Chapter 6

Silva's House (Night)

Noelle lay in her bed hugging her pillow, the moonlight passing through her window making the blush on her beautiful face visible.

In Noelle's mind appeared Asta, an Asta with a sweet smile as he held her like a princess. Then there was an Asta with a cold expression as he hit a man.

Noelle hugged the pillow tighter, Asta's blushing face for some reason made her heart beat fast, the way he treats her and how they get so close so easily with every moment they spend together, Noelle hardly had happy moments in her life, because she was treated with disdain by her brothers except for her cousin, but they hardly spent any time together.

With Asta everything is different, she feels warm and happy every moment she spends with him. Every time she sees that smile she feels her heart racing she had never seen a man as handsome as Asta and that same man treats her with warmth and gentleness two feelings she could hardly feel since she was born.

'Asta...' Noelle's eyes looked like a strange swirl, her cheeks turned even redder.


Nozel Noelle's brother was quietly sitting at the table looking at some documents, suddenly his back felt a chill as if he had a terrible feeling.

''What the hell is this feeling?'' Nozel's face turned a slight purple color and even his hair stood on end, he had a strange feeling An omen could it be?



Asta lay sleeping his body began to tremble slightly, his grimoire strangely summoned itself glowing brightly with a dark crimson light.

''Hehehehe'' A devilish laugh echoed in Asta's head.

Asta appeared in a completely dark place as if he had been teleported to another world, a world filled with darkness and completely desolate.

''Ehhh? What's wrong who dares to interrupt my sleep?'' Asta woke up in the dark world with lazy eyes and drool coming out of the corner of his mouth.

''Kid'' The world suddenly turned red, a completely dark and demonic 50 meters tall silhouette appeared in Asta's sight. His hair floated as if gravity did not exist and his eyes were red.

''Ah, it's just a demon'' Asta looked with a lazy face at the devil then said.

''Sword come here'' The grimoire glowed, a thick sword appeared on Asta's hand.

"W-what are you doing? The demon that looked creepy just stuttered as he saw a lazy Asta wielding the thick sword.

''Come here, you think I'm afraid of you, I've faced worse monsters than you, you think you can intimidate me Hmph!'' Asta looked at the devil with his eyes narrowed from sleep.

"You're stuck here with me!, Do you think you can beat me in my own space?'' The demon's face twisted.

''¿Do you think I'm stuck with you? Hahaha'' Asta started laughing with a strange laugh for a moments.

''You're stuck with me'' Asta's lazy expression disappeared completely replaced by a wild grin.

3 minutes later...

A poor demon with its size completely reduced from 50 meters to 1 meter, its beaten body was face down and its expression could not even be seen.

'Shit that damn sword doesn't make sense!, his skills even more! He's perfect for my revenge! Together we could avenge our mother easily' The devil thought then added 'How the hell did he swing the sword like that? It's like he's been repeating those moves for a lifetime'.

Asta who was sitting not far from him looked at him in confusion 'I knew there was something wrong with this grimoire, but in the end it's just this strange little demon'.

''You had no intention of killing me you little devil, Who are you and what do you want?''

''Maybe if you had asked that from the beginning you wouldn't have hit me'' The little demon's face came back with an annoyed expression.

''Maybe if you hadn't interrupted my dream this wouldn't have happened?'' Asta returned the same argument

''Tch!'' The demon clicked his tongue, stood up, intertwining his arms.

''I am Liebe the adopted son of your mother'' The Demon spoke as if his name was to be feared.

''Hah?'' Asta was completely confused

''You look exactly like my adoptive mother, you're just like her but masculine'' Liebe said.

''I never knew what my mother looks like so I could believe you.'' Asta spoke with a frown.

''Of course you don't know what it looks like, she had to abandon you in Hage's orphanage, because she has an ability that makes her absorb mana and vitality around her, at some point you would end up dying if she stayed with you...'' Liebe explained his fists clenched tightly, Liebe was lucky that she could raise him due to that ability not affecting Liebe, it was as if fate had wanted the child to be reunited with that woman.

Asta's eyes widened as he listened to Liebe, 'So that's why I don't possess magic' Asta thought to himself.

''Since she absorbed all your magic, you became the perfect candidate to possess antimagic, since someone who has magic cannot possess antimagic'' Liebe explained, clearly remembering how Lichita spoke with heartbreaking pain when she was about to kill his son, and had to abandon him.

''That's why you chose me in the grimoire tower...'' Asta looked the demon straight in the eyes.

Liebe nodded then said ''She told me that she had left you in an orphanage. I had been thrown into a portal by a high ranking demon, then some magical knights started hunting me because of my appearance, they left me on the verge of death but your mother saved me.''

Liebe's expression became sad ''She took care of me for a long time, those were the best moments of my life until he came'' Liebe's face twisted with anger, his dark aura began to emanate from him.

''Lucifer the strongest demon wanted to possess my body, your mother didn't hesitate and attacked him by absorbing his mana, but then he pierced her womb wounding her to death, just before she died she introduced me into a grimoire of 4 clovers...'' Liebe clenched his fists helplessly.

''...''' Asta can feel it, Liebe clearly wasn't lying has felt this kind of hatred and thirst for revenge, as he himself has experienced this feeling in his previous life. For some reason Asta felt this thirst for revenge again after hearing Liebe's words.

''So you want to avenge her?'' Asta looked into Liebe's eyes 'It's likely that demon will come back here looking for him again' Asta thought calming his feelings.

Liebe approached Asta looking him straight in the eyes, Liebe's red eyes began to glow brightly.

''Of course I want to avenge her, I want to make Lucifer's life a misery, I want to tear him apart, dismember him, destroy everything he has built in the fucking hell, Let alone the other demons, those are the first to die!'' Liebe's face twisted with pure hatred and madness, remembering those moments where he was abused for being a small demon without magic.

''So you chose the right person Liebe'' Asta spoke with a big smile on his face as he extended his hand towards Liebe.

Liebe didn't hesitate and shook his hand, ''Then we have a deal, I will let you control my antimagic and you will take care of everything, trust me, I would never hurt my Mother's son!''

With those last words Liebe's figure hovered over Asta and began to laugh maniacally.


Asta closed his eyes, the dark red world began to slowly crumble, he heard Liebe's maniacal laughter slowly fade away.

Asta awoke strangely, he was standing still, his heart began to beat rapidly, Asta's body began to emanate a dark and overwhelming pressure, his hair began to turn jet black slowly.

His green eyes turned ruby red, both of Asta's arms became covered with a dark substance as well as his legs leaving his abdomen exposed.

Asta's hands and feets looked like claws, small sheep horns began to grow out of his head giving him an even more devilish touch and his skin began to turn a pale color.

Asta closed his sharp red eyes, restraining his pressure so as not to frighten the people around him or draw attention to himself.

''This shit feels amazing Hahaha'' Asta opened his eyes with a crimson glow an excited smile came across his face as he felt the power of the antimagic.

''I should get out of here.''

Asta wasted no time and as if he had never been there he disappeared from the room.



At the top of a mountain the figure of Asta infused with antimagic could be seen, Asta raised his hand holding a gigantic sword over 50 meters long covered with a black substance. Asta admired the power of the antimagic for a few moments and then retracted it.

''Your body is strangely stronger than a human's, that's why you can withstand large amounts of antimagic. You have more vitality and physical endurance than a normal human'' Asta's grimoire glowed and Liebe's voice could be heard.

''It seems that we are the living nightmare of those who use magic'' Asta said.

''You're right'' Liebe affirmed Asta's words.

''Hahaha'' Asta started laughing at the thought of how people would react to his strength despite not possessing magic.

Not far away from Asta, a woman was looking towards the mountain with a completely red face, alternating her gaze between Asta's body and his crotch.

''W-what the heck...'' The woman wanted to walk away but couldn't look away as if she was in a trance-like state and being hypnotized by a long, thick rod swaying sideways because of the breeze. After a few minutes she shook her head and ran out of the forest.

''You even realize you're naked right?...'' Liebe spoke, and then added in his mind 'this son of Licita is very strange, but the strangest thing is that he did not cry despite hearing of his mother's death. But I could feel it, I could feel the anger in him when I mentioned her death, he seems to be quite a strong boy in every way.'

"Ah! Asta remembered that he put a lot of strength destroying all his clothes, he was displaced towards the Kingdom swiftly.