Chapter 10: The end of the world

One good thing about Westeros that Rhaegar could appreciate is its rich nature. With nothing close to an industrial revolution happening in Westeros or Essos for that matter, there was hardly any pollution. There were still deforestation, rampant hunting of animals, misuse of resources and sewage being dumped into clean water sources. The good part is that all of these practices were happening at a snail's pace.

The point is that without any coal or fossil fuel-run machinery the air remained breathable and clear. The stars were bright and twinkled as if they were trying to communicate a secret. The moon was the best in his opinion. It was disappointing that the moon remained the same as on Earth but it was certainly larger than the moon he was used to. Also, this moon had little exposure to meteorite shower and hence it remained as smooth and majestic as it should be.

Laying down on the soft grass and staring at the night sky was one of his go-to methods to keep his mind calm. To let go of all the woes of the measly human life and wonder about the vastness of existence was therapeutic.

Because while looking at the night sky you would realise that there is a vast world out there with billions of stars and planets. Compared to that vast existence, the problems that he would face seemed inconsequential.

Ever since his 'arrival' into this world, he could not find that peace of mind while looking at the night sky. Sure, it helped to free his mind from the woes of his life, but it also brought his mind to the nature of his existence.

Frankly, he was at a loss on how he came to be in this world. If there was some otherworldly intervention he could not recall that event. Which leads him to the elephant in the room. Why was he brought here? Was it because this Omnipotent being could do so or was he supposed to accomplish something? As days passed by he got the feeling that the ROB is a douche and it brought him here because it could. Otherwise, why not make contact with him?

There existed another possibility, that the gods of this realm worked some mojo to pull him from his Earth and placed him inside the womb of Rhaenys Targaryen. If this was the case, some questions do arise. Why go through that much trouble? If any being had that much power then shouldn't that being be able to change whatever it was that bothered it with a simple thought? Or better yet why pick him? Couldn't they have picked a local and charge them with whatever the gods wanted to change? Thinking about the whole thing always left him with a headache.

In the end, only one conclusion felt plausible. Whoever sent him here was a huge dick but at the same time, he was thankful that being didn't order him to do anything specific. It was bad enough that he got kidnapped and dropped into a world without the internet or even fucking electricity for that matter. He would have snapped if he was asked to do something here like he was some slave. So, all in all, it was a good thing that he never came in contact with whatever entity that decided to fuck with his earthly life. Still, he couldn't help but wonder.

At the very least, one major query that he had about the nature of the natural world got answered in this life. The multi-verse theory got validated. Although, he was left flummoxed how a fictional story became a reality.

There was no doubt that what he was experiencing is reality. He could feel pain, happiness, anger and most importantly he has free will. So naturally, he is definitely not in a fictional story anymore, rather he is living in a world albeit one that he read in a book.

The madness of the situation and the sheer frustration generated from his inability to change his circumstances would get to him occasionally. This was one of those moments and the only medicine he found in such cases was either to prank someone, do something stupid that would create chaos or sing a song.

The thought of a song struck well with the mood he was in and he knew just what he should do. He sat up and rushed over to his tent startling some men on the way who were warming themselves near the fire. He found the trunk he was looking for and quickly unlocked the lid. It was filled with some books and clothes but further down there was a black case.

He carefully took out the case and closed the lid of his trunk. He slowly opened the case and a grin came to his face at the contents inside. It was something that he first commissioned when he first managed to procure enough funds from his father. This was the only personal item that he spent a lot of gold on.

It took him months to create this beauty. He personally poured over the designs and sunk hours of labour to build this beauty. He glided his hands through the smooth wooden surface. This was the only thing that represented his attachment to his past life. Just holding this in his hands would make him feel calm and any troubles plaguing his mind would flee in a matter of seconds.

Rhaegar picked up his handmade acoustic guitar. It represented a very intimate part of his being more so than Starfyre or his horse Bambi. While he loved his dragon and his horse the guitar went beyond love. It represented a lot of time, effort, research, planning and most importantly passion.

It was by no means a perfect guitar. He was very intimately involved in building the guitar. While he did hire a few good carpenters that were professional violin designers he decided that it would be fun to became unsolved directly in the project. So of course, he screwed up a few things like the bracing inside the acoustic gear. Thankfully, it didn't affect the sound that much. Although, he could feel a slight resonance but it was manageable.

The true effort and difficulties came up when bending the wood. It was a perilous process of soaking the wood in water for several hours and then use steam to heat the wood. This would loosen up the wood's composition and make it bend with slow intermittent application of force.

This could have been easily done with a bending iron but sadly that tool was not available. Although, he had commissioned one but it was not exactly a priority right now. The rest of the work while difficult was actually enlightening. The men he hired were worth their gold and took care of the finer aspects of the guitar.

The better part of the guitar was built by using maghony. Only a few parts like the pickguard and soundboard were made using walnut and red cedar. He was extremely thankful that he read Building your own Acoustic guitar: Complete instructions and full-size plans by Jonathan Kinkead. Otherwise, he wasn't sure he would have managed to reproduce the guitar this soon. Sure, he could have described the guitar and its composition better and hire local builders to have a try. It would have taken time but he was sure he could have built a guitar in two years time.

But this was something he was very intimately aware of as he had tried his hand at constructing one. It didn't work well but it was still a good attempt, all without any outside help. So, with some help with this one, he managed to create a reasonably perfect guitar.

It cost him thirty gold dragons each to three men he hired plus some material expenses and transportation costs rounding up to a total of 200 good dragons. With 200 gold dragons, a family of three could live a modest life in King's Landing for months. He disliked any excess expenditure but this was one exception he made to himself.

Besides, it was surely a good idea to create a musical instrument. It is far better than asking for a brand new sword that will one day claim many lives. The guitar on the other hand would produce sounds that would heal the souls of men.

Rhaegar swiped his fingers softly through the strings and the sound they produced put a smile on his face. Taking the guitar out of its case he went back outside into the night and found a place by the fire.

"What is that?" asked Arthur Merryweather.

The heir of Longtable had joined the royal procession on Lord Webett's insistence. As if that was not enough, Aegon asked him to take Arthur as a squire. He agreed just to get some good company. While Arthur was indeed a sloth in martial training, the heir of Longtable has a good head on his shoulders.

For one, Arthur is excellent with numbers and Rhaegar learned that about his squire on the surveys. The heir of Longtable also has an impeccable memory and is well-read in the laws of the land. Most importantly, Arthur has a good character, as good as one could hope in this medieval shit hole.

So, Rhaegar found no reason to deny his father's orders. He happily took Arthur as his squire.

"This is the prince's instrument of doom." said Ser Baelium from beside Arthur.

"Instrument of doom?" Arthur asked with a frown.

"You will find that Ser Baelium is known for his theatrics if not for his dry humour my friend." Rhaegar commented with a non-committal tone.

"And you will find the prince to have strange fetishes for taste in music. Take this piece of wood for example. It makes strange sounds!"

"It does not." Rhaegar defended the honour of his guitar.

"Music is supposed to flow like a river. You have strangled the flow with whatever you do with this wood of doom." said Ser Baelium.

"You lack class dear knight. Music is the medicine of the soul and it pours from heart to heart. Only those who opens the heart and listen can appreciate the beauty in diversity of music. A crude brute like you cannot appreciate my music." Rhaegar said with a derisive snort as he tuned his guitar to prove the man wrong.

As he finished fine-tuning the guitar, he slipped into the tune and sang the first song the came to his mind. Elisher Mho, the Summer Islander also joined in with his flute and then he sang...

Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world?

Cause you don't love me any more?

Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when I lost your love

I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does

Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when you said "Goodbye"

Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when you said "Goodbye"

He finished the song to receive a few claps from the audience he attracted with his song.

"Which fair maiden made you cry?" asked Arthur Merryweather.

"Ah, don't take the song literally. It is just a song."

"Just a song! This is a good song and one I feel came from a personal experience. It felt more vibrant for some reason." said Arthur with a sceptical look.

"I am writing a series of stories. The song is based on two characters in that story." said Rhaegar. It was partly true as he did intend to add this song into the story and he was indeed working on a story.

"A story? Is that supposed to be something Princes are supposed to do?" asked Arthur in surprise.

"Well, I'm the second son. Besides what is wrong with me writing a story?"

"Nothing is wrong my prince. It is just that I've never heard of a Prince writing a story. Usually, maester's write books of any kind."


But it won't be just a silly story, my friend. When it is finished, it will be an arrow in my quiver that I will use to shatter the hold of the Faith. Just you wait and see.


Theo Tyrell fussed around in his solar with reports of grains taken into the granaries and the gold he made from trading away the produce. As Highgarden controlled the most prosperous lands in the Reach the gold made was equally mind-boggling. This was no surprise as the Gardners were quite rich and the Tyrells always managed the affairs of Highgarden.

But he had to worry as House Tyrell has been paying taxes to a new monarch. The times where Highgarden collected taxes were over. Now, Highgarden paid taxes to King Aegon Targaryen. The same king who was on his way to his castle right now. To make matters worse the King has been going around the lands of Reach Lords taking account of the wealth and yearly produce.

This could mean only one thing. Either there is going to be some land reorganization or there is going to be a modified tax code. Either one of those is going to hurt him and his hold on the Reach. It is already shaky as it is with vultures circling Highgarden for a whiff of weakness. If taxes are increased or some lord loses some lands then he will inadvertently get blamed for it.

Already, all those good for nothing madmen are out there spreading lies about how his father misled the Gardners into a losing war.

As if my father has been anything but faithful to the Gardners, he thought with a scoff.

House Tyrell held the trust of Gardner kings for our loyal service and our shared blood ties. His house may have been just a poor knightly house but Gardners have always valued sound council from the Tyrells. His father had repeatedly asked the Gardners to not make an open war on account of Oldtown's neutrality. His father had suggested hiring Facelessmen to kill the dragonlords of Dragonstone. If King Mern had heeded his father's advice then the Gardners would have still ruled the Reach.

The Field of Fire proved his father's advice correct. An open war against people that control fire breathing dragons is a bad idea. He had to give it to the Dornish to hold onto their desert lands despite getting burned to cinders for over a year. Well, they were still paying quite a steep price for it. Dornish trade has suffered tremendously despite long years of peace. They were barely hanging on with port duties and spice trade. The true loss for Dorne came from their gutted population. From what he heard, the Dornishmen and women were going at it like rabbits to build back their numbers.

At any rate, the Dornishmen were the least of his problems as he had written them off as the headache of Marcher lords. He has got hundreds of enemies inside the Reach far close to him than any Dornishmen. And this visit by King Aegon would no doubt shake up the Lords of the Reach. All the claimants to Highgarden will try to please the king one way or the other. He was no different.

Theo still remembered the opposition he presented to the King in the Dornish war after his father perished. It was a stupid decision and he thinks he lost a lot of favour with King Aegon that day. He may have also used some poor choice of words but the king let him off the hook as he was grieving for his father. But the problem was, he vehemently opposed the war even after Queen Rhaenys was fell by the Dornishmen. Looking back on it now, he felt so foolish. He was young and stupid that day.

The King had never let his displeasure known so far so he felt safe. But to ensure the Targaryens continued to support their claim to Highgarden he will indeed go out of his way to please the king. This was why he was going to hold a grand tourney in honour of Prince Rhaegar gaining knighthood.

The four to his study burst open only for him to see that it was Ser Morgan.

"Forgive the intrusion, my lord. The royal procession is here."

Theo rushed out of his study with Ser Morgan keeping pace.

"Are all the preparations ready?" he asked in a rush.

"Nothing to worry my lord. Everything is taken care of."

"Good. Good." He whispered.

He joined the rest of his family in the courtyard and waited for the royal procession. Two dragons circled Highgarden and the shadow cast by the Black Dread nearly caused a panic among the people. But he had his men spread out among the smallfolk to make sure they behave.

Then the King and the Prince rode into the courtyard in the liveries befitting House Targaryen, all in black and red as if they require any more ominous colours. The smallfolk threw perfumed flowers at the guests in greeting. The drums played a jovial tune befitting for a royal welcome. He kept those thoughts to himself and took a knee and so did the rest of his House as King Aegon approached with his son in tow.

"My King, Highgarden is yours."