Chapter 27

"What!!!" Uriel blurted out as he stared at the girl in front of him with shock,to think a little girl like her would be a demon was a shocking news to him,

"Yes!! we are demons and i am the new demon lord,that was why i was able to help you,only demon lords could do it,at least so i was told and i tried it and it worked,aren't you supposed to be grateful? why are you shocked,don't forget you swore to keep it secret,any mishap and your gone!!" Anubis warned as she glared at the shocked boy,

" hasn't gotten to that extent,*chuckles* i am merely shocked that's all,you should be fifteen right??" Uriel asked

"So what if I'm fifteen? are you actually daring me to see what i could do to you?? I'm no kid! i am your Lord now! so acknowledge me as one" Anubis said with annoyance,she couldn't accept what Uriel was saying,how dare he think little of her! she could squish him if she wanted!!

"I'm sorry...i guess i stepped out of the line,i was only kidding alright...for this you did for me,I'll forever be grateful to you and owe you my life,i don't care about what you are or what we are,the powers i feel inside me--I've never felt before,i just can't wait to try them out" Uriel apologized to her knowing he stepped out of the line,

"hmmmph!! Have you thought of the explanation you will need to give to the healer and also your friend Zenel?" Anubis asked instead

"No....not yet,i do not have any idea what to tell about you??"

"I do not know....think of something!" Anubis shrugged her shoulders and looked away, Uriel sighed hopelessly and sat down back on the bed,

"Fine! fine!! I'll see what i can do about it" Anubis said and stood up," you should think of a way to pay me!" she said and walked out of the room

"I will definitely pay you some day" Uriel muttered to himself as she saw Anubis leave the room.


"Daemon i need your help on something.." Anubis said as she walked into his office like she owned the place,Daemon raised his head upon hearing her voice,seeing her-- he stared at for a long time before putting his attention back to what he was doing,something was off and different about her aura but he won't ask until she tells him herself, so for now he'll act like he didn't know a thing.

"What do you want?" He asked her as she sat down,

"Can you tell the healer to let Uriel go?...he's fine now and needs to leave the infirmary" Anubis replied

Daemon gazed at her for a moment and sighed," why do you think he's shouldn't hide anything from me you know?'s for your own good as well"

"I'll tell you definitely but not now....just help me get him out of there,that's all i ask please" She said and left the office, she wanted to tell him but how was she going to do it and where would she start from---- that she was now a demon lord or that she had turned Uriel into a demon as well? so many things are happening fast right now,too fast for her to understand---- she heaved a sigh as she stepped out of the office door and walked away towards the classes.


On her way to the class,she saw many students that gathered around a group of students that were fighting,she wanted to not have any business with them but then she suddenly heard Telma's voice as she screamed in pain,her mind went blank instantly that she didn't know when she rushed to the scene with anger boiling in her heart.

"Sister....please help me" Telma shouted with hope as she saw Anubis rushing over to her side!..

"Who the fuck dared to touch my sister??!!"