"Someone doesn't look too excited to see me!" I say to Ray on coming back home in the morning from Leah's. When I get back,Ray always abandons what ever his always doing and rushes to welcome me but that's not the case today.
"That's because my girl ditched me for her friend last night. I couldn't even sleep well" He pouts throwing a pillow down to express his discomfort. "Am so sorry I ditched you, but Leah wasn't in a better situation so it was best am always there for her" I say joining him on the couch. "Oooooh that was necessary then. I thought you guys had a girls night out while I was here hugging a pillow to sleep." he says.
"Hahahaha that really sounds funny, but if it will make you feel better, Leah sent you cupcakes to compensate you." I say handing him the paper bag he hadn't realized I came with.