Chapter 18

"Take him to the healer" Zeus ordered and the students carried the boy out,he turned to Anubis "follow me" he said and left,she frowned and reluctantly followed him,the students seeing that she was gone sighed in relief and sat back on their chairs,

"What was that?" a white skinned girl asked to no one in particular..

"You should go ask her yourself zeel"another replied her

"hmmmmph!!!! not like she's strong,Uriel isn't strong enough that was why she got him...she can't do that to me" Zeel said and walked out of the class

"Gina...why bothering yourself with her,she won't stop until she's got what she want" a black haired boy said to the girl who was trying to talk sense into Zeel,the girl called Gina sighed and kept quiet,what the boy said was true,she has no business with Zeel so why bothering herself,whatever happens to her won't concern her in any way.

At the office,Zeus sat down facing Anubis who had her head down the whole time,was she ashamed of herself? or was she proud of what she did?! almost killed a student on her first day in school? this wasn't what she wanted....but she was pushed,she swore she wouldn't let anyone trample on her again but still...she kind of went too far right?" so many thoughts were running through her mind that she didn't hear what Zeus said until he repeated it again raising his voice

"You went too far!!!" he said loudly causing Anubis to shudder in fright," you certainly went too far,i was expecting you to teach him a little lesson but you let anger get over you,how do you think Father will happy?? that you tried to kill a fellow student on your first day in the school?" Zeus asked her,he was disappointed in her,Anubis said nothing,she was unusually calm,she never wished for her master to be in any way disappointed in her,she wanted to make him proud of her but she messed up,she only prayed that he wouldn't know of what happened today.

"Zeus...I'm sorry i messed up,i let anger control me,i shouldn't have....please don't let Master know....i will change." Anubis pleaded,Zeus how down casted she was and sighed,

"Stupid!! do you think Father will do all he's doing for you if you were only but a slave?? your too ignorant" he said inwardly as he stared at the girl in front of him, "fine!! i won't let him know for this one but if you dare do something like this again,he'll be the first to know" he said and a smile appeared on her face

"Thank You Zeus....uhmm can i go now?!" Anubis said happily and he nodded slightly,she happily turned around and was about to open the door when a lady opened it and came in,they shared a brief glance at each other before Anubis left the office,the lady squinted her eyes as she watched Anubis leave,"something is weird about her aura" she said to herself,then shrugged her shoulders and walked towards Zeus

"Sir the boy you sent to me...."she started off, Zeus looked at her waiting for her to continue

"there is something weird about the dark elements inside him,he's inner core is pretty damaged and it will take long before he resumes school" the lady said causing Zeus to frown lightly,

"Okay...I've heard you, keep an eye on him,I'll see what i can do" he said and the lady bowed and left the office.

Anubis saw the lady and knew she was the healer,instead of leaving, she stood by the door when the lady went in and began to eavesdrop on their conversation,hearing what happened to the boy she hurt,she clenched her fist tightly and left where she was standing.