Lover Number 1.2

"Well," the emperor shifted his gaze away from his son and turned to face the ex-general. "Shi He, you say. Do you believe Li Jie should have a harem?"

"A harem?" Li Jie was certain he caught a flicker of surprise in the ex-general's eyes, but the change in expression was so swift that he wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him.

"Yes," the emperor replied, a joyful smile gracing his face. "I have waited twenty years for Li Jie to mature and experience love, and now..." He sighed wistfully.

"Father..." Li Jie lowered his gaze, feeling a sense of embarrassment. Not because of his own desires, but due to his father's exaggerated behavior.

"Your Majesty wishes to establish a harem for His Highness based on His Highness's request?" Shi He was known for his frankness, unafraid to speak his mind regardless of the circumstances. This was one of the reasons why the emperor trusted him and valued his judgment.

"I wish that were the case," the emperor sighed once more, causing Li Jie's face to grow even redder. "Is there truly no one in your heart, my son? If that's the case, then at least have a harem for now, until you find someone to stand by your side."

Li Jie considered lying at that moment, and he probably should have said yes, but he realized the truth that night while preparing for bed.

"I don't," Li Jie blurted out, his blush deepening. "But why should that warrant a harem?"

"I asked if you wanted a harem," the emperor explained matter-of-factly. "You said no. I asked why. You said because you are attracted to men. I inquired if you desired a harem of same-sex partners. Again, you answered no. I asked if there's someone you like, and your response remained the same. What else can be done except building a harem, in hopes that you may develop feelings for at least one person?"

Shi He had silently observed the crown prince throughout this exchange, finding his changing complexion rather amusing. However, there was something unsettling about Li Jie's expression throughout the emperor's words.

"But—" the crown prince attempted to interject, only to be cut off by his father.

"No 'buts'," the emperor's frown deepened slightly. "Shi He, I know you desire what is best for the kingdom, just as we all do. Don't you believe the prince should have a harem?"

Shi He typically gave his consent to the emperor's suggestions, mainly because the emperor was usually right, and he had never hesitated before.

Yet, everyone present noticed the counselor's momentary hesitation regarding this matter, giving the crown prince a glimmer of hope that the outcome might align with his own wishes.

But, of course, Li Jie had allowed his hopes to soar too high once again.

The counselor's frown deepened, his eyes darkening as his expression reverted to its usual emotionless state.

"I believe it is what the people and our enemies need to witness," Shi He spoke, his voice slightly hoarser than before. "They need to see His Highness with a future partner."

"Then it is settled," the emperor declared, his voice resonating with an unwavering authority that left Li Jie with no room for objection.

"I have said, whatever father decides, I shall abide," Li Jie bowed his head, feeling a pang of hurt over the situation.

Li Jie's lack of control over his own life weighed heavily on his heart. As a prince, and especially as the crown prince, every decision, no matter how small, required prior discussion and approval. He had once accepted this arrangement, believing it was necessary for the benefit of the kingdom.

But now, he couldn't help but feel sickened and humiliated by the thought. Even from a young age, he understood that his marriage and personal affairs should serve the kingdom's interests. However, witnessing his father's treatment and the lack of autonomy he possessed, Li Jie's hopes of experiencing a normal love again and finding someone to share his life with began to fade.

He had foolishly believed that his father was different, that he had changed, that he would grant him the time and freedom to fall in love naturally. Yet, in the end, Li Jie recognized that his actions, particularly his romantic pursuits, were merely tools for the kingdom's growth. He couldn't blame anyone but himself for harboring such naive expectations. After all, he was merely a cog in the grand machinery of the kingdom's prosperity.

"If Father no longer needs me..." Li Jie contemplated making an excuse to escape the meeting, but he swiftly dismissed the idea. "I will take my leave," he decided, though he knew that, like everyone else, he couldn't depart without the emperor's permission. With a nod from his father, Li Jie bowed respectfully and exited the grand room.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was greeted by the enthusiastic embrace of his loyal friend, Huang Yiming. Li Jie pushed him away, blushing furiously. "Ouch! How many times have I told you not to do this? Father and others might misunderstand!"

Huang Yiming smirked mischievously and draped an arm around Li Jie's shoulder, walking beside him. "So, how did things go?" he inquired, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

Li Jie announced the news without hesitation, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "Father is planning to establish a harem for me."

Huang Yiming's expression faltered for a moment. "A harem? Haven't you told him about...?" He trailed off, unsure if it was appropriate to broach the subject.

Rolling his eyes, Li Jie adopted a different demeanor when he was with his closest confidant. "About me being attracted to men?" he finished, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I have. Surprisingly, he accepted it."

Huang Yiming's brows furrowed in confusion, his hidden feelings for Li Jie resurfacing. "Then why would you need a harem?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Li Jie's face flushed once more, and he averted his gaze. "Oh, I haven't told you yet. It's going to be a harem filled with... men," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "And... it's supposedly for the future of the kingdom. I have no choice but to comply."

Huang Yiming's heart sank, a mixture of pain and longing welling up within him. Despite his own unrequited feelings, he silently vowed to continue supporting Li Jie, even if it meant concealing his love.