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Lover Number 4.4

The celebration concluded far more smoothly than Li Jie had anticipated. Even his father had granted him a rare respite, refraining from engaging him in conversations he loathed. Li Jie couldn't be certain, but he suspected it might be his father's way of expressing remorse—an Emperor's apology, in other words.

Despite his tense shoulders and rigid posture, Li Jie's demeanor remained fitting for a prince. Whenever he sensed eyes upon him, he instinctively straightened his posture, resembling a crown prince from a beloved children's fairy tale.

"Your Highness," Li Jie smiled at one of the officials whose name eluded his memory.

What he did recall was that this man served as the representative accompanying the handsome Middle Eastern candidate with tanned skin that harmonized with his captivating black eyes, sparkling like precious gems.

Li Jie had restrained himself from gazing at the young Middle Eastern man, fearful of being caught in the act.

"May I have a moment of your time?" Li Jie snapped back to the present as the words reached his ears.

"Of course," he responded, offering a genuine smile.

Rising from his seat, Li Jie followed the representative, exerting considerable effort to recall his name.

"Your Highness," the man spoke as they reached a corner of the hall, donning the same smile as Li Jie—a smile his teacher would have labeled as a customer smile.

"With all that is transpiring between our countries, I wonder if we could leverage this new alliance to facilitate trade."

And so it begins, Li Jie thought. Since the commencement of the celebration, he had anticipated someone raising a matter that would benefit them. After all, why else would foreign emissaries be dispatched to a foreign crown prince?

"Let's not remain strangers, please," Li Jie countered, donning his most angelic smile, capable of deceiving almost anyone. "Our nations have enjoyed a longstanding friendship."

Anticipation and relief illuminated the representative's eyes. Li Jie recognized that he had been assigned this task and conversation by the Middle Eastern king, Farhad. Truthfully, Li Jie wasn't opposed to the idea either. Joining their kingdoms would yield numerous advantages, particularly with the Silk Road traversing Iran.

"You are correct, Your Highness," the representative, whose name suddenly resurfaced in Li Jie's mind as Arash, sincerely replied. Somehow, it made Li Jie believe that, under different circumstances, they could have become excellent friends. "The Li Kingdom should consider itself fortunate to have a crown prince as brilliant as yourself, Your Highness."

Over the years, Li Jie had learned not to dismiss compliments, but he also acquired the skill of deftly changing the subject.

"I have heard much about the accomplishments and splendor of your kingdom," Li Jie remarked. "Perhaps I could visit sometime."

"Of course!" Arash appeared somewhat taken aback by Li Jie's easy self-invitation to his kingdom. However, he too understood that courtly favors operated in both directions. "I am certain Prince Ali, our youngest, would relish the opportunity to get acquainted with you. He possesses a deep fascination for other cultures."

"If that is the case, then perhaps Prince Ali can come to witness our culture firsthand," Li Jie responded gleefully, seizing Arash's bait as he dangled his own. Both parties willingly succumbed. "This can serve as a gesture of goodwill to further cement our newfound alliance."

Arash's smile broadened as he respectfully inclined his head. "Your Highness, you shall soon receive a gift from our kingdom. However, as of now, I am but a representative, distanced from my homeland."

"I shall eagerly await it," Li Jie murmured, closing his eyes momentarily before gradually opening them—a gesture of respect from royalty. "Please enjoy the banquet." With that, he departed, leaving Arash bewildered in his wake.

Arash, still amused and somewhat in awe, couldn't help but think that the young prince had not only forged a perfect alliance but had also secured gifts and a visit for himself. He knew that his own king would be delighted to hear of their success.

As he walked away, Li Jie couldn't shake off the relief he felt that his father had instructed the harem men not to approach him. He could sense many eyes on him, including two pairs he actively avoided.

One belonged to the incredibly attractive Middle Eastern man.

The other belonged to Lance, who Li Jie was certain was present at his father's behest.

If only they knew...

However, amidst the crowd, Li Jie also found solace in the comforting gaze of Huang Yiming. In a brief, unnoticeable moment, their eyes met, and a fleeting smile passed between them—barely lasting a second.

You're doing great, Huang Yiming conveyed in that brief moment.

I'm so glad you're here, Li Jie silently responded, softening his gaze in that fleeting second.

"Imperial father," Li Jie bowed his head with a smile, seamlessly joining the conversation between his father and a group of officials.

"Come here, son," the Emperor beamed with joy as his gaze fell upon his son, a silent exchange taking place between them.

Did you do it? the Emperor inquired silently.

I did, Li Jie pressed his eyes, blinking in a normal manner but keeping his eyes closed for a few moments longer, ensuring his father would receive his message so as not to sour his mood.

"I was speaking with Counselor Mo Zhen here," the Emperor glanced at the official, not minding the fact that he had interrupted their conversation to address his son.

"Counselor Mo Zhen," Li Jie acknowledged the counselor only after his father mentioned him. There was no need to feign enthusiasm; Mo Zhen was not on Li Jie's list of favored individuals, and Li Jie wasn't on his.

"Crown Prince," Mo Zhen bowed as etiquette dictated. "I hope you are enjoying the banquet."

"Thank you," Li Jie replied, mirroring Mo Zhen's smile with an obviously forced one.

"We were just discussing you," the Emperor continued, oblivious to the unspoken exchange. "It's about time for the harem activities to officially commence."

"And what would that entail?" Li Jie asked, wearing a smile even though he had already anticipated the answer.

While his smile appeared as radiant as ever and his posture remained princely, no one noticed the slight tremor in his hands, hidden beneath his sleeves.

"For the sake of public perception and alliances, it would be best for you to spend at least one night with each candidate," the Emperor stated as casually as if discussing the next day's menu. "One night shouldn't be burdensome, right? You can spend the other nights by yourself if you wish, but these initial nights are necessary. You understand, don't you, son?"

"Of course, Imperial father," Li Jie managed to beam at the Emperor, blinking back the tears threatening to spill.

But the truth is, I have never had a single night...