"Li Jie," Alfredo grasped his friend and savior's hand, locking eyes with him. "Where are you heading?"
"What?" The boy flinched upon meeting his friend's gaze. "To my palace, of course."
"With this plan of yours, with everything," Alfredo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sit back down. Let's talk it through."
"Alf..." Li Jie sighed, reluctantly retracting his hand. "I should go. I have to meet Baozhai tonight."
"Li Jie, I'm not speaking to you as your subordinate, but as your friend and advisor," Alfredo carefully chose his words, urging the boy to sit as he did the same.
"And you know exactly what I mean, so don't brush it off," he sighed again, his worry preventing him from fully grasping the situation. "Ge, what are you attempting to do?"
"Not treason, if that's what you're thinking," Li Jie reassured with a smile. "I promise you, I have a plan."
"Ge, I know you're in a difficult position, and I'm not telling you to give up, but this... I fear you will regret it."
"Why?" Li Jie appeared restless, squirming under Alfredo's penetrating gaze. "I'm not causing harm."
"You're not causing harm," Alfredo echoed. "But aren't you preparing to do so? This won't benefit you."
"I need the throne. And Father has made it clear that he won't relinquish it unless forced," Li Jie averted his gaze, a flicker of his former self still visible in his eyes—the boy he pretended to be. "I need to reclaim my life."
"I understand, truly, but at what cost? How will you regain it?" Alfredo questioned.
"My innocence?" Li Jie chuckled bitterly. "Is that what this is all about?"
"Before I met you, I was a seven-year-old in the slums, my life worth less than a bug," Alfredo laughed, devoid of sweetness, even more bitter than Li Jie's chuckle.
"Can you imagine it, Jie?" Alfredo didn't relish delving into his past; he despised recalling those memories, but he needed Li Jie to comprehend.
"A seven-year-old who stabbed someone thrice his age from behind to obtain a piece of bread."
"Alf, you don't have to—"
"Ge, let me finish," Alfredo interrupted, his tone harsh. "I merely emulated what I had witnessed—how some man stole food from another.
"The difference? He stabbed the leg, while I, not registering that detail, stabbed the heart. Once you taste blood, regardless of the reason, intentional or not, good or bad, you can never wash it away.
"The first time you see it, experience it—the thought of taking someone's life—it's not about age, for it always feels awful. Terrible, in fact.
"And in my case, ge, once you start, once the first time is done, the second, the third, and all that follows become mere numbers to you, no matter how much you wish otherwise. They're reduced to statistics.
"I kill people who are mere numbers to me. That's what killers do. You don't want to be part of that community. Trust me on that."
Li Jie remained silent, avoiding his friend's gaze.
"Li Jie," Alfredo sighed. "Say something."
"I'm sorry," Li Jie sighed. "I'm truly sorry."
"You're going through with it?" Alfredo couldn't fathom what he had expected, but it certainly wasn't this. "Ge! Tell me you're joking!"
"It's youth and inexperience against age and experience. On the surface, at least," Li Jie gestured to himself. "When it comes to managing state affairs, I may lack experience, but I possess knowledge."
"State affairs? Are people's lives mere affairs to you?" Alfredo knew that wasn't what Li Jie intended, but the conversation and his memories compelled him to speak without considering his words.
"Alf, I'm not like that," a pained expression flickered across Li Jie's face. "There's no sacrificing in my plan."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know," Alfredo sighed, looking down, torn. "But is it truly necessary?"
"We're already at war," Li Jie replied with a bitter smile. "I'm not doing this solely for myself. I'm doing it for you, Lydia, the Orphic Order, and all those who are living the life you once had. For those who had no choice in their circumstances, born into discrimination by the privileged elites."
"And this is the path you've chosen? Are you certain?" Alfredo inquired.
"This is it," Li Jie affirmed, nodding resolutely. "I intend to reshape the very foundations of this country, and for that, there is no alternative."
"I understand," Alfredo conceded. "Then I better get to work. And what should the Order be informed of regarding our conversation today?"
Previously, Li Jie had wished to conceal certain details, such as the existence of the rebels, from his subordinates. However, after conversing with Alfredo, he realized that some might only follow his plan out of dependence and blind obedience. No one would benefit from that. Li Jie needed everyone to fully comprehend the plan and recognize that there was no other recourse. Selfish or not, whether they postponed the matter or not, war was inevitable.
"Everything," Li Jie finally stated. "They should be made aware of every detail."
"Very well," Alfredo nodded as they both rose once again.
Before exiting the cabin, Alfredo paused and embraced Li Jie tightly.
"Your Highness, the sun of our kingdom, the future Emperor, Li Jie," he held onto the boy, his grip firm. "Please stay safe. Be cautious."
Li Jie smiled, tears welling in his eyes as he grasped the depth of Alfredo's words.
"You too," he responded, returning the embrace as tightly as he could.
If either of them were to be discovered, the death sentence would be the most merciful outcome they could hope for.
"May I?" Alfredo gazed into Li Jie's eyes, their mission's importance evident.
Li Jie understood the true nature of their feelings, a sentiment far removed from what an outsider might perceive.
"You're going to make me cry!" Li Jie managed to choke out, his bitter laughter concealing a hint of sweetness.
"So, may I?" Alfredo grinned, his emotions mirroring Li Jie's as the other boy nodded.
The Western boy closed the distance between them, slowly leaning in until their lips met.
Li Jie wrapped his arms around Alfredo, reciprocating the kiss, gentle and tender.
After a few moments, they drew back, both laughing simultaneously.
"Still no magical feeling," Li Jie jested.
"Nope," Alfredo chuckled. "But we do make great friends."
Before Li Jie could respond—
"Your Highness?" a third, unfamiliar voice interrupted them, causing them both to freeze.