Chapter 4 You Fell

"Hmm, I'll be taking these 3 Missions." Wang Tian muttered to himself as he read through the papers in his hands.

"Kill 3 Crimson Snakes, and harvest their scales and gallbladder.

Reward: 5 Qi Refining Pills.

Harvest 2 Verdant Grass.

Reward: 3 Qi Refining Pills.

Kill the Black Furred Ape at the marked location.

Reward: 7 Qi Refining Pills."

Sifting through the pages Wang Tian smiled with joy. He had never taken missions before because he never had the time nor strength, but seeing the rewards he was already excited. 'With 15 Qi Refining Pills I bet I could easily enter the 4th Layer.' After that Wang Tian confirmed his missions with the Hall Overseer, and then quickly departed.

Wang Tian walked down a mountain path and soon reached a small hut where the Sect's horses were kept. "These are the horses currently available, as long as you return them the Sect won't charge you anything assuming you're using them for missions. Otherwise you'll have to pay up at least 10 gold." The caretaker explained, as he showed off the horses to Wang Tian.

There were only 4 horses currently in the stables, and they all looked to be quite strong. In the end Wang Tian ended up picking the black maned and then made his way down the mountain towards the Hissing Forest.

The Skyward Sword Sect was positioned on Skyward Mountain, to its west lay Skyward City and to its east the Hissing Forest, so to ensure the safety of the sect and the city the disciples were sent routinely to clear up various demonic beasts.

'Is this how you ride a horse?' Wang Tian thought to himself while riding down the mountain. He wasn't too used to it but after some time he understood what to do. 'So first I'll make my way to the Black Furred Ape seeing as I have a definitive location for that. In the meantime I clear up any demonic beasts on the way for extra rewards.'

A few minutes later Wang Tian had entered the Hissing Forest, and after travelling about for around an hour he noticed a shadow on the ground. Almost immediately after his realisation a claw was flying towards his face. Without a second thought Wang Tian jumped off his horse as he pulled out his wooden sword to defend himself.


The wooden sword shattered on impact, the claw slashing across Wang Tian's chest. Luckily it barely did anything merely ripping pieces of Wang Tian's robes. Seeing his broken wooden sword Wang Tian was quite sad but alas he had no time to mourn the sword, his eyes darting to identify the demonic beast.

It was a large human sized bird which was grey in colour with fierce blade like claws. This was the Iron Clawed Eagle, a demonic beast with the strength of around a 4th Layer Qi Refinement Cultivator.

Without giving him a second to rest, the eagle darted towards Wang Tian its claws ripping towards him. In response the boy threw what remained of the wooden sword towards the eagle before rolling to the side.

The wooden sword had stalled the eagle just enough that Wang Tian managed to dodge the attack unscathed. 'So how do I fight this thing, I've never been in an actual fight before, normally I just get beaten up.' Wang Tian's mind raced as he analysed the situation.

He was fighting an eagle right now, so it had all the initiative while Wang Tian could only wait for it to come to him. Not only that but if Wang Tian tried to escape he was sure the eagle would hunt him down and swiftly dispatch him. Lastly the eagle was a bird of prey which had surely been in many fights before, even with humans, while Wang Tian had almost no combat experience, well apart from being beaten.

Suddenly a thought donned on Wang Tian. 'My strength should be around the 6th Layer right now, and that guy literally punched my head and was damaged in return. Maybe I should trust my physique and go for a risky move.'

In less than a second Wang Tian had made a decision it was do or die. The eagle shot towards him once again its claws ripping through the air, but rather than try to dodge Wang Tian stood in a low stance with his hands out ready to grab at a moments notice.


The claws tore through the air and hurtling at his face, immediately Wang Tian reached towards them grabbing onto the claws. "Haha, you fell for it fool!" He rejoiced gripping onto the eagle with all his might.

Using all his strength Wang Tian pulled at the eagle trying to bring it down to the ground, but likewise the eagle flapped its wings trying to get out of Wang Tian's grip.

After a few seconds Wang Tian lost his footing and was pulled into the air by the eagle which soon began ascending higher and higher into the sky. 'I fucked up didn't I?' Wang Tian sighed as they soon reached a height at which he would definitely die.

Not only that but the eagle seemed to have a mocking expression on its face, if it could speak it would probably say something along the lines of "I fell for it? Lets see how you feel after you fall to your death!"

The eagle then began to shake its claws as it hurtled flew through the air across the forest. After about a minute Wang Tian was already feeling disorientated as the wind hit his face, and less than 5 minutes later Wang Tian let go of the eagle's claws falling towards the forest below.

'I am so fucked, wait now that I think about it what happened to that horse, what about all my money!'