Chapter 57: Teasing an Elf full of Hate.

Fana's day to day was quite boring and she had to be worried that Licht would dare to attack this Kingdom, she was 100% sure that this man could defeat Licht. The moment she saw him carrying that turtle she knew that her dreams of making humans suffer were far away...

It was so painful, their relatives were completely slaughtered when they were looking for peace and union. But it was not a simple massacre, they were massacred at a wedding between a human and an elf, how cruel can one be to kill their own race? How nefarious can these humans become? but she noted that she met a very different human.

Asta could have done many things to her... But he never hurt her and treated her with care, and when he came to her room from time to time he tried to talk to her even though she kept quiet. It was as if he was looking for something, something that he Licht tried to do a long time ago. She started to feel a bit silly for not even wanting to try to talk to the human besides just spitting out words like dirty human this and that.

''It's not impossible for that human to want that... they're all the same, right?'' Fana's mind conflicted again until a knock on the door could be heard.

''Come in...'' Fana said.

''How is the perverted elf?'' Asta he entered the room with food, his hair was damp as if he had just taken a shower and washed off some dirty dark red color.

Fana ignored Asta's words and her gaze traveled over his upper body, Asta's shirt was open showing those abs chiseled by the Gods and that chest that any woman would do anything to touch or sleep on.

''I told you that I will not give you information stop being so insistent'' Fana said as she got into the bed sheet.

''Hmm, i'm not sure i can't do it'' Asta put the food on the table next to Fana.

''There are things you can't achieve human and destroy my will is one of them'' Fana said from the sheet.

''Oh? Are you sure about that?'' Asta said as he exhibited a naughty smile.


''You know that you are alone, without a Salamander, without a lot of mana, surrounded by many strong subordinates. All alone powerless and weak in this room with me'' Asta said as he approached.

''If you didn't do anything to me before, much less now, you're just talking nonsense-'' Before Fana finishes speaking, he even pulled her out of the blanket and held her by her waist, making her look straight into his eyes.

''Poor elf, you don't know where you've fallen'' Asta whispered in her ear making her tickle.

''Y-You d-'' Fana was about to said but Asta pushed her down on the bed, Asta's shirt was no longer visible anywhere. Fana's heart began to sink, at this point she was no longer sure what she thought before about this human, but there was something that bothered her so much and it was that she liked what she saw and what she felt, she felt a small itch a desire forbidden to touch the body of the man in front of her, and taste those lips.

''What do you want Fana?'' Asta whispered in her ear with a hoarse voice.

''I...'' Fana's eyes clouded over for a moment, but then returned to their empty form and said:

''I want all the damned culprits of the massacre of the elves to die!'' Fana said with hate.

''What else do you want?'' Asta asked while caressing Fana's cheek, to reassure her.

''I want to see them burn, receive something worse than death and hell itself. Drive a stake from below until it comes out of their mouths and leave it in front of the damn kingdom so they have a clear message'' Fana said with a crazy expression.

''After that what will you do?'' Asta asked.

''I...'' Fana didn't know what to say, what was she going to do after that? was she just going to live in peace with her people after completing her revenge? no, she would probably look for more humans to make them suffer.

''Poor Elf, you want revenge on innocent people when the culprits have died of old age and the main culprit is alive and hidden laughing at all of you''

''The biggest culprit is hidden?'' Fana repeated.

''Do you want to know the truth behind all the massacre?'' Asta asked with a sly smile.

''The truth?'' Fana's empty eyes sparkled with desire and curiosity.

''Tell me!'' Fana said suddenly, her legs wrapped around Asta's waist as if they didn't want to let him escape.

''I'll tell you when you tell me the truth of what you want'' Asta said as he bite the ear of Fana making her eyes tremble of pleasure.

''I... I want taste you'' Fana said as she bite her lips and looked at Asta with lust.

''As expected of a perverted elf'' Asta said as he got out of Fana's grasp, put on his shirt and sat on a chair waiting for her reaction.

''...'' Fana's face turned completely red, she slowly got up from the bed and looked at her private part which Asta was looking at with amazement, even though she was wearing a beautiful white dress, it was completely wet and even on the bed she left a small puddle.

The embarrassment that Fana was feeling had exceeded the limits and crossed the sky, she a leader of the eye of the white night just got wet to such a level just with those small actions? It was as if Fana's brain stopped working and she just stared at the puddle of hot liquid.

'This confirms that the elves are similar to those of my world in this regard' Asta thought remembering great memories that he would never forget in his life, in fact if he had to say what was the best moment of his life in his first life he would say at the time he had an orgy with his elf wife and some other elves including the Queen. Because of this Asta knows perfectly what an elf liked and that could drive them crazy.

Asta moved his hand in front of Fana but she didn't react.


Fana.exe doesn't work...

Several moments later, Fana slowly hid herself in the already wet sheets, and as if nothing had happened she said:

''What is the truth? human'' Her voice sounded almost like the buzzing of a mosquito.

''I met someone who is still alive and has seen those events...'' Asta started to explain. To say impressed would be an understatement, many of the things Asta explained made sense. But she didn't want to accept it, it was impossible that they were wrong right? I swear I've heard of people from the clover kingdom, and yes. She wasn't wrong.

''I'm not going to lie to you, I know there were people from the Clover Kingdom participating in this massacre, but they are dead. And that does not justify that you should persecute people who have nothing to do with this'' Asta said.

''...Why do you insist so much? you have the power to end the race of elves, you have anti-magic, you have three spirits how come you haven't thought about dominating us or dark things, aren't you greedy? Aren't you overwhelmed by the desire to possess a race like the elves that are blessed by mana? don't you envy and hate them?''

''I have nothing to envy of the elves, and I do not seek to possess or dominate them. In fact I want to fulfill the dream that Lemiel, Licht and Tetia could not fulfill'' Asta explain.

''...'' Fana doesn't say nothing.

''And the other reason is because of a big secret that I haven't even told my own wives.'' Asta said

''A secret?'' Fana's eyes glowed.

''I know you may not believe me yet, but one day I will bring you the person I told you about and someone who possesses memory magic.'' Asta said

''Why do you go so far? We have tried to kill you, and we have even killed humans and you want to shake hands with us?''

''Woman stop being so headstrong, I'm just trying to prevent the extinction of your race. And I don't want to repeat the same stupidity that was committed 500 years ago, how can I call myself King if I can't break the schemes? no one was able to unite the elves completely? then I will do it, either by force or by hook.'' Asta said

''Don't sell me dreams, even if you want the union, that doesn't apply to all the inhabitants'' Fana said.

''Time passes, and things change and evolve. They have to learn to get used to change, just like you. If we don't take away the differences and stupidities of the past we will never progress, we would only be like animals acting according to their instincts'' Asta said.

''You need a strong hand to rule.'' Fana said, inside the sheet she had a small smile of hope.

''I know how I will do things, I just need you to stop being so stubborn and cooperate''

''You know that they open several conflicts all the time and it will be a headache''

''They will see the consequences of their stupid actions''

''You are a man who dreams big...''

''And you are a hateful''



Fana and Asta continued arguing until an unexpected visitor for Fana arrived at the place.

''Fana I know you're there, Come with me, I'll help you escape!''

''Mars!?'' Fana stood up suddenly from the bed.

''What you plan to do? I let my subordinates let him pass, there were many situations where they could have killed him but I found out he was your friend'' Asta asked with a sly smile.

''Get him kicked out of here'' Fana said ansiously.

''He is a man in love, obviously he will not leave without first fighting to the death'' Asta said.

''In love? I told him that i only see him as a friend'' Fana said.

''But he not''


''What are you going to do Fana? the time is moving'' Asta asked with a playful smile.

Fana quickly moved to the window and opened it, Mars was filled with happiness to see her and almost jumped there if it wasn't for the fact that she spoke earlier.

''Get out of here! They are going to kill you!''

''But you-'' Mars was about to said, but he could see a shadow behind Fana, the shadow of a man. Mars had noticed that Fana's dress was wet in the crotch and thought maybe she spilled water on her but when he saw the silhouette of a man behind her, his heart began to clench and sink.

''Fana, Who's that man!?''

''Man?'' Fana was about to turn around but, Asta moved first. Asta's hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her back, Asta started softly kissing her neck, her cheek and saving the best for last. Her pointed ears began to be nibbled and licked by him.

''Ahhhh~'' Fana let out a moan her turquoise eyes began to cloud.


''Ahhhhhh!'' Fana let out a loud moan, and unconsciously moved her butt backwards.

''...'' Mars felt like his world was starting to fall apart, he knew she only saw him as a friend, but is she doing 'that' with a human? and in front of him? Mars' mind couldn't think straight his face twisted in anger, and his chest heaved up and down like a rabid animal. He was about to jump to kill Asta but unfortunately the woman he loves fell into the hands of one of the most dangerous man in the universe.


''Sit down.'' Asta said, Mars felt as if the weight of a mountain were closing on him and he fell to his knees.

''You're not going to do anything to him, right?'' Fana asked with a worry expression.

Mars felt as if thousands of daggers stabbed into his heart as he listened to the woman he loves beg for his forgiveness and his salvation from the monster behind her.

''I have been very generous today, I came offering you a better alternative, but you have made me argue with you a lot. And now you also want me to spare his life?'' Asta said as he caresses Fana's cheek.

''I-I did because I liked talking to you, my days had become very boring and I had no one to be with or talk to until you came back again'' Fana explain with a blush on her face.

''...'' Mars at this point felt completely distressed, and suddenly it started to rain. If only he had come back in time and saved her, maybe she would have fallen in love with him?

Definitely not, Fana had already fallen into Asta's clutches, a man that knows how to make crazy an Elf. And for a Diamond Kingdom soldier like Mars it was impossible to do anything about it.

''I thought you hated having to see a human''

''You are an exception'' Fana said as she bite her lips.

''Oh? Why am i an exception?'' Asta asked with a naughty smile.

''Comparing those humans to you would be like comparing the earth to the sky.'' Fana said while breathing heavily.

''So big the difference?''

''Yes..'' Fana said as she rubbed her plump buttocks against Asta.

''If you had told your true thoughts from the beginning everything would have been easier'' Asta said as he walked away from Fana and jumped to where Mars.

''It seems you didn't think much when you came. Did you think you could get her out of this Kingdom by yourself?'' Asta said.0'

''I thought that if I saved her, she would have feelings for me.'' Mars said with empty eyes.

Fana's body trembled in disgust, she didn't see Mars as he sees her. Also, is she a fucking princess from a fairy tale? definitely not.

''I had already told you that I didn't have that kind of feeling for you, and that you stop chasing me!'' Fana approached and said.

''But if you have feelings for that man and on top of that a human''

''Yes'' Fana said suddenly.

'And I though i was bad' Asta though.

''Why Fana?''

''That's none of your business and you should get out'' Fana said, she wasn't going to explain to Mars that the man next to her knew how to drive her crazy just with his touch, that his appearance would embarrass the Elves themselves and that the great strength he possesses makes her feel safe. Besides that he is offering her a great future.

''I'm sorry Fana but I can't let him go'' Asta said suddenly.

''Huh? Why? he is not a threat'' Fana said.

''Even the bite of a small ant can hurt''

''...'' Fana knew that Asta was right, nothing assured her that Mars would not cause problems. The only reason he is alive is because Asta doesn't want that his relationship with her to fall apart.

''Kill me'' Mars said as he looked at Asta.

''No, what a laziness.''

''...'' Mars and Fana's face turned dark.

''I have respect for you, you entered the Kingdom only for wanting to save the woman you love. Well because I let you pass rather.'' Asta said hurting his pride as a soldier.

''You have to know when to leave something'' Asta added making Mars' fists clench.

Seeing that Mars didn't say anything, he even made a sign to his subordinates and they took him away.

''Thank you...'' Fana said.

''Just thanks? Don't you think there's a better way to thank me?'' Asta asked with a sly smile.

Fana bit her lips and your cheeks turn red, then said while looking down in embarrassment.

''You can taste me a little if you want''

As Asta listened to Fana, he began to approach slowly, making her nervous. Asta brought her mouth closer to her ear and then said:

''Keep dreaming pervert elf''

Asta started to walk away slowly after saying that.

''Damn! COME HERE!'' Fana pounced on Asta like a wild beast.

Asta and Fana started fighting like wild animals, but it was impossible for Fana to win. Moments after she ended up lying on his lap, Asta gave her subordinates a dangerous look making them move away from her.

''Look at me'' Asta grabbed her chin making her look at him. Fana began to breathe heavily and bit her lips, her eyes showing expectation.

''I need you, I will show you great things if you cooperate with me'' Asta said.

''What do you need'' Fana asked as she bite her lips.

''It's easy, listen to me'' Asta began to whisper in her ear.

''Okay I'll think about it'' Fana said with a low voice.

''Then it's time for your punishment''

''Punishment?'' Fana's eyes glow with expectation.

''This is just a little, with this we will close our business'' Asta said

''Then go ahead please...''