Unwelcomed guests (1)

Susan had tears in her eyes as she watched Alicia and Paulina embrace each other while crying hysterically inside the carriage. 

No one could tell if they were shedding tears of relief or tears of shared suffering. Only the two could explain what they had endured and survived together.

As Susan sniffled, she looked down when someone offered her a handkerchief, and she looked from the hand up to the face. It was Harvey. 

Her brows pulled together in confusion as she looked at him, wondering why he was being nice to her and if he had changed his mind about their arrangement. 

"It's for your tears. Dry it," Harvey offered as he continued to hold out the handkerchief.

"Thank you," she said politely as she took the handkerchief from him. She looked at Alvin as she cleaned her tears and noticed him staring at her before he turned his attention to Harold when Harold asked him a question.