on the table as he pauses from an artichecture drawing he was designing.