Chapter 28 Heavenly Body

After travelling for a few hours, Squad 3 had finally arrived at the location Fang Boqin had marked. "So what's here Senior Brother?" One of them asked in curiosity. "I don't know." Wang Tian replied pushing aside a piece of foliage that was blocking his sight.

Immediately they entered a small clearing and a lake came into view, but that wasn't what caught Wang Tian's attention, but rather who was sat in the center of the lake. 'Is that Su Wu?' Wang Tian questioned before walking forward.

At the time he hadn't noticed but Su Wu wasn't in one of the 10 Squads, only now did Wang Tian realise this fact. 'It was a bit odd considering Su Wu is considered the strongest under Essence Condensing.' Wang Tian pondered.

"Woah is that Senior Brother Su Wu?"

"Is he breaking through right now?"

The disciples asked in shock, this immediately brought Wang Tian back to reality. 'Wait they're right, he's breaking through!' Realising this Wang Tian immediately quieted down his Juniors while telling them to back off a bit.

'So this was why we couldn't come here earlier, but also, what's so special about this lake?' Wang Tian was truly confused by this encounter. In the end he chose to simply observe, he concluded that the 10 Squads would all meet here and then be led somewhere by Su Wu once he had broken through, that's the only plausible explanation he could come up with.

Some time later as if confirming his hypothesis another Squad appeared. "We've finally made it." Their leader sighed in relief before approaching Wang Tian. "Which Squad are you? Who's your leader?" He asked curiously.

"Squad 3, Fang Boqin." Wang Tian replied concisely, while Fang Boqin was probably dead, he was still their leader when they had formed. ".....I don't see him around and you're missing a few people... you had an accident?" He inquired.

Wang Tian simply nodded in response. He then explained the situation briefly. After that both Squads waited in silence as they watched Su Wu intently. Fortunately it seemed as though Su Wu wouldn't be easily disturbed.

A few minutes later, more and more squads began to appear. Almost an hour later Squads 1, 3, 5, and 10 had all appeared around the lake. It seemed as though only Squad 3 had an unfortunate encounter, but that also meant the likelihood that Squads 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 had an accident was that much higher.

Another hour soon came and went, and with it Squads 2, 6 and 8 arrived. That meant only Squads 4 and 7 were missing. 'Fuck, wasn't Mu Feng in Squad 4?' Wang Tian thought worriedly. It could be said that Wang Tian had some friendship with Mu Feng at this point.

Unfortunately there was no time to speculate, as the fluctuations created by Su Wu continued to grow stronger and stronger. Because of this the disciples fanned out to protect the lake incase of any intruders.

Naturally with all of them meeting in one location it was highly likely for enemies to appear, but it was a necessary risk as Su Wu's fluctuations would draw them towards him anyway. And as if proving them right a shout resounded.


Immediately everyone went on alert. Out of the surrounding forest more than 60 figures appeared. "What the fuck." Wang Tian muttered in shock. More than half of the figures were Skyward Sword Sect disciples, specifically the remnants of Squad 4, only around a third of their original numbers survived.

"They have 8 9th Layers and 22 8th Layers!" A voice sounded from the members of Squad 4. This voice came from a relatively short figure who was using a peculiar movement technique. 'At least he survived.' Wang Tian sighed.

But before he could even begin to calm himself down, he heard a sneer come from their enemies. "Heh, last time you got away, now I'll send you to hell there you can meet your friends." A hulking man declared while pointing towards Wang Tian.

This was naturally Gong You who had his saber drawn soaking in blood. "You actually let some of them go? So I guess only we managed to eliminate an entire Squad ourselves." A skinny man who was donned in the Falling Rain Sect's Core Disciple robes sneered.

"Shut up Jiang Fu!" Gong You replied in irritation. Jiang Fu was the strongest disciple from the Falling Rain Sect, said to be on par with Gong You.

As they had this small chat, Wang Tian stood silently, his blood boiling as he raged within. But a few seconds later, he let out a calm breath. 'I'll win this time and avenge you guys.' Wang Tian thought before stepping forward.

"Gong You, I've figured you out now. Your blood will be used as an offering to my Senior Brothers." Wang Tian chuckled before clenching his fists. "Heh you? What can you do to me fucker?" Gong You replied in disdain.

But Wang Tian didn't reply with words. His pores began to open, and a silver aura wrapped around Wang Tian while his skin turned red from the stress his body was undergoing. The Earth trembled, the Heavens Quaked, what can defeat the Heavenly Body? Wang Tian didn't know the answer to that question, but he knew enough to know that Gong You wasn't that guy.


Under Wang Tian's movement, the ground shattered before his figure disappeared. In an instant he appeared behind Gong You the image of a tiger over his fist.


Gong You barely managed to block the attack in time being pushed back multiple steps, his arms shaking in pain. "....How?" He was beyond shocked to say the least. "KILL THEM ALL!" Gong You screamed in fear.

Immediately an all out battle broke out. While the Skyward Sword Sect disciples outnumbered them about 30 to 1, but in comparison the coalition of the opposing Sects was completely made up of experts.

Before a slaughter could break out, the Core Disciples and those at the top of the Inner List engaged with the coalition. But it was obvious they were outmatched.

"Gong You, you should pay attention to your opponent." Wang Tian said before disappearing once again. The silver aura coalescing around his body increasing by the second. This time he charged straight towards Gong You his fist shattering the air.


"Piercing Fang."

Saber clashed against fist, this time a blood red energy forming around Gong You's saber. The instant their attacks collided a cloud of dust flew into the air while they were both forced back 2 steps. 'Even this Mountain Shaking Saber can't stop him.'

"Hmm, I have an idea." Wang Tian muttered before disappearing once again. Immediately Gong You was on guard ready to block any second. But it was all for naught. Wang Tian's figure reappeared 100 or so meters away punching an 8th Layer Mountain Shaking Sect disciple in the gut crushing his internal organs.

"Gong You, throw away your saber or I'll start by massacring your Juniors." Wang Tian declared before disappearing once again. Seeing this Gong You was shocked. 'You think I can't do the same!' He raged internally his saber slashing towards the closest disciple he could find.

But before it could make contact Wang Tian appeared in front of him blocking his move. "You may be able to match me with your Saber but it doesn't make you as fast as me." Wang Tian mocked before disappearing once again.

In less than a second he appeared another 100 meters away before one shotting another Mountain Shaking Sect disciple. Once again Gong You attempted to do the same, but before he could land his blow Wang Tian stalled him before than disappearing once again.

This continue for five more blows, at that point Wang Tian had killed 8 8th Layer Disciples while keeping Gong You at bay. All this happened in less than 10 seconds.

"You! Do you have no shame!?" Gong You roared before slashing ahead with all his might. He knew Wang Tian would block it anyway, so he might as well try inflict as much damage as possible. And naturally Wang Tian appeared blocking the attack with a punch once again.

"I am Wang Tian, Skyward Sword Sect's notorious trash. An Inner Disciple only in the 6th Layer of Qi Refinement, if they can't withstand my attack they're simply unworthy of breathing." Wang Tian provoked Gong You as best he could.

This statement almost caused a vein to burst in Gong You's forehead. 'Checkmate.' With this Wang Tian sped up once again appearing behind Gong You's back in an instant. In response Gong You slashed behind him, but he ended up hitting nothing but air.

Before he could even process what had happened he felt a force penetrate the back of his skull, before feeling nothing ever again. "You lost."