Who Won The Bet ?

Pov. Izzy

I woke up before Valentina, but I didn't move, I just watched her sleep while I think about our kiss and that good feeling I felt.

It was much better than I imagined.

Why didn't I do it before?

- Eavesdropper. - Valentina grumbles, rubbing her eyes.

- Good morning I think, actually I haven't looked at the time yet, but it's clear, so it's still daytime. I say and she giggles.

- Good morning and good afternoon then. - she jokes and I move away so she can sit on the bed.

- You're so cute when you wake up that it doesn't even look like you kill people with your bare hands. - I joke and she laughs.

- If you keep talking nonsense I'll kill you too. - she says and I notice the malice in her tone.

- Depends, how do you intend to kill me? Slowly or madly? - I question amused and she shakes her head and then brings her face to mine.

- So. She says and kisses my cheek.

Then he kisses the other side, I hold my breath when I feel her lips against the skin of my neck, I feel my heart speed up when she bites lightly and dragged leaving me shivering and then she looks at me and kisses me. I can't say anything, so I just smile seeing her eyes sparkle in amusement I hope she continues what she intends to do, but the bedroom door is opened by Nick, Sarah and Jensen who smile mischievously when they see us together and so close .

- We get in the way of the girls' morning sex, let's leave and come back another time a bunch. - Sarah says pulling Nick and Jensen by the shirt collar and I shake my head laughing.

- Stop being silly, we were already going to get ready to go down. - I say and the three stop at the door while Valentina gets up slowly.

- See you at breakfast. - Says the blonde winking at me before passing the three standing at the door.

- What happened? - Sarah asks, throwing herself on the bed.

- Why so curious about ? - I ask amused getting up going towards the bathroom.

- Because I want to know what it's like to catch that beautiful bastard who slept with you. - Sarah answers loudly making me laugh.

I just ignore their comments and do my morning hygiene, ask Sarah to get the clothes Sasha brought in last night, and change after my shower. As soon as I'm ready I leave the bathroom finding the three of them sitting on the bed waiting for me, I ignore everyone and leave the room without giving them time to ask questions. I find Anaya in the kitchen with Sasha and Henry.

- Good afternoon. - I say and the three look at me.

- Look, the golden parakeet woke up. - Henry jokes and Sasha slaps him while I smile confused.

- Why golden parakeet? - I ask sitting on the bench.

- Because you look like there's honey in that xibiu, because everyone wants you, everyone chases you. - Sarah answers entering the kitchen and I roll my eyes.

- Children, set the table for lunch. - says Aunt Naya and when I go to get up to help she holds me. - None of that, you're recovering. - complete and I nod getting quiet.

I hear footsteps on the stairs and I know it's Valentina, I wait for her to enter the kitchen, but she passes right by with a notebook in her hand, seeming to be attentive to what she was reading.

- You must be talking to her mothers. - says Naya and I get curious.

But I don't say anything, I just accompany Naya to the dining room for lunch, I sit down and wait for Valentina who took ten minutes to show up and her face was changed, she looked irritated. No one dares to say anything, we just ate in silence while I wondered what had affected his mood.

- So... - Nick says getting everyone's attention. - Who won the bet? - He asks and I look at Valentina who diverts her attention from her plate and looks at me and then looks at my brother.

- No one yet, I think. - he answers and I smile.

- What do you have to say about that little sister? Nick asks and I shrug.

- Nothing, I make Valen's words mine. I answer and he rolls his eyes.

- But there was a kiss at least? - asks Jensen and Sarah laughs.

- Of course it happened, look at the faces of their idiots. - Sarah answers and I shake my head.

These friends of mine are too silly.

They are very emotional.

- Children, tomorrow you will have to go back to school, so the training will be when you leave school. - Naya says and I take a deep breath.

- There's something I need to know. - Valentina says, catching our attention.

- Which ? - asks Naya.

- Did you use any forbidden magic yesterday? - Asks the blonde and I look at Naya who looks back at me.

- It was the only way to save Izzy. - he answers and I'm surprised.

- Anaya, the council has already been summoned for you, soon you will receive a summons to appear in the royal court. - Valentina says and I look at the older one who smiles at me.

- I know honey, when you arrive I'll be ready. - Naya says and I sigh.

- Are you going to be arrested or something? - I ask seeing Sasha take a deep breath.

- Probably. - responds calmly.

- Can't you do anything? - I ask and Valentina looks at me, but doesn't answer anything.

She must be able to do something.

It's not possible.

- We can and will do. -She answers after some time and then gets up. - I'm going to my room, thanks for the food, it was great as always Anaya. - complete leaving the room.

I look at Anaya feeling very guilty about the situation and I get up going towards the stairs, I go up and I don't even knock on the door, I just walk into the blonde's room watching her put a jacket over her thin sweatshirt.

- Where are you going ? - I ask and she looks at me.

- I need to sort something out. She replied, averting her eyes from mine.

- You're still recovering, you can't just walk around. I say and she sighs.

- Isabelle, I don't have time to discuss this right now, so just come with me. - She says and I nod watching her close her bedroom door and then go to the window.

She opens the window carefully and then says some strange things and a ladder forms on the wall going down through the window.

- Come on, we have to be quick. - She says and I nod following her without having the slightest idea what is happening.

I can only say one thing.

If curiosity killed the cat, then the cat is lying in the grave now wanting even more than before to know what's going on.

Damn it.


Pov. Valentina

Knowing from Emma that Anaya could be put to death for using forbidden magic made me a little out of control, and getting a psychic message from Griffin about the progress of the mission I gave her made me worse. I don't know if I'm acting the right way, because I can get caught by Fergus, but something tells me I should go see what he's up to with my own eyes, after all, according to my guardian's message, he had returned to the city and I would have a date with someone this afternoon.

Which makes me even more curious.

Something tells me not to trust my uncle.

I look to the side and see Isabelle beside me in silence as we walk along the forest path that leads us to the cemetery. She's quiet and thoughtful, I think she already knows where we're going, which makes me think maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring her with me.

- Wants to go back ? - I ask getting her attention and she looks at me and shakes her head.

- I'm fine, just confused about what we're going to do. - responds calmly.

- Let's do the thing you and I do best in this life. - I say and she looks at me waiting for me to continue. - Snoop and inspect. - Complete and she smiles, but then makes a face.

- Who are we going to spy on my dear James Bond? - Amused question and I smile.

- Someone very suspicious my dear Sherlock Holmes. - I reply amused and she shakes her head without stopping smiling.

- Can you say the name of the person or is this a top secret mission where we don't know anything about the target, we just go there and execute the mission? - Question sounding excited.

- I'll explain after we check the situation ok? - I question and she nods.

- Top secret mission. - he says laughing.

I smile, focusing on the path that took no more than fifteen minutes to reach the cemetery. As soon as we arrive I look for a good place to hide that is close to Hector's grave where Fergus would probably meet whoever it is, when I find him I smell Griffin and Klaus approaching, it doesn't take long for the two to appear at the same time. our side.

- He's already close. - I say to Isabelle and she looks at me. - No matter what happens, don't move and don't make noise. - complete and she nods.

I recite an odor confusion spell so that our presence goes unnoticed, after all Fergus didn't inherit the wizard gene, only that of werewolf and vampire. I see my uncle a little way away from Hector's grave and another man in black clothes and a hood approaching the grave. As soon as they are close, the two look around and then start talking.

- Why did you call me here ? asked the man in the hood looking annoyed.

- I need you to do something for me. - Fergus answers calmly, taking an envelope from some fake pocket of his blazer.

- What do you need now? - He asks impatiently, taking the envelope and putting it in his pocket.

- There's everything you need to know, don't ask unnecessary questions. - Answers my uncle arrogantly, turning his back on the man.

I look at Isabelle who looks confused by the situation as she watches Fergus walk away from the man opening the calm envelope.

- What's the reason for that? - He asks looking down at me.

- Let's say I have some questions, so I sent our guardians to seek answers. - I answer seeing the man put the envelope in his pocket.

I look at Griffin and he already knows what I want so he looks at Isabelle's guardian, just as the man walks away, the two wolves prepare to follow him, I turn my attention to Isabelle and she's looking at me thoughtfully.

- It's all right ? - I ask and she nods, but then she looks to the side and bites her lip looking like she's in an internal conflict and I wait for her to decide and when she does it makes me a little nervous.

- Are you hiding something from me, Valentina? - serious question.

- Why would I be hiding something from you? - I question and she smiles sarcastically and stands up making me get up too.

I see Griffin and Klaus walk away after the man who has already disappeared from view, leaving me alone with Isabelle.

- Answering a question like that with another question always means that the person is lying, trying to get off the subject or buy time to come up with some lame excuse and I hope you're not doing that. -She says even more serious than before and I hold her hand and then I get closer to her getting practically glued to her.

- I have no reason to lie to you. - I say seriously and even so, her look shows doubt. - I don't trust Fergus and I have a good reason for that. He's ambitious, people like that tend to fuck up easily. - complete and she nods.

- Okay, I believe you. - she says and I analyze her to see if she really believed it.

I know I shouldn't tell half truths, but I don't want to involve you in this without having something concrete, I'm investigating my uncle, but for now all I have are guesses and as my mother always says.

Assumptions get you nowhere.

You need to kill the riddle once and for all or you'll get stuck in it.


Pov. Isabelle

On the way back to Valentina's house, I couldn't stop thinking that there's something she doesn't want to tell me, maybe a month living with me isn't enough for her to open up to me a little, to share her frustrations and that makes me remember the day I tried to help her and she backed off claiming she didn't want to have to tell me how she got that scar. I wonder what I could do to show that she can trust me,  I sigh looking at the house next door through my bedroom window, it hasn't been less than three hours since I returned to my house with Nick and our friends have already called to say they would be gone the night here, so I automatically texted the girl next door asking if she would come too, but I didn't get an answer, in fact she didn't even see it.

What is she doing?

Couldn't you just look at that message?

- Izzy. - I hear Nick's voice coming from downstairs and I quickly go down the stairs.

- What is it ? - I ask heading towards the kitchen since he wasn't in the living room.

- Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you. - he answers when I stop at the kitchen door.

- What do you want to talk dear brother? - I ask sitting at the table while he prepares hot chocolate and waffles.

- I wanted to know how you are with everything that has been happening. - he says and I think a little about everything.

Well, despite being kind of crazy and unbelievable for me, I've been dealing with everything well, at least I think so.

- I think well, I still can't believe that I can turn into a bunch of flea fur and that one day I'll be a bloodsucker, but I'm a little excited about it. - I say and he laughs.

- You can't take it seriously yet, right? - he asks and I shake my head.

- I think I'm starting to take it, you know? - I say and he nods. - We went through a lot, we had that affair with Carter, then came the death of our parents and now this, but I think that in the midst of all this, discovering to be a princess heir to one of the royal thrones of a world that I I thought it was a bedtime story doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world, I can deal with it little by little. - complete and he smiles at me.

- I'm glad you were chosen to run everything, because I wouldn't be able to handle it, I can't even accept that my almost-girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, was the sister of the guy who hurt you and who still drugged me to be able to kill you. - says the last part ironically.

- I'm sorry for that, you're so good Nick, you didn't deserve such a betrayal. I say and he sighs.

- You know what makes me angry about all this? - He says taking a deep breath. - And that I bet on what we had, I thought she was a nice girl and that with her I could have something I always wanted to have before, but I didn't have it because I deprived myself of feeling, of letting myself go, because I thought I could hurt someone. That's why what's killing me the most now is that I bet everything on nothing, I dived in without knowing that the water was shallow and the result was a chipped head. - Says the last part in a fun way and then wipes the tears he was trying to hold back and I get up and hug.

- Why are you holding back tears? There are no secrets and not even the one to contain feelings or tears between us, we were always best friends, you don't have to contain yourself with me little brother. - I say and he laughs.

- I know, but it's my duty to be strong for you, I can't afford to be vulnerable knowing that there are people trying to hurt you. - he says seriously.

- Nick, we'll be fine, remember what Dad said when we had a bad day or wanted to give up when he tried to teach us something? - I ask and he nods.

- Giving up is letting go of all the good things that could have happened if you had stuck it out and kept going. - he answers and I nod.

- Because what we face along the way are the fragments of our history that will make us who we will be after now. - I keep smiling at him.

- If you plant love and reap pain, then plant hope, because it never dies and motivates you to seek to be better and better. - we talk together.

My dad was amazing.

Surely he would know what to say to my brother.

And it would be something that would make him happy and motivated.

- You don't have to contain what you're feeling, I know you want to protect me, but your protection is of no use to me if it makes you suffer. - I say and he is surprised. - Nick, you are the only family I have right now, seeing you happy is my priority, if someone is trying to kill me or whatever, let's deal with it, but I don't want you to be focused only on that to the point of forgetting that you have it. your life, your feelings, we are brothers, we will go through it all together, crying, smiling, furious or whatever. - complete and he nods.

- I love you, Izzy. - he says and I smile.

- I know that yes, I am very kind indeed. - I joke and he pushes me. - I love you too silly. I say and he smiles.

I hope I have helped you in some way.

______________ To be continued ______________