Chapter 10 Humming Sword

Immediately the entire Ranking Arena went silent. Mu Feng? Really Mu Feng? The No.1 of all Outer Disciples, given another month or 2 it was almost guaranteed he would make it to the 6th Layer and finally become an Inner Disciple, not only that but Mu Feng was known for his ruthless and cutthroat nature.

"Ahem! This isn't a joke, this is the annual Ranking Battle, if you apologise I'll still let you select a different opponent." The announcer replied as he tried to change Wang Tian's mind. "Hmm? Last time I checked I can challenge anyone on the Outer Ranking I want. Mu Feng get your ass up here right now or else you might as well be a dog with no balls."

Hearing this the crowd immediately went silent. A second later a figure rose into the sky before landing onto the arena. "....Wang Tian was it? I'll be doing a service to the Sect today by cutting off your tongue." A young boy, seemingly only 14 years old said.

He was likewise dressed in the white robes of an Outer Disciple, but in contrast to Wang Tian he had sword at his waist. Drawing his sword, the light shone off it as he pointed the meter long blade towards Wang Tian.

Seeing as the situation had already reached this point, the announcer looked towards the Sect Master and 4 Elders. "Go ahead." The Sect Master gave his approval. With that the announcer had no qualms with beginning the match.

"You may begin the battle."

Immediately the 2 figures atop the stage charged towards one another. Mu Feng slashed his sword overhead, while Wang Tian gave a simple right hook.


When the attacks clashed, they immediately caused a violent gust of wind to spread around the arena. Without missing a beat, Wang Tian retracted his fist before sweeping out his leg. In response Mu Feng dodged backwards before taking up a stance once again.

"I'll admit I underestimated you. You're qualified to fight me." Mu Feng declared, a second later his sword began to hum oddly his eyes locking onto Wang Tian's position. Then Mu Feng shot forward his sword piercing towards Wang Tian's heart.

Due to the sudden attack and the relatively short distance, Wang Tian wasn't able to respond effectively. The boy thrusted his palm forward to grasp hold of the sword as a last resort. Immediately the humming sword cut through Wang Tian's palm, red blood began to drip onto the floor but luckily it seemed that Wang Tian's palm had managed to weaken the attack.


As the sword clashed against Wang Tian's chest, it created a sound of metal clashing against metal. Everyone within the Arena was stunned, including the Sect Master and 4 Elders.

"How is this possible? Even if Mu Feng's Humming Sword Art was weakened significantly it should have at least damaged him."

"Could it be, the story of "Steel Balls" Wang is true?"

"What is he made of?"

The crowd was astounded, each of them trying to process the situation in front of them. On the other hand the fight atop the arena had yet to conclude. "I am bleeding." Wang Tian muttered, as he gazed at his bloodied palm. It was the first time in a long time that he had bled from a fellow cultivator's attacks.

"You should be happy you're not dead! Don't worry though, this next attack will finish the job!" Mu Feng sneered as he retracted his sword. Less than a second later the sword began humming once again, while Wang Tian was still dazed.

"Okay, Mu Feng this next attack will be my last." Wang Tian declared before taking a basic martial arts stance. The 2 locked eyes once again, sword in hand, fist at the ready.

'Humming Sword Art, 2nd Stance Wind Slice!'

'Overhand Hook!'

Mu Feng's sword sliced through the air a blade of wind forming around it. It was impressive for a 5th Layer Qi Refinement to say the least. Witnessing this attack the entire arena went silent. In contrast Wang Tian simply sent his fist hurtling towards Mu Feng's face.



The fist connected with Mu Feng's face, sending him flying across the arena. When he landed on the ground he was unconscious, his nose in a mess. Likewise Wang Tian had also suffered although not nearly as badly, a thin line of blood running from his right hip to his left shoulder.

Silence ensued, no one would have expected this outcome. Mu Feng vs Wang Tian. Genius vs Trash. Sword vs Fist. Even Wang Tian himself wouldn't have believed this a month ago.

"W-Winner, Rank 323rd Wang Tian." The announcer proclaimed, but no one said a word, it was simply too shocking. "What would you like to say?" A voice travelled down from atop the viewing area. This was the Sect Master Su Jian.

Hearing this Wang Tian gave a small smile. "Xiao Yang, you're next." He declared, with that the crowd burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, does he think Xiao Yang is Mu Feng!?"

"Has he not been told that Xiao Yang has already reached the 7th Layer!?"

"What is this guy on? I want some of that shit!"

No one believed Wang Tian, for obvious reasons. Although Mu Feng was indeed strong, so much so that you could argue Mu Feng wouldn't lose to most 6th Layer disciples, Xiao Yang had already reached the 7th Layer. In their minds, it was an absolute impossibility that Wang Tian would beat Xiao Yang, even after his previous display.

After this small interlude, the Ranking Battle continued as expected, but after the previous fight it had grown pretty stale. Once the sun began to set the battle for the Outer Ranking had concluded, and Wang Tian was indisputably No.1.

"Now that the Outer Ranking has concluded, tomorrow we will begin the Inner Ranking. As usual the top 10 of the Outer Ranking may challenge any disciple in the Inner Ranking. If they win they will be allowed to take not just the 1 technique from their top 10 reward, but 2 techniques from the Technique Hall.

Not only that, but this year any disciple which makes it into the top 100 of the Inner Ranking will receive a special privilege along with the regular rewards."

After this announcement incessant chatter ensued as they speculated on what the special privilege could be.

Normally the Outer Ranking would only have the reward of 1 Technique from the Technique Hall if one could reach the top 10, and sometimes Qi Refining Pills would be given to those disciples who performed particularly outstanding.

On the other hand the Inner Ranking was of even greater importance. Anyone ranked on the Inner Ranking would be rewarded 1 Greater Qi Pill. The top 100 would be rewarded 2 Greater Qi Pills, while the top 10 would be given 5. Throughout the history of the Ranking Battle, a special privilege had never been a reward.

After all it could be anything, guidance from an Elder, treasured swords, monthly Greater Qi Pills, but soon all this speculation was quickly doused. After all it was a top 100 reward, not a top 10 or top 5 reward so it couldn't be so extravagant but this didn't stop them from hoping.

Finally entering his hut, Wang Tian sighed in exhaustion as he lay on his bed. 'That was exhausting, but I still have to do my training.' With that he quickly got out of his bed before beginning his training.

While it wasn't nearly as effective as it was before at improving his physique, it definitely still had an effect. Not only that but it had become routine for Wang Tian to do this exercise, so he would still do it with utmost dedication.

As the silver energy began entering his body once again, it seemed to congregate on his wounds, healing him at a rate visible to the naked eye. After finishing up the exercise Wang Tian went to sleep. Tomorrow he'd get his revenge.