Chapter 2 Will They Never Notice?

Paul stopped the car inside mom's mansion. One of the grandest luxury homes in Beach Lane, Malibu. Mom's a designer and she ran Elizabeth House- a popular women clothing apparel.

I stepped out of the car and walked up the sandy bricked stairs and opened the huge white arc doors and entered the spacious living room. Paul followed carrying my red luggage.

"Mom!!! I'm home."

I announced and went where the cream couches were and plopped myself down. I took my phone from my bag, opened, and searched for her text message. She hasn't replied.

"Liz won't be in yet until later, Cassidy," said Paul looking at his mobile. "They have to finish the dresses for the Summer Collection."

I jerked my head at him.

"Why did she reply to you while she didn't even answer me?"

"She's busy, Cass. She might not have noticed your message earlier."

Unfair. I've just arrived in California and Mom was the first person I messaged on my phone, but I didn't get an immediate reply. I was hoping to see her at home.

Oh well, I thought brushing off the thought.

Cass lives with mom when she and dad divorced nine years ago. We all used to live in England when Cass and I were younger but Mom and Dad divorced. I got to live with Dad. I was more of daddy's girl then. Dad? He lives in Brighton. He manages a successful architectural firm business.

"So what are we going to do while Mom's not yet home?"

My stomach growled. I looked at Paul.

"Let's eat pizza."

Paul scowled at me.

"You have to be on diet."

I frowned immediately.

"Look, I've just arrived here Paul. Give me some time to adjust, okay? I'm hungry." I explained. "So, can we have pizza, please?"

I pleaded, my eyes imlporing at him like a puppy.

"I'll have a banana smoothie on the go to pair up with pizza."

He sighed.

"Okay, Cass."

Paul dialed a number on his phone and made a call. He sat on one of the sofas.

I stood from my seat heading to the kitchen.

"What would you like to drink, Paul?"

"I'll have orange juice."

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute."

I sprinted towards the huge kitchen and took glasses from the counter. Went to the fridge and got the orange pitcher and salad. Took the cookie jar and put it on the tray and added plates and forks.

I returned to the living room. Paul was watching a game show on TV.

I put the tray on the table and returned to my seat. I started eating.

"You have to be up before 9 am tomorrow for a photoshoot for Sweet Sixteen magazine."

He said biting a cookie.

"Okay," I replied easily.

We ate in silence while watching. The pizza delivery came ten minutes later.

Paul watched me in silence while I munched pizza. He ate two slices while I hogged the rest.

"You must watch out for your weight, Cassidy." He told me.

I just nodded while I kept eating.

"Cassandra sticks to a strict regimen to keep her body fit. You will follow it. You must act exactly like her."

I looked at him remembering what the flight attendant said back at the plane.

"Paul, is Cass a diva at work?" I asked curiously.

He glanced at me before replying then returned his attention to the TV.

"Don't listen to what other people are saying. Cassandra is a hardworking actress. She's not too friendly with the staff but she's not a mean one, Cassidy."

I pondered at his answer and wondered what kind Cass is as an actress. I love her to pieces but I don't know her too well. We only ever spend time together twice a year. Cass stays for a month in England then returns to the States. I spend Christmas or New Year with Mom and her. The entire year except that one month and Christmas, that's how I know Cass. We chat or email when we feel like doing it. We always watch Cass' films at home whenever she gets a new one released. But, Cass doesn't talk much about work at home.

Before she became an actress, she'd always been into fashion. Living and breathing entertainment, she became more fashionable.

Let me share how Cass came into the business.

There was an actress who couldn't come to the set when filming in Manhattan. Mom and Cass were out shopping that day when she was approached by one staff to fill for the absent actress. They saw her style and they thought her fit for the role. She was exactly what they were looking for the character. Cass was surprised but she gave it a try. They were impressed with her and they kept her in the agency. Two years later, she's become very popular, a much sought teenage idol.

Meaning, I have very large shoes to fill.

I coughed at the thought. Literally. I was still eating pizza when I got overwhelmed at the thought and a piece of what I was chewing lodged inside my throat. I coughed several times to dislodge it. Paul handed me the banana smoothie. I drank a large portion of it and felt relieved when the food disappeared from my throat.

We were eating when I heard the sound of car. Mom has arrived. Once she entered the room, I ran towards her.

"Mooom!" I said excitedly and threw my arms around her.

Mom was surprised and she didn't react immediately. She hugged me back and gently removed herself.

"Are you not happy to see me home, Mom?"

I straightforwardly asked.

She appeared tired. Strands of her honey-blond hair were flying out by the side of her face.

Mom looked at my appearance.

"I'm happy to see you, Cassidy. I'm just tired from work, honey."

She ran her fingers on my hair and smiled at me approving of how I look but I felt it lacking.

She turned to Paul who was watching TV and walked towards him.

"Paulie, darling! I'm glad you're here." She greeted him. "Thanks for picking Cassie and bringing her home."

She pecked his cheeks and hugged him.

I returned to my seat and continued eating.

"I'm glad you two are already eating."

She said smiling looking at the table.

"Let me just get more food from the kitchen. Excuse me a minute."

She said and left.

Did I just miss something? I wondered silly at thought. She seemed happier seeing Paul than me.

"Hey, Cassidy. Your face is all scrunched up."

Paul said looking at me.

I looked up at his face studying me.

"Mom doesn't feel happy to see me."

My face impassive. I played with the fork on my plate.

"She approved of my clothes but she was happier to see you."

Paul laughed at me.

"What are you talking about, Cassie?" he asked, smiling. "Liz is happy to see you."

"Really?" I asked him shrugging my shoulders. I played the fork on my plate, poking its points on the potato. "She immediately removed my arms around her when I hugged her."

A thought occurred to me while I was looking at my plate.

"Do you think she blames me because of what happened to Cass?" I glanced at him. I kept poking the potato with my fork.

He fired the question back to me.

"Do you blame yourself?"

I couldn't answer his question. I only looked at him blankly. The fork in my hand hanging above the plate.

Somewhere deep inside me, I felt the guilt. I averted my eyes from him.

Mom returned from the kitchen bringing more food. She joined us. Paul and Mom chatted about almost everything they could think of while I simply listened while watching the game show on TV.

After two hours, Paul bid us goodbye. Mom reminded me of tomorrow's schedule before going to her room.

"When you're done watching TV, Cassie, go to bed. You have a photoshoot tomorrow at 9 am as Paul mentioned. Please don't be late. That's your first day."

She kissed me on the cheek before saying goodnight.

I spent another half hour more watching TV. Then, I went to my room and took a brief shower before changing into my pajamas. Sleep easily swallowed me as it was a very tiring day.

I woke up past 7 am the next morning and found mom already having breakfast in the dining room. I joined her at the table.

"Good morning, Cassie. Have a good sleep?" she asked while she was spreading butter on her toast.

"Morning, Mom." I greeted her. "Yeah, it was good."

I took the chair out across her and sat on it. I picked the orange pitcher and poured it in the glass and took a slice of bread and put PB on it.

"Cass eats fruits in the morning," said Mom while sipping her coffee.

I briefly glanced at her while spreading the peanut butter on my bread. As I was biting the bread, I noticed Mom was wiping her mouth with the napkin. She rose from the chair after.

"I have to go, honey." She said kissing me on the cheek. Then, she looked at me with apologetic eyes. "I promise we'll bond soon. I need to go to work now. We're busy these days for the Summer Collection."

I smiled at her and bid her goodbye.

Paul came to fetch me at 8 am. He drove us to Studio D. The drive took thirty minutes so I was thirty minutes early for the photoshoot but that was okay. I needed to know my surroundings first. I'm entering Cass' world.

I wandered into the studio and studied the place. It was wide and empty. The walls were painted white. Lights were built by the ceiling. A white cloth frame stood by the back. Small umbrellas were installed on the side.

I looked around the place as my thoughts ran.

I have no idea how I will fit in. Will they notice that I'm not Cassandra Smith? Their favorite teenage idol?

I entered the make-up room. It was an average-sized room. I poked around the make-ups and the brushes inside the drawer.

But I must act the part. For her.

I looked at the mirror in front of me. I was dressed very differently than how I was accustomed to. I was looking at a different person. I was looking at Cass. I looked away from the mirror and went out of the room. Paul was sitting on a chair busy with his mobile.

When it was quarter to nine, some of the staff arrived and they warmly greeted me asking about my vacation in Europe. Paul said Cass wasn't very friendly but there was one girl whose name I don't know, she appeared to be older than me. Maybe two years older. She stood an inch lower than me. Her dyed copper hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She has a pretty face of Chinese descent. She must be close to Cass as she immediately hugged me upon seeing me.

"Cassandra! Wonderful your back!" She exclaimed, delighted. "I thought you won't be coming back."

I hugged her back, awkwardly, before looking at her.

"I-I just needed a longer vacation."

I reasoned.

"How was Europe?" she asked, her voice animated at seeing me back.

"It was great. It was amazing. I had the time of my life," I said sounding excited to her.

"Did you bring me any present?" she asked teasing me.

I stopped from opening my mouth and just stared at her, horrified. I don't know Cass' friends. I don't know their names. How would I?

"I'm sorry, ah...—" I said my voice trailing groping for a way to know her name. I was trying to look smart before her but I just looked at her awkward and helpless. I've just been in best buds with Cass' friend for a minute without knowing her name.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten my name, Cass?!" she teased more. Her eyes, laughing, almost disappeared from her face. She was cute, laughing with her eyes.

"Ahahahaha." I just laughed hiding my horror at getting hit on the spot, then stopped.

"I'm sorry, I do," I said bluntly, briefly glancing at her face and looking away. I don't think I want to see her looking at me, confused at my lost and embarrassed face caught in this awkward situation.

She laughed at my comic statement and slapped my shoulders.

"You're kidding, right?" she asked. "Cassandra Dianne Smith, you haven't forgotten, have you?"

I'm dead. Holed to the grave. She even told me my full sister's name. I tugged a smile on my face, hoping I'm not guilty as charged, I awkwardly peered at her face and blabbered.

"That must be the European air. It must have tainted my memories. Three months is a long time."

I looked at her with my apologetic face.

"I forgot your name."

"You are so weird, Cass. I'm Janice," she said laughing at me. "You can be such a comedian. Too much nostalgia with your family wiped your memories of us?"

We laughed together at her statement.

"Don't worry, Jan," I said giving her a nickname. "I have one for you. I'll give it to you tomorrow."

I'll take one of those things I brought for mom and give it to her. Mom wouldn't mind, would she?

"Wouldn't I love that, Cass?"

She said and hugged me more, squishing her cheeks to my cheeks in the process.

So these two were practically chummies, I thought, totally defeated.

I hope I don't have more of these awkward encounters to pass.

The rest of the staff came at 9 am and soon I was dolled up for the photoshoot.

I was standing in front of the camera when I felt myself freezing.

"Cass? You need to pose."

I heard the photographer talking to me.

I bit my cheek inside my mouth. I've never posed before a camera. I rarely even made selfies.

I closed my eyes briefly and took a deep breath. I remembered her voice saying, "Just act natural for the camera." It was as if I can hear her voice.

Then, I opened them. I focus my eyes on the camera.

"I'm ready," I said with a smile.