Chapter 14: I want to tame her

October 27, 20XX (Wednesday)

In the eastern port,

It was around 2AM, the sky was extremely dark with only the street lamps to see. Many man with a black mask on was transporting the shipment from the ship, many crates were being pushed out. The security was very tight as there were guards standing by different station, but they did not know what was happening on the ship.

As only workers was pushing the crate out from the ship, the guards was at the port. Unbeknownst to them, a few masks man, equivalent to 30 people were seen slashing the people on the ship while the guards were already dead.

One person wearing a white mask covering half of its face, could seen ruthlessly slashing the guards while gunfire was dancing in the air. The mask person body was flying in the air, with bodies lying on the ground dead wherever the assassin lands.

The ship was already dyed in red, with all the man dead. The assassins came too quickly like a wind, catching them off guard. "It's the red demon!" A man who just came out of the cabin in the port shouted, signaling the rest of the people in the cabin to come out.

And there the red demon spotted the reaper, the man had a big snake tattoo on his neck. He did not say a word before he began shooting at the masked assassin. "I knew you were gonna come, let's see what the headquarters would do with you when I caught you." he hurriedly ran out of the cabin, with extreme agility.

"Stop them from taking the crates!" the small fry spiders charge over to the ship, shooting at the few masked man. Which shockingly every bullet could not touch or even graze the skin of the few masked man, they were extremely fast.

The few assassins did not speak but they were working in extreme coordination, their bodies turn while they shoot. "BOOM!' grenade was thrown towards the tens of spiders. The scene was especially cinematic, with bodies flying. Blood splattering, the assassins body was already covered by the enemies blood.

"Piss....piss...piss" Three bullets was shot at red demon, which the person dodged with great skills. The man dashed towards the red demon, sliding passed the red demon. He stood up and gave a kick, the red demon jumped forward doing a front slip.

"F*ck!" the man cried in pain as he got cut by the flying dagger thrown at him, "Blak..ah..SHIT!" he spat out blood as the masked person suddenly changed its direction and shot a bullet towards him.

"They send a small fry?" The red demon harshly punched his face, plummeting his face into the ground. "You got played, you bastard!" the man shouted, slashing the masked man right by the waist.

"Boss, retreat!...a undetected group of man is heading towards the port!" a person spoked to the masked man through the earpiece the person was wearing.

The chaos was still ongoing when a horn was blown, and just like the wind. The 30 masked assassin disappeared, not worrying about the red demon being left alone.

"Protect boss!" the remaining spiders ran with top speed towards the red demon who was stepping on their boss head, they did not know whether was he dead or not. "Die already." as though possessed, the masked man did a backflip to avoid the coming blade.

While agilely doing a high kick right at the spider face, "Check whether boss is ali..Ah!" one of the spider who was fighting the red demon got slashed right in the throat even before he could finish his sentence.

"Boss you need to run now!" the person at the other side, hurriedly warned when it saw the red dot coming closer to the port.


Entrance of the port,

Group of people in suit came out of the car, they were about to start shooting when they was stoned right in their spot. "Boss, this..." A man wearing a black masked informed Alessandro who was looking right at the certain crazy person killing people like there was no tomorrow.

'Red demon?' Alessandro thought as he stood majestically with his immaculate suit on, hands inside his pockets. They were standing quite far from the port, hence they could not clearly see who was the person killing.

All they saw was a woman with long hair, body dyed in blood. With the deathly bright dead eyes, killing without blinking an eyes. And before they could register what happened, the gunshots had already stop.

All was left were just dead body, the masked person had already flee like a wind. The so called reaper had his head squashed, leg cut. "Are we going to chase after the..."

"Get the crate" Alessandro commanded, while he slowly walked towards the bloodbath. His perfect leather shoes was dyed in red, but he did not have any reaction. This was not his first time seeing the red demon in the act, he had seen is numerous times throughout the years.

He did not have to do anything, and all will be done. As the red demon would had already done the deed, with a bloodbath. He did not support the choice of style, but he did not care. All he could register was that the red demon was a woman, with a deep hatred with the reapers.

Alessandro wished to meet up with the red demon once, to find out who this psycho was. He felt intrigue, his eyes glint with malice. He bend down to picked up a intricate designed white masked with gold lining, that he saw the masked woman threw.

'Her evilness knew no bounds' was what he thought, which incredibly made him energized with vigor to meet up with the red demon. 'I want to tame her." he thought in his mind, licking his lips.