Town Competition (11)

"Khoru and Xiao Neng win!" The gallant cheers of the crowd raged and shook the sky. Khoru and Xiao Neng looked at Hao Jianyu's pitiful state. They went back to their respective seats in the crowd shortly after.

'Thank the heavens for those yin and yang energies. If it wasn't for their chaotic and peaceful nature, Hao Jianyu would've gotten back up just like when she was hit by Xiao Neng's attack.' Khoru was exhausted and fell asleep.


"Huh? What?" Khoru was awakened by the thunderous shouts of the crowd around him. He jumped out of his seat and looked down, only to find his half-sister Qiu Wei floating a few meters above the stadium with his rapier piercing towards the sky.

The ground was dark black and purple and mist covered the entire stadium, even affecting her teammate. Her opponents, who were nobodies, were brutally beaten until they finally conceded a few minutes later.

"Hmph." She said before sheathing her rapier and walking off the stadium. Khoru looked around before asking the person next to him, "Hey, how many matches have passed since I fell asleep?"

The person next to him was slightly startled despite the entire competition area being exceptionally loud. He quickly responded with, "Oh, maybe about four or five, and most of the top geniuses have already fought, so I think the battle royale is going to start," before going back to shouting.

Khoru listened well and thought over how long he might've been asleep. After a while, the Addresser stopped calling competitor numbers and the man that started the competition appeared in the middle of the stadium, restoring it once again.

"I think the power hierarchy has been officially formed now. It's pretty obvious that Qiu Wei, Xiao Neng, Hao Jianyu, and a few others are among our strongest competitors! And this fight, has officially brought an end to our two versus two matches! Now, onto the final event!"

The man waved his hands through the air in a mysterious way, and the stadium shook heavily. Its size began to increase and the bleacher seats were being pushed back. Khoru's expression was one of shock when he looked around.

"What's going on?" He wasn't the only one asking that question, as nearly everyone was surprised.

Somehow the ground was moving? How was this possible?

'Perhaps its the power of that man? Where did he come from anyways...' Khoru sneakily observed the man in the stadium, realizing that he hadn't received an ounce of information regarding the man's background.

Khoru disregarded it after a while because of the drastic change in scenery. His gaze was stuck on the stadium like glue. The stadium had increased in size nearly five times! There was also a large tower in the middle of the stadium.

All around the stadium were small torches with light-blue-colored fire illuminating them. They floated in the air. The man from before stood at the top of the tower and said, "Now for the battle royale. There are two ways to win, or rather, to requirements to win. First, you must either eliminate enough enemies, or collect the most torches."

The man jumped down from the tower and disappeared from the stadium. He reappeared high in the sky with his hands behind his back. Before anyone noticed, he waved his hands and the Spirit Qi around the competitors fluctuated violently.

Khoru had just woken up so he was a bit confused. Before he knew it, his surroundings had changed again and he appeared on the ground of the stadium, which was now identical to grass. The entire landscape of the stadium changed into something akin to nature.

It looked like someone had cut a square of land out of the world and put it on display, from afar at least. From up close, it looked like any other forest or cave, minus the torches floating in the air.

Khoru immediately ran through the dense trees and entered a dark cave with no illumination. What he didn't know was that he was being spectated by all of the crowd. The man from before had created a giant screen that displayed every competitor in the stadium.

He also cast some type of sound-proofing spell over the entire stadium so that the competitors wouldn't be able to hear the voices of the crowd.

'I should secure as many torches as possible, but I should also find shelter.' Khoru thought to himself as he entered the cave and ventured it. He used a bit of Spirit Qi to illuminate the inside of the cave as he tread through it.

Shortly after, his Spirit Qi's illuminate became unnecessary because he encountered multiple torches inside of the cave.

"Yes!" Khoru whispered before charging through the cave and lightly touching the torches, which disappeared afterwards. A small medallion given at the beginning of the competition glowed brightly and the number 1 appeared on it.

That number changed three times before the glow dimmed. As Khoru was resting inside the cave, the hasty footsteps of an unknown person entered his ears. He summoned both his Martial Spirits and transformed them into machetes.

The cave was too narrow for cross blades or katanas, so a pair machetes was Khoru's next option. Khoru waited in silence for the person to arrive at his spot. It didn't take long either, as the footsteps were extremely fast, as if the person was running.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! He's already begun to slaughter people!" The cowardly voice of a young man echoed throughout the cave, making Khoru's expression change into one of confusion.

"Slaughtering people? Who?" Khoru was curious, but he chose not to give up his spot just because of some lousy words. Soon, the person entered his sights despite it being dark in the cave.

It was a young man with brown hair and pale yellow eyes. He wore beige-colored robes that fluttered violently as he ran. His expression was one of fear and distress.

Unfortunately, he just so happened to have entered the same cave as Khoru. Without any prior warning, Khoru jumped out of the darkness and his machetes gently caressed the skin on the young man's neck in half a second.

"A-A-" Before the young man could speak, Khoru covered his mouth. "If you scream, I'll kill you. If you breath incorrectly, I'll kill you. If you talk too much, I'll kill you. All I want from you is to tell me about the person outside that you claimed was slaughtering people."

The young man's expression turned sour at Khoru's unfair bargain.