Chapter 23 Freaks

Throughout the Skyward Sword Sect one could see 100s of disciples running around hurriedly. It was official, just a day ago the Mountain Shaking Sect and Falling Rain Sect issued an ultimatum. Either they had to give them everything they obtained within the Hidden Space, or a war would begin.

Naturally there was no way the Sect would give away those treasures, and frankly it wasn't exactly possible but that was beside the point. Right now both sides were gearing up for a fight, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"How confident are you on breaking through?" Atop Skyward Peak the tallest mountain within the Sect's territory, Su Jian and Su Wu sat beside each other as they gazed at the Sect below. "I'm not sure, about 2 weeks perhaps." Su Wu replied as his gaze grew resolute.

"Perfect, then in 2 weeks you will lead all the disciples to evacuate." Su Jian declared with a smile. Hearing this Su Wu was stunned. Was his father insane? If he broke through then their chances of beating the opposing Sects was much higher, why would he issue an evacuation?

Seeing his son's confused expression Su Jian merely patted him on the back. "There's still a lot you don't understand. If we fight with the other Sects to the death then the disciples will die unnecessarily. Since the map has been acquired, this Sect has fulfilled its purpose."

This left Su Wu speechless. "But this is the legacy of our ancestors, how can we just abandon it?" "What legacy? This trivial Sect? Look in the mirror, that sword between your brows and that place is our Ancestor's true legacy. The strong live and the weak die, if you want this trivial Sect to survive then grow stronger and reestablish it later because this decision is final!" Su Jian rebuked.

Although he understood his son's feelings, he knew this was for the best. The Skyward Sword Sect had a long and varied history but it was nothing more than a mere ember when compared with the rest of the continent and now it was finally time for it to die out. When Su Wu rose in the future it wouldn't be too late to relight that spark.

Su Wu stood there in silence for a few minutes before quietly departing. 'If only the strong can survive, then I'll simply become the strongest.' He thought resolutely, he couldn't stomach the fact that a mere Mountain Shaking Sect and Falling Rain Sect would force them to abandon their home.

"Haaa, you'll learn that this was for the best someday." Su Jian muttered to himself before disappearing into the wind. While the Sect may fall Su Jian wouldn't neglect his duties until the very end.


"Hey you missed a spot." Wang Tian berated as he pointed at some dust. "....Got it." Mu Feng replied before cleaning up the dust. Naturally Mu Feng was furious but a deal is a deal, and he was a man, well a boy of his word.

"Great, seems you're done finally." Wang Tian chuckled before patting Mu Feng on the back. "Don't touch me." Mu Feng replied while collecting his cleaning supplies. Once he had packed up everything he exited the hut and began walking away.

"By the way, which Squad have you been assigned to?" Mu Feng asked as he came to a halt. "Squad 3, you?" "Squad 4." With that quick exchange Mu Feng continued on his way, figure disappearing behind some trees.

After his departure Wang Tian sighed, before clenching his fists. "I should continue my training." He said to himself before taking a fist stance. His body had already reached an extremely high level for his cultivation, Wang Tian didn't have concrete proof but he guessed his body was even compared to an Essence Condensing Cultivator.

On the other hand his cultivation was where he lacked the most but that wouldn't change in a short amount of time, so what he had to focus on the most was his martial techniques. They could amplify his already very strong physical prowess and allow him to deal with much stronger opponents.

Unfortunately Wang Tian's comprehension talent was sorely lacking which meant it wouldn't be too easy for him to comprehend the techniques, but that didn't matter much, hard work would prevail in the end at least that's what Wang Tian believed. 'Then again my success is more due to luck than anything....'


"In a weeks time we end this." A large burly man commanded, sitting opposite a much slimmer effeminate man. "Agreed, while we don't know much about the Mountain of Solitude Su Wu must have gained a great fortune and will probably breakthrough any day now. The longer we wait the higher the risk." The effeminate man replied while sipping his tea.

These two were naturally the Mountain Shaking Sect leader and Falling Rain Sect leader respectively. "Hmmm, I am more concerned about that Wang Tian fellow, with a physical body on the level of a Peak Qi Refinement cultivator while merely at the 6th Stage is too strong." The burly man sighed.

"Or that Scheming fellow Mu Feng, according to what I've heard he managed to solve 100 puzzles in under an hour, while simultaneously setting off trap after trap to delay his competitors." The effeminate man said begrudgingly. It was clear that his disciples had been done in by Mu Feng.

".....Now that I think about it, why is it that the Skyward Sword Sect managed to collect so many monsters....." They sighed almost in unison, the only thing that kept their spirits high was that they'd completely wipe out the Sect in the following week. Otherwise they might as well commit suicide and end their suffering early.


"Achoo!" Wang Tian sneezed as he sat in his shack. "Seems Mu Feng missed some dust."