When she asked her teacher about what the deal was, her teacher told her she had sworn to keep it secret. She did not know what it was but she had her guess.

It might have been the story of the secret painful love of a witch and the son of the very king who wanted to burn her into ashes.

She was not very convinced about it since she did not have any evidence but she was very sure that her uncle had something serious going on with her teacher because it has to be something great to make her teacher who was a seer turn against the very man who made himself a savior of the werewolves and other nonhumans.

Her teacher is a very beautiful woman which is very different from what the rumors said she looked like.

She had very gorgeous blue eyes that turn black whenever she goes into a trance to get a message from the entity she seeks from.

Her teacher once told her that her goddess abandoned her from the moment she agreed to work with her uncle but she still gets messages from other entities because she has the power to communicate with a realm so far away that no human could venture.

Her teacher was only fourteen when she was declared a witch. She was beaten severely and escaped into the woods when she was almost burnt to death.

She did not know the story that followed up until her teacher was sort for in the wood by dozens of soldiers.

Her teacher always told her that she did not get caught because she was not careful but because a powerful force was pulling her into the city and she was too tired of resisting the force when she saw the soldiers who were looking for her.

She was confused by how the force got stronger as she arrived to the city and when she saw Aurora who was unconscious after the shock took of her little body, she knew the force she felt was not because of a certain person but the little princess.

From the moment her eyes fell on Aurora's glowing blonde hair, she knew Aurora was not a normal little girl but she was very special.

When she was told of the secret behind whom Aurora was and how special she was the witch became scared because she did not want to participate in such wicked act against the little princess, the Alpha and the other beings that had all their hope of survival on the face of the earth placed on the powerful alpha.

Her teacher did a good job sharpening the very knife that should be put in the heart of the Alpha literally.

She trained her physically, mentally and spiritually to kill the alpha king. Her teacher always pushed her towards it.

When she tried to escape, she was brought back by the witch and she still won't forgot how traumatizing it was for her teacher to return the memory of the massacre to torture her when she really wanted to give up.

It became her life. The witch did not teach her sorcery but spent years to teach Aurora about werewolves.

It was fun sometimes while the other times, it was like torture listening to repetitions of almost the same thing about werewolves.

The fact that she had to go through all that also amplified the hatred she felt towards the werewolves. If the never killed her parents, then she would have been never forced to go through all she had to go through.

The werewolves stole her life from her. She used to do very happy things with her parents and grandparents before their death.

She had a twin brother who looked like her a lot and she always gets to play with him more than half of the day. Her elder brother was her hero. He always took care of her like the princess she was.

She was young when they died but when she should begin forgetting all those painful memories, the witch made sure she did not seize to remember any of the things that happened before the day the massacre happened, after the day and during the day.

"It is time for you to leave," her teacher told her as she made herself comfortable on a cane chair. She rested her back on the backrest and sighed.

"Yes. The king told me," Aurora replied easily as she also sat down. She acted comfortable but the truth is she has never been comfortable with her teacher.

She did not hate or dislike her but she has never felt comfortable with her teacher even after spending hours with her every day for years.

"You are ready to leave. I don't have much to say to you about what you are leaving to do. I just want you to remember all I thought you.

"You should remember that the moment you hesitate is the moment you must put the knife into his heart. He will not stop you and none of the werewolves will be bold enough to hurt you," her teacher explained.

Aurora have always asked why they won't stop her but her teacher also always told her that she should not be bothered by that but only with the fact that she will be free enough to put the knife into him at the right time.

After thinking over it for years she grew to be satisfied with the short answers she got from her teacher whenever she asks about questions that concerned her but her teacher was ever ready to tell her about the werewolves.

She did not bother to stress her lips to ask the question she really wanted an answer to about the way the werewolf reacted to her.

She also wanted to know why the Alpha will be in his right state of mind and watch her stab him without moving or stopping her. From what she has heard about his strength, it will only take a slap from him to kill her.

She decided not to over think because the main aim was to have his body at her feet. According her teacher's teachings, she was definitely going to die after killing him.

"You will find your way through the map your uncle gave you. I want you take the knife with you and be careful although no one will be able to hurt you on your journey if you are wise enough to use the right method of leaving the city as a woman.

They might not be able to kill you but as a very unique beauty, you will encounter a lot of delays. Don't forget a word of what I have thought you. I won't tell you any more from this point."