Chapter 39: Unleashing the Wind.


The ocean went completely crazy as did the wind outside, as if it were a great wind bomb Asta descended in the midst of the hooded men a shockwave of wind danced around the area on which him descended, these men trembled when they saw Asta's appearance,

His ash-blond hair danced to the rhythm of the wild wind that didn't allow the water to touch even a part of his body, Asta moved his right hand where he carried his battle axe, the axe moved smoothly as if he was tracing the most beautiful picture.


The eyes of the girl and the boy widened as they saw the heads flying in a bloody mess as if it was a horror movie, the men who were torturing them stopped abruptly when they saw the man or rather the bloodthirsty demon in front of them.

''Bastards!'' Asta said coldly, as he bowed his body, the reason why he was so upset was because he already understood the actions of this group, as he descended to the sea he saw that the people were alive but their bodies were completely destroyed as if they wanted to make them live the greatest hardship and torture of their lives, But something that made his blood boil even more, was that there were even children and pregnant women.


As if it was a teleportation Asta reappeared in the middle of the boy and the girl, and at the same time the wind rose below them, then as if they were fireworks the bodies of the hooded men exploded leaving blood and bones.

The eyes of the girl and the boy widened, the man in front of them looked like a God who descended to punish these white hooded people


The ocean above Asta rose hundreds of meters each time he made a move, corpses flew out of the sea, it was a bloody one-sided massacre as if there was no one who could stop Asta's wrath.

''Kahono, we have to move with that guy he is in our side'' The boy tried to tell the girl but she had a completely pale face watching the way Asta went into a frenzy, the boy looked at where Kahono was looking and his jaw couldn't help but drop.

''HAAAAA!'' Asta let out a great cry the wind that danced around him changed shape, now it looked like an arrow, Asta stood on tiptoe and then with smooth movements that looked like a deadly dance, he made the bodies of the hooded people in white tear apart each time he approached.

The girl's big red eyes tried to follow every movement of the man in front of her, every step he took, the wind danced madly towards his enemies tearing them to shreds, she began to feel so dizzy seeing the place that had already been full of blood stain even more red.

At this point the ocean had turned red in a large area outside and various torn bodies were floating around, any normal person passing by would be scared shitless as the place seemed like the darkest and scariest part of a story.

''What the hell is going on here?'' Vetto came out of the temple with a stone in his hand, Vetto's title as one of the leaders of the Eye of the White Night is dread, but at this moment he was facing a man who would make him feel something much worse than dread, he knew it. His instincts were screaming at him!

Asta's cold gaze met the terrified Vetto.

''You!'' Asta's voice echoed in Vetto's head as if it were the voice of the devil himself about to sentence him.

'H-Human you need to calm down you're going to dry up this damn ocean.' Sylph said as the wind spread out and moved like a storm around Asta, she was so surprised she didn't know what to say, Asta was controlling the wind in such a wild and crazy way that it blew her mind.

Vetto didn't even bother to say a word to him, he realized what his fate would be if he took a step forward thinking he is an invincible man, he knew very well that what awaited him was to be completely dismembered and torn apart like his men, without further ado Vetto whispered something and a dark crack opened behind him.

''You-''Vetto wanted to say something that would scare the human, he wanted to say that his boss was much stronger but he received the biggest scare of his life, As Vetto's body entered the crack, Asta's face was already in front of him. Those neon green eyes looked sharp like swords and he could swear that the corner of his eyes were red.

The crack disappeared only taking Vetto, apparently the bearer of this magic can select exactly the people he would take, Asta looked at the two arms that he ripped off Vetto, he take the magic stone and then he threw them away as if they were garbage.

The moment Vetto left, the last round of hooded people pounced on Asta as if they didn't care about their lives, Asta simply let them get closer, and the moment they were a meter away from him they felt as if time had slowed down and before they knew it, their vision went dark as their bodies were torn apart by the shockwave of wind.

The wind around Asta stopped moving wildly, and then moved parting the sea, the boy and girl were stunned seeing the extremely strong and handsome man.

Asta walked slowly towards the boy and girl, his steps were elegant and the closer he got his cold expression disappeared replaced by a completely kind and soft one, as if he hadn't just killed thousands of people.


''AAAGHHHHHHHH!'' Vetto appeared at the base of the Eye of the White Night Rhya and Fana looked at Vetto shocked and immediately fana advanced and began to heal him.

''Vetto What happened?'' Fana asked but vetto kept screaming in pain even though he was healing quickly.

''I have a bad feeling about this'' Rhya said trembling, Who the hell could leave Vetto in such a state?



A black-haired, blue-eyed woman with a glasses looked at her partner who was in front of her.

''Undine, something happens?'' The woman asked.

''N-no, I think I'm just feeling strange things'' Undine said, and added in her mind 'I must be imagining things right? Sylph should be sleeping right? Would she have woken up and entered her full form because she was attacked? Who could make the cute, little and playful Sylph unleash her powers on that scale in the ocean?' Undine was always a calm and completely serene woman, but if it was Sylph who is like her little sister, the concern immediately invaded her, she hoped in the depths of her heart that Sylph was alright.

''Undine I can see that you are very worried tell me the truth? What's up?'' The woman in front of undine asked with a worried expression.

''It's my little sister, she is in the ocean fighting...'' Undine said.

''Ehhh? You never mentioned that you had a sister'' The woman said.

''She is the spirit of the wind, she has lived many years with me'' Undine said.

''I guess you want to go see her in person'' The woman said looking at the Undine expression.

''Of course! It's been years since I've seen her, I miss her so much! at least I will send a legion of my 'little' animals to see if all is well'' Undine said showing a beautiful smile that was later replaced by his calm face.

''I'm sorry, you have to stay with me all the time and you can't even go see a loved one'' The woman said with a sad expression.

''Don't worry Lolopechika, we can meet one day surely'' Undine said softly.


Asta communicated with his subordinates who did not take long to arrive, Asta made sure to ask specifically for people with healing magic, when they arrived at the ocean they were dumbfounded, the ocean was stained with blood and corpses were everywhere, but the most amazing were the wounded people who flew out, on the middle of the ocean Asta had his eyes closed and his body glowed with a green tone as if he was completely concentrated.

''Heal them'' Asta said and the survivors flew slowly toward his subordinates, Asta floated gently to where his subordinates were flying beside him, the boy and the girl were also flying, the girl could not take her eyes off Asta, she felt like the typical story of the prince who saved the princess, Asta noticed that the girl was looking at him but didn't return his gaze to her, he left the two with his subordinates and floated into the sky to stand guard.

'Spread your wings, I want to move' Sylph said, Asta did as she said and dark wings emerged from his back, then Sylph shot out and stopped floating in the sea. Asta looked at her in confusion and then his mouth slowly opened as he saw the scene in front of him.

Whether whales, sharks, dolphins, megalodons, all kinds of aquatic animals swam around Sylph, Sylph's eyes opened with a very melancholic expression.

''Sylphie? these are from Undine right?'' Asta flew and stopped next to Sylph.

''Yes!'' Sylph said as small tears spilled from her beautiful face. A great happiness invaded his heart to know that Undine is still around, only his two brothers Gnome and Salamander will be missing...