Chapter 43 Easy Win

Mu Feng's spear shone in a grey light, speeding towards the man at full force. In less than a second it had traversed over 100 meters reaching the man in the 3rd Layer. The speed of the spear had shocked everyone present to say the least. Immediately, the man retrieved his saber slashing downward at full force, the tip of spear colliding with the saber's edge.


The man was actually pushed back his grip on his saber loosening. 'What was that!? It felt like all my power was nullified.' Luckily for him, the spear's course had been altered due to the clash missing the man completely.

Opposite him Mu Feng was grinning lightly, a spear appearing within his grasp once again. A grey energy then swiftly wrapped itself around the spear, but rather than throw it this time, Mu Feng dashed towards the man.

"I Li De will not lose to trash like you! Mad Saber!" Li De roared, he was immediately coalesced in a red energy along with his saber. In fact the energy extended the length of his saber by about 10 centimeters.

His body then tore through the air, meeting Mu Feng some distance away. Li De's saber swung down viciously, much stronger than before, while Mu Feng's spear specifically its tip began to tremble, all the grey energy concentrating on it.

Spear and saber collided once again, but rather than a loud sound which everyone had expected, a dull thud rang out. Li De's red energy had completely dissipated. Unfortunately for him, Mu Feng's spear was still going strong.

Mu Feng utilising the spear tip hit the saber in such a way that Li De was thrown off balance, allowing his spear to reach all the way to his neck merely a centimeter from penetrating it. "Seems you weren't all that strong." Mu Feng sighed.

Silence. No one knew how to react, while some knew of Mu Feng simultaneously not many did. Meaning this outcome was completely unexpected. Not only that but at this point the fear the young master's held for Mu Feng had reached an all time high, he was like a true devil in their eyes.

"Not bad!" Wang Tian chuckled from the side. With those words the crowd was brought back to life, as they began to discuss the fight. Atop their beasts the disciples too were shocked, even the man from the Violet Sword Sect and the woman from the Myriad Flower Sect raised a brow at the performance.

Li De, was still dazed at the outcome. He stood their completely oblivious to his surroundings processing what had just happened. 'How could this be.... only Mo Junjie should have been able to defeat me!'

Going along this train of thought Li De's face contorted before he raised his saber aiming to strike Mu Feng from behind. But before he could even begin his attack, a terrifying aura enveloped him. "You're done here, get off the stage." The Violet Sword Sect disciple declared, before a large force shot Li De off the stage.

Seeing this was even more shocking than Mu Feng's previous display. 'Could he be in that realm?' Mu Feng pondered. Wang Tian was also amazed as that power had surpassed anything he had previously seen.

'I wonder when I'll be that strong.' Wang Tian thought before approaching the stage it was about time he displayed his abilities. But before he even made his move, Su Wu dashed atop the stage sword in hand.

"Junior Brother I hope you won't mind humoring me." Su Wu smiled locking eyes with Mu Feng. Hearing this the boy simply nodded, he had wanted to fight Su Wu anyway. Li De was weaker than he had expected.

The crowd was once again stunned. After all Mu Feng's display was already enough for him to enter any of the factions present, but he decided to engage in a fight once again? Not only that but it seemed as though the 2 had a relationship of some sorts.

Even the disciples didn't understand what was going on, but since they had left the rules vague they decided to allow it. They were curious to see just how strong this newfound genius was.

Only Wang Tian was disappointed. 'I guess I'll have to fight this guy.' He sighed before looking towards Mo Junjie. Funnily enough Mo Junjie had turned around at this moment, his eyes locking with Wang Tian's.

"Good luck." Mo Junjie smiled before focusing on the battle ahead. On the other hand Wang Tian could only shake his head. 'Well hopefully he's not too strong, I still need about an hour.'

Atop the stage, Mu Feng and Su Wu were almost a kilometer apart, completely focused on one another. Unlike many of the previous matches the two wanted to use the entirety of the stage, after all it would be a shame if they started a brawl at the edge of the stage with all this free space.

Enveloping his spear in grey energy once again, Mu Feng's eyes trained on Su Wu. At this point in time he had already retrieved his other spear, so he could afford to throw a spear.

Seeing this attack Su Wu smiled, grasping the azure hilt of the Skyward Sword he held it above his head, before slowly slicing downwards in a vertical slash. "Dividing Sky." He muttered an azure blade of energy then shot out of his sword towards Mu Feng. At that exact moment Mu Feng threw his spear towards Su Wu.


The blade of energy clashed with the spear before throwing it off course. It then continued on its trajectory towards Mu Feng, although much weaker than before. Seeing that the spear wasn't enough to nullify Su Wu's attack Mu Feng's expression soured.

"You haven't disappointed me, Senior Brother."