CXVII: the discussion

The hallucination continued pleasantly as she felt a pair of warm arms pull her into a warm embrace. She tried to struggle out of it knowing that it was only her illusion and soon it might be over and the pain her reality will return without mercy.

He still continued to hug her no matter how hard she hit his back or tried to protest.

"Shhh," he said the magic word that finally had her relaxing despite how unwilling she was earlier.

"You don't care about me, why pretend to care now?" she asked him seriously when she remained still in his embrace.

"I am not pretending," he replied calmly as his hand rubbed her back from the back of her neck down to her waist in slow gentle movements.

"Then what are you doing? One second you are nice and smiling making me comfortable in your presence and the next you are trying to hurt me.