Chapter 7 She's Not In Love With Him...?

Monday morning comes in again and I wake up to the chirps of the birds from the outside. Yawning, I removed the eye mask from my eyes and was cheerfully greeted by the golden light of the sun that burst in my room.

What a glorious day to wake up. I thought lazily as I stretched my arms above my head. I still enjoyed the softness of my bed against my back and wanted to stretch out more but my phone rang and I picked it up from the bedside table. It was a call from Paul.

I pressed the green icon and took the call.

"Hello?" I greeted brightly.

"Cassidy, are you up? I'm picking you up in ten minutes. We have to be by the studio at 9:30 am." Paul said in his usual business tone.

I checked the clock on my phone and my eyes widened in disbelief. It's already 9:20 am!

Oh, no. I rushed out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Three minutes later I'm back in the room dressing as fast as I can. I picked my bag from the chair and dashed out of my bedroom.

"Want some breakfast, Cassie?" Mom greeted inviting me upon seeing me walking down the stairs so fast. She was sitting on the sofa having breakfast by the living room which was a rare sight. She always has breakfast in the dining room.

"Morning, mom!" I hastily greeted her. "Why are you having breakfast in the living room?"

I said, panting for breathe once I reached the floor.

"I don't have to go to work until this afternoon so I chose to eat here. You're in a rush." she stated seeing me dashing into the room. "I have blueberry and strawberry pancakes for your breakfast."

Pancakes! I jumped at the thought. But I couldn't be late for the photo shoot. Still I ran to the table and drank a mouthful of orange juice and stuff a big slice of pancake to my mouth.

"What's the hurry, Cass?" She asked before sipping her cup of coffee. "Late for the photoshoot?"

"Uh-uhm." I said with my stuffed mouth.

She rose from the chair and disappeared very quickly and returned with a container from the kitchen. She went back to her seat and put the pancakes inside it. Then, she gave them to me.

"Here," said mom handing me the container. "Eat them while you're on the way."

"Thanks, mom!" I gratefully told her and hugged her. I swiftly kissed her on the cheek before running out of the room just in time to find Paul driving inside the front to get me.

We arrived at the studio at least five minutes late. The photo shoot has started. Not all the staff noticed as they were busy but Janice, my make-up artist, saw me at once and she rushed me to the make-up room.

"Cass, you are late. Let's get inside the make-up room so I can put your make-up on." She said guiding me to the room.

I immediately sat on the chair and had her do me my make-up and my hair. After ten minutes I was ready. I changed into white pants, a strapless black top and a bright red coat and wore string high heeled sandals that I must pose for later.

Once ready I got out of the room and watched the other models do their thing. Fifteen minutes later, the photographer called me and I was in front of the white screen and the lights.

Then, I noticed there was a guy I was supposed to be sharing this photo with. He was a gorgeous guy with dark brown curls. He was wearing a black shirt under a black windbreaker jacket and white pants. He was standing close to me. He was lean and absolutely hot. He stood not too tall than my 5'7" height perhaps just a couple of inches taller. I felt my knees turned to jelly upon seeing him. I gawked at his face. He was classically beautiful. He possessed high cheekbones, a slender nose on his perfect skin, thin well shaped lips and dreamy hazel brown eyes.

As I was standing next to him in complete silence, he saw me staring at him, and smirked before talking.

"Cass, you are too obvious."

His voice sounded heavenly as well. It was a very pleasant cultured voice. It was soft and gentle, absolutely adorable to my ears. I wanna swoon in front of his feet. But, of course, I wouldn't. So I composed myself and gave him a shy smile.

"Sorry." I murmured to him as we drew ourselves together for the shot.

He just looked at me straight in the eyes.

This guy can make me a puddle and a mush making myself a twit in front of him. I looked away from him then I heard Ross calling me out.

"Cass, you're being stiff to the camera." Ross said while clicking simultaneously with his camera.

"Look natural." He instructed. "Pose like your lovers."

The gorgeous guy leaned towards me, touched my face and I felt his warm fingers on my cheek. He looked at my face deeply as if scrutinizing me under his warm hazel brown eyes. I could only stare at his face.

"Guys, that's perfect." Ross complimented. "Do your best to look like your lovers." Ross said looking at us.

I couldn't really possibly do anything. I honestly felt stiff and unsure because it was the first time that I needed to pose with a guy in front of the camera. The first few weeks, there was only ever me without caring about a soul in front of a photographer. Now I have to pose with this stranger. But, the gorgeous stranger knew what he was doing and he led so I just blatantly followed him.

"You seem amateur for this, Cass." He said softly while we were deep in embrace in one of the shots. "Is this the first time you ever posted for the camera?"

He asked holding me close and tight on his arms.

I sweat at his words. Could he have noticed? I thought nervously. But Paul said I looked exactly like Cassandra. He couldn't have noticed. I look away from him.

"Cassandra, you're looking away from him. Look like lovers, kids." Ross bellowed from behind his camera.

"You're better than this, Cass." He whispered to my ears.

"Very good, Peters and Cass. That's it. I need that look. Keep doing it."

So for the next fifteen minutes, Mr. Adorable Guy and I post ourselves before the camera like we were the most realistic lovers of time.

Then, the photoshoot ended.

The guy removed his arms around me and before I could walk away, he spoke.

"You were great, Cass." He said looking at me with his soft eyes.

I could drown in those looks. I thought shamelessly. I almost melted from under his gaze. But I tried to hide it and smiled sweetly at him.

"You were great, too, —" I stopped, horrified, not knowing how to call him. "Er…erm…"

I stuttered as he only looked at me expectantly.

"—your name—" I said hoping I wasn't sounding stupid. "I forgot your name."

I said lying quickly.

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Cassandra, you are absolutely unbelievable," he said clicking his tongue before he gave his name. "It's Peters Allison. How can you ever forget that? Did you forget about my name while you were vacationing in Europe?"

He asked, giving me his most amused look.

I reeled at what he just said but scoffed it with an easy excuse lying quickly through my tongue again.

"It must be that," I acquiesced easily and with mockery, added. "Some of us are just aren't as famous, Pete."

I said hoping I did my best to sway him off from my obvious ignorance of his existence.

"Yeah, you're right." He replied, his eyes staying at my face. "But, Cass, you never gave me a nickname before." He said with a serious tone, a smile was now playing on his lips.

"It couldn't be that this is our first meeting, isn't it?" he asked toying me with his question.

I stopped dead at his statement. No way. He couldn't have found out. No one must.

I gave him a haughty look.

"You're kidding me, aren't you, Peters? Your jokes aren't funny." I said with sarcasm. "I've known you for a long time."

I glared at him and coolly said.

"I'm Cassandra Smith. Your favorite idol. Your untouchable dream star."

Peters showed a subdued look this time. He crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you're right, Cassandra."

He took a step back and raised his hands in a wave.

"Well, I'll get going then. See you around, Cass."

He said and turned around without looking back.

I observed his retreating figure and returned to the dressing room.

Cass never really opened up so much about her work when she went vacationing at dad's home. She simply said she needed a break. She never once had spoken of Peters Allison.

"She's not in love with she?"