The Peculiar Shadow.

I SLIPPED INTO THE WATER. I could hear Mimi and Sofia's worried cries, but I could not pull myself out of the water. I saw a mysterious shadow underwater that seemed to attract me towards it. Deeper and deeper but I could not stop. I never wanted something as bad as I wanted to follow that shadow. I was mesmerised until.... SPLASH! I was yanked up by my sister who had a distraught expression. As the hypnosis faded, I remembered everything. I comforted Mimi and My sister who looked as if they had a heart attack. I also hugged Gale to stop his tears.

Later we returned to our rooms and promised to never speak about this to our parents because they would freak out and since this would have been the 3rd bad thing that has happened, they may overreact and believe God is against this trip or something. The rest of the evening was uneventful. We had an early yet heavy family and friends' supper and later talked till late or went to sleep as we had to travel again tomorrow.

That night I had a dream or a nightmare, I can't be sure. I saw that shadow again this time it looked like a person. Though I could not see the face I knew it was black it kind of looked like my shadow. But what scared me most was the blood. The crimson rain and that shadow thing standing over a thousand or more corpses. And then I ran.

Running far away from there I saw a lake. I went there to drink water and wash my face. I took a handful of water and drank it when I saw the reflection in the mirror, I saw myself as that shadow beast. And the worst part was that the droplets of water on my face had turned into blood it had a metallic taste and a strong smell. I heard some leaves rustling behind me but when I looked no one was there.

Then I saw the lake whose clear crystal-like water had turned into blood. My hands, clothes, face were covered in that blood. I tried to scream but so sound came out. I tried to move but I was paralysed. I tried to cry but had no tears left. I watched as the forest and lake surrounding me turned into nothing until there was only a pitch black and empty void left. And all I could hear was an alluring and alarming voice that whispered to me "Kill, be your true self and shed this fake skin. Listen to the monster within." As the sentence ended, I could hear loud roars, but they were not animal roars. It was something much worse.

I was jolted awake. It was 3 am I could see Mimi on the bed next to me fidgeting in her sleep. I could tell she was having a nightmare so I helped her until she was peaceful and tucked myself into bed, but I could not fall asleep after what I saw. But my exhaustion got to me as I fell into a deep hollow sleep.