Chapter 10


Yuno stopped, then looked towards the person who dared to address him that way, but he was in shock, the woman at the door was incredibly beautiful, with silver hair pulled back in a ponytail, with white dress accentuating her curvaceous body, plus those purple eyes of this woman that looked at him coldly as if she was going to break all his bones at any moment.

''What's the girl who can't control her magic doing here? Do you think you can stop me?'' Yuno spoke with a arrogant tone

''N-Noelle What are you doing here?'' Mimosa's cold expression dissapear when she saw her cousin here.

''Yuno don't attack her, Remember she is the Nozel's sister'' Klaus said in a tense tone

''If you don't get away from her this instant you're going to regret it'' Noelle summoned her grimoire and looked at Yuno coldly.

''What are you going to do? Are you going to cast a spell Hahah-'' Before Yuno could finish mocking, the loose change under Noelle exploded and shortened the distance between her and Yuno instantly.


Under the astonished gaze of all the members of the squadron, Yuno shot towards the table and broke it. They all looked at Noelle and were even more amazed that she was casting a spell.

''Kairyu No Hoko'' A giant mouth of dragon swallowed Yuno creating an explosion of water in the whole room.


The squadron members tried to free themselves but Mimosa's grip was getting tighter and tighter, the room ended up completely destroyed, Yuno was lying on the floor with his hair covering his expression because it was wet.Yuno slowly stood up looking at Noelle who gave him a look of disdain and coldness, a look that Yuno had never been given in his whole life.

The wind in the room became fierce Yuno's grimoire glowed a deep golden color, Yuno summoned many wind lances that shot towards Noelle. The boots made of water magic on Noelle's legs got bigger, she lifted one leg and did a spinning kick creating a tornado of water.

''How!?'' Yuno still couldn't understand anything, wasn't Noelle supposed to be unable to control her magic according to the rumors? But here she is casting spells and using her magic as if she's breathing.

Yuno began to throw more wind spheres, in Noelle's hand she created a water sword with which she easily cut each sphere.

''Shirifu No Ibuki'' A giant sphere which spins fiercely, which spins fiercely, I believe in Yuno's hand, without a second's hesitation shoot directly at Noelle and Mimosa.

''¡Kairyu No Hoko!'' Noelle cast the same spell but added more mana than before.


The room was shattered and Yuno shot out, Noelle rushed over and stood right in front of him.

''Y-you'' Yuno look at Noelle with a blurred vision.

''So much arrogance and you don't even have anything to back it up'' Noelle look at Yuno's eyes with a disdain expression.

''...'' Yuno remained silent, his fists clenched tightly, he knew Noelle was right, he didn't even manage to lay a finger on her and leave him in such a state.

''Noelle we have to go if the vice-captain comes we will be in trouble'' Mimosa said as she walked to her side.

''He can't beat me, but i'm not alone '' Noelle exhibited a small smile

''Eh? Who you came wi-'' Before Mimosa could ask a question, a strong wind blew through the entire campus.

Yuno stood up looking directly into Noelle's eyes her expression was twisted with anger.

''¿Oh? It seems that someone is very upset'' Noelle flashed a mischievous grin as she said

''Mimosa don't let the others come, I'll take care of him'' Noelle's arms were covered with water magic and a long sword was created in her right hand. Mimosa looked at the squadron members and piles of plants began to emerge from the ground as she approached them.

''I'm going to destroy that damn expression on your face!'' Yuno said, his expression was one of pure anger.

''I'm here! Come little nobleman i'm just a Silva's house noblewoman that can't control her magic'' Noelle said with feigned fear

Yuno, seeing how Noelle was mocking, gritted his teeth, ten wind lances were created behind his back, they began to spin rapidly and then shot towards Noelle.

¡Slash! ¡Slash ¡Slash!

Noelle swung the long sword with smooth movements cutting the wind spears as if they were a joke, Yuno did not stop and kept summoning more and more spears.

''¡Kamaitachi no Mikazuki!'' Yuno shouted and began to throw the long crescent moon-shaped wind cuts.


Noelle let out a sigh her expression looking bored, before several attacks came in contact with her body, she bowed slightly and disappeared appearing right in front of Yuno.

''Clench your teeth'' Yuno's eyes widened as Noelle's fist flew towards his jaw with a small tornado of water forming on her arm.


Yuno shot 10 meters into the sky spinning around, rolling his eyes, completely unconscious, and fell to the ground rolling.

''Let's get out of here'' Mimosa she said as she approached Noelle. But then abruptly stopped, feeling a large amount of mana walking toward it.

''Those who dare to attack the Golden Dawn?'' A small-complexioned, brown-haired, blue-eyed young man, He looks at Noelle with a sadic smile.

''The Nozel's sister is very bold''

''And you very short''

''...'' The squadron members who had just arrived and heard what Noelle said couldn't help but tense up, they know how crazy their vice-captain can be and Noelle just humiliated him.

''You're right he's too short'' Mimosa said innocently, as even she had become bigger than he was.

''You B-'' Before the vice-captain could say anything an overwhelming pressure descended and it seemed to only affect the people of the Golden Dawn.

"What is that feeling of pressure and darkness?" said Letoille, her body began to tremble slightly, her gaze and that of her companions shifted to Mimosa's back where they met deep red eyes that made their blood run cold.

"What were you going to say?'' A deep, cold voice came from the man behind Mimosa.