The king bent towards her with that sad expression she did not want to see at all. She crawled to the oracle and begged her. This time, she did not hesitate to kowtow with her head hitting the ground loudly.

A couple of firm hands held her shoulders to prevent her from hitting her head on the floor the way she did.

She felt that handshaking her when she should not be doing that especially when she needed support and not for shakes seemed to pull her conscious away from the moment where she was begging for the life of her babies to be saved.

"You should wake up. It is only a dream," she heard that familiar deep voice she knew belonged to her husband and her eyes flicked moving from the scene where her gaze was fixed on the floor because she wanted to kowtow to a different scene where her eyes were fixed on the ceiling of her room.

She opened her eyes in that scene where her gaze was on the ceiling and soon her husband's face came into her view.