What do you want? you!

Spending her vacation at Aunt Dian's place kept her sane and she was happy she could help recovery speed up. But then she was a student and had to resume her studies.

She got ready and Dian drove her to her so called home it was evening already when they got there so she freshened up and resumed last night's dream.

She found herself lieing on the sandy ground the taste of metal was all she felt and it was her blood up above the ground was o huge Hill. She tried getting up but her soul just didn't want to it's like it had given up on life.

She looked at the big yellow circle above her and it was the sun smiling down at her as if saying welcome this is your destiny and it hurts but you don't have a choice.

She didn't know how or why but all she did was smile back and at that moment a ray of light hit her heavy eyes.Just then she woke up and

AHHHHHHHHHH I'M LATE! OH DEAR LORD I'M DOOMED!! first day of a new semester and I'm this late I bet this semester won't bring anything good.

I took the fastest shower grabbed my back pack forgot to eat and said goodbye.

I reached the Geology class panting and of course Mr Luigi was there already waiting for the Fools actually that's how he calls every late commer.

Thank goodness that I was just 3mins late so I just earned a glare. some fool already occupied my space and because she's a reserved type things like this didn't actually get to her.

Few minutes before the lectures were about to be ajurned someone bumped in with three fine ladies one was with a back pack that looks like a boy's the other two were behind the boy that looked as if was making a call and was being so loud that even the other classes were listening.

"Hey what the fuck man I won't tolerate any nonsense next time so stop being such a pussy and man up."

Ok he went far with that and this teacher was so damn pissed.

Well this insident ended up in the principal's office.

There are rumors that the guy whom I believe is a jerk is kinda the new artist and is said to be the spoiled son of the previous CEO of blablablaa and those three girls are his caretakers and what the who allows his son to take such caretakers.Well my friend was the news teller so I'm waiting for her to bring in another second sermon.

After she got my food out to eat a certain someone she just called a jerk appeared right in front of her.

What do you want was all she could ask.

YOU was the next thing she heard .