Chapter 77: Asta went frenzy.

''Anti Mana Zone.'' Asta cast the spell that he managed to learn with the help of his beloved wife Mereoleona, it didn't take much effort because Asta had good knowledge of the magic of his previous world, and the mana zone works similar. But this was the least of it, the most amazing thing was how the battlefield changed completely, everything that was made of magic just went Puff! it disappeared.

Secre who seemed completely unconcerned and unimpressed by the events, she approached Asta and hugged his back, then as if it was the voice of a little devil tempting him she said:

''Please Love, make him see hell'' Secre said as she look at the devil lying on the ground with his body trembling.

''It will not only be him, I didn't think that Licht would try to reincarnate elves in the bodies of people close to me.''

'Close? We don't know each other very well, but...' Charlotte thought with a blush on her face.

''Well, i don't care about Licht too. Something tells me he doesn't even know what he is doing or wants to accomplish.'' Secre said as she put her chin on his shoulder.

''Okay, let me do this'' Asta said, The moment he had used the Anti-Mana Zone his antimagic transformation had disappeared as if that transformation had become the Zone itself.

''It's time to go out and play Liebe''

The moment Asta said that, Licht and the devil could no longer see them. What happened next was a sight they would not forget for the rest of their lives. Slowly two big blood-red eyes began to open and then a large big mouth as well. What had appeared in front of Licht and the Devil was a demon, a demon that the Devil himself had never met in his life, and this confused him greatly. How could such a strong demon not be recognized by him?

''Zagred-Senpai~'' The demon in front of them spoke in a distorted voice, and slowly began to grow larger and more terrifying. Its blood red eyes began to change shape, a row of teeth bigger than a megalodon's formed in the demon's mouth, large claws were created as well. The demon stood on all fours and looked at them with a mad grin.

''Why are they looking at me like that? I'm not mad, you're the ones who made him mad Kekekeke'' The Demon said as he laughed.

''Your... Of all the demons who the hell are you?'' Zagred asked, had never heard of a demon that could handle such power, this was simply brutal. According to his knowledge this power is at an arcane level or even much more, it can practically cancel everything! Doesn't this mean that Lucifero would only be like a clown in front of such a technique and such a demon?

''That's not what's important, but there is one thing I can assure you. If you've never prayed in your life...'' Liebe said as he approached Zagred until he can felt his breath.

''You're going to want to pray after this.''

After those words the cries of torture of Zagred began to be heard loudly in the Anti-Magic Zone. Charlotte, who was in Asta's embrace, could not help but shiver.

''A-Asta?'' Charlotte said, and two pairs of blood-red eyes looked straight at her, some were big and shone like stars and others were deep.

''Yes Charlotte?'' Asta said with soft voice as he caresses her shoulder to reassure her.

''What is happening? i can't see nothing.''

''Oh, don't worry it won't be long. It's not a pretty sight what's going on in front of us.'' Asta said as he and Secre looked at Zagred who was being torn steadily and slowly. Licht looked at this scene completely scared shitless, he didn't know where the hell he was and who he was messing with.

''Okay...'' Charlotte said but the sound of the torture screams made her body continue to tremble.

'I hate the state my body is in this state, I feel so weak.' Charlotte thought, but then her ears were covered and she felt a warm embrace, as if she was being attracted to the person who was embracing him as well. The warmest hug she had ever had was from her mother, but this one was also very warm and she wanted to stay like this for a long time since it was a feeling she had not felt for years.

Charlotte's body stopped shaking and as if she had calmed down completely, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the embrace.

Moments later, the cries of torture stopped, Secre approached what appeared to be Zagred and sealed him as she stared coldly at him. Zagred saw how those blood-red eyes that had looked at him that way 500 years ago looked at him the same way again, but this time this woman managed to fulfill that deep desire to get rid of him, Zagred unconsciously felt himself small in front of that cold smile of Secre. Secre's magic may seem simple and useless, but the reality is that it is one of the most dangerous and is found at an arcane level, just like Asta's antimagic.

The Anti-Mana Zone began to whirl like a whirlwind heading straight for Asta's grimoire. Everyone looked at Asta with different emotions, they were surprised by what she just did, but they all almost fainted when they saw the cold woman in Asta's arms, hugging him as if she wanted to hold onto him for an eternity.

The captains and Julius were already shocked by the Anti-Mana Zone, but now seeing Charlotte like this made them think that they were having some kind of dream.

''You can open your eyes'' Asta said with soft voice and naughty smile.

Charlotte opened her eyes slowly, her face started to turn as red as a tomato as she saw everyone staring at her, she wanted to get out of Asta's embrace this damn instant but the man was hugging her so possessively and protective that for a moment she thought about giving up.

''We have a lot of things pending, I hope you don't jump in with an excuse after this. I don't want to resort to something drastic'' Asta whispered with hoarse voice in her ear, making her tremble slightly.

''Y-Yes'' Charlotte's cold temper had gone out the window the moment she fell in Asta's embrace.

''Be a good wif- woman and wait here, you may enjoy watching the following'' Asta said almost saying Wife to Charlotte.

'H-He was about to call me wife!?' Charlotte's cheeks turned red 'This man!' Charlotte wanted to hit him because now it was even clearer to her that Asta wanted her to be one of his wives.

''Licht'' Asta's deep and cold voice echoed throughout the battlefield, there were no more enemies and only Licht was left on the ground looking at Asta. Everyone was watching what would be the next actions of the future king.

Fana approached, and stared. She was not going to interfere, she no longer recognized Licht. He and all the elves had lost themselves in the desire for revenge, but she no longer sought revenge. All the men, except Asta, were open-mouthed at Fana's new appearance, for she had just passed through the effects of reincarnation. Her body had changed and she could even think more clearly among many other things.

''Stand up.'' Asta said as he approaches Licht, Licht glared at Asta and stood up.

''Kill me, you win.'' Licht said as he look at Asta with empty eyes.

''Kill you? Are you going to let yourself be killed so easily? You're not even going to fight, man what a pity for Tetia, you seem to have turned to shit after she passed away. I wish she would have survived maybe she would have liked to meet me.'' Asta said with a smirk, those words were enough to provoke Licht, he went completely mad and the mana exploded around him.

''SPARKLE ORIGIN!'' Licht shouted, a column of mana light rose through the heavens.

''Perfect.'' Under everyone's surprised eyes, Asta threw down his sword. Everyone was confused, he is a swordsman! What swordsman throws his weapons?

''Have you ever had a man-to-man combat?'' Asta said as he flashed a big smile, Even though Asta had no sword in his hand, Licht felt that the danger did not diminish in this man, somehow he felt that it had just tripled.

''No-'' Before Licht could finish a punch flew into his jaw, knocking his teeth out.


Licht felt his world spinning, but the man in front of him said a few words that made his blood boil madly, he recovered quickly and punched Asta back, which he received with a smile.


''My wives hits more harder than you.'' Asta said as he punches the abdomen of Licht making him jump a little.

''Bastard!'' Licht's arms were covered with light, then he began to throw thousands of punches at Asta. Asta left his stance open, the smile on his face had not disappeared. Everyone's hair stood on end as Asta looked like a warrior thirsty for battle, a warrior that once he starts moving he doesn't stop. Licht's eyes widened as he saw the man approaching.

''FIight! Fight!'' Asta shouted.

''SHUT UP!'' Licht's blows became louder, the place was shaking and turning into a mess, every licht punch released a shockwave.

''That's how you beat the race that exterminated yours? Shame on you! You do not deserve the title of leader of the elves, you are a disgrace!'' Asta said as he continued approaching Licht.

At this point Licht began to transform into a blur, his whole body had become a blur from such stupid speed. A crater began to form around the place and the dust settled.

''Haaa...'' Licht began to pant as he stopped, the dust slowly fading...

''You've got to be kidding me'' Yami said as his cigarette falls.

A kind of strange shiver ran through everyone's bodies when they saw Asta, his shirt was nowhere to be seen, revealing his body chiseled by the Gods themselves. The man's body was completely intact, his head was tilted a little to the side looking at Licht.

''I would like to meet Tetia, to ask her how she fell in love with a man as weak as you. Maybe if she sees how strong I am she will be attracted to me?'' Asta said as he put his hand to his chin, an imperceptible troll smile tugged in his lips as he saw Licht react again.

Licht instantly appeared in front of Asta, but before he could hit him Asta hit him in the chest, sinking it in the process.


The blow echoed thunderously around the entire battlefield, Licht's body even bounced. But the elf leader's eyes were still glaring angrily at Asta, he regained his posture with his body in such a terrible state. Licht clenched his fist and threw a punch towards Asta's face, just as before he received it with a smile. Licht was beginning to feel helpless and useless, how could everything go so wrong.... The plan of revenge his people was just destroyed into pieces.


As thousands of punches collided with other punches, tears began to spill from Licht's eyes. The image of his wife lying on the ground completely bloodied appeared in his mind.


Licht's blows were beginning to weaken, Asta grabbed his shoulder and instantly brought him to his knees. Then Asta's amused smile disappeared completely.

''Now it's your turn'' Asta said, veins were marked on his forearms, then the next scene was a one-sided destruction. Asta struck Licht's abdomen sending him rolling to the ground, then before he finished rolling. Asta reappeared behind him and kicked him sending him into the sky, when Licht was suspended in the sky he even transformed into a black meteorite that shot out shortening the distance in an instant, Asta grabbed his arm and began to spin crazily and before descending he crushed Licht against the ground breaking him into a spider web.


Licht's body bounced and hovered in front of Asta, just before he fell Asta began to hit him without letting him fall. Blood and drool came out of Licht's mouth, several punches flew consecutively to his abdomen. Asta grabbed his long white hair with one hand and with the other began to hit him.


Everyone watching unconsciously swallowed, Asta simply went into a frenzy against Licht. For a moment they thought that Asta no longer wanted peace with the elves. But they remembered that if he had wanted to kill him he would have used his sword.

Asta left Licht standing, Licht was a complete mess and was staggering. Fana bit her lips as she saw how Licht had ended up, she wanted to say something but the extinction of her race was at stake and she didn't want her race to disappear. She knows how angry Asta was at Licht's audacity to reincarnate elves into human bodies, and apparently he tried to reincarnate someone into a person he shouldn't have.

Lich's body slowly fell backwards, his vision that was looking up to the sky gradually darkened.

Thus concluded the attack of the elves, no one knew that there was a devil in the middle of the fight because Asta, Secre and Liebe were in charge of not even let him breathe. But his biggest mistake was to apply the strategy of a hyena.

No one said a word, they just stared at Asta. He was so young, but he had a strength that breaks all schemes and even he would become King at such a young age.

After a few moments, people began to shout with excitement and even civilians came out of the kingdom to see that they had won, this was already two consecutive victories.

Asta looked up at the sky with a lost expression, Charlotte looked at him her heart was beating so fast and hard and her cheeks felt so red. Lily and Mimosa went over to check for her injuries, Noelle flew down and hugged Asta on his back while saying something in his ear.

Mereoleona had been completely paralyzed since Asta and Licht's fight started. She wanted to have such a crazy fight! But she knew that her husband would never hit her like that...

Julius looked at Asta, who was deep in thought, as were the captains, something told them that from now on everything would be so different.

No one noticed Sylph's expression as she flew away, the katana in her hand had not disappeared and a small crown still adorned her head. Sylph showed a predatory, excited, and loving expression.

From this day on, the kingdom would have plenty of time for peace, prosperity, progress and evolution. But more importantly, there would be many changes.


Asta's Castle.


Asta was on top of Noelle both nake, she was hugging him gently. Both lips were joined with passion and a lot of love, Noelle had a silly smile as she kissed Asta. The other girls were in another room and Asta had taken care of them, and now he was with Noelle.

''Daarling~'' Noelle whispered in his ear.

''Noelle'' Asta replied.

''That was amazing'' Noelle said as she caresses his hair.

''What? the war?''

''No dumb, Hahaha'' Noelle hit softly his head.

''Then, what?''

''Our war''

''Ah, Hahaha'' Asta let out a soft laugh.

''I will never tire of saying it...'' Noelle said as she cupped Asta's face to make him look at her.

''That day in the forest, those six months it took me to have the courage to tell you my feelings were worth it. You have no idea how much I love you, I may have fallen in love foolishly but my feelings for you are very intense.'' Noelle said with soft voice as she wrapped her legs around Asta's waist.

''Oh? tell me more'' Asta looked at Noelle with a warm smile.

'He is enjoying it, Hahaha' Noelle thought.

''You are my light in the midst of darkness'' Noelle said with hoarse voice, she grabbed Asta's hand and kissed it.

''My hope in the midst of descesperation'' Noelle said as she lifts Asta's hair and kisses his forehead.

''My sweet thing, of which I can't get enough'' Noelle kissed his cheek.

''But more importantly'' Noelle's eyes glowed.

''My husband'' Noelle kissed him.

Noelle slowly parted her lips from Asta's to see his reaction, She felt her breath catch, Asta's pure, warm smile and the red tinge in his ears and cheeks made her see Asta's smile as she looked at him.

''Do you want to know about mine?'' Asta asked.


Asta slowly brought his mouth to Noelle's ear, Asta's lips began to move, whispering things to her. Noelle's eyes became blurry, then they became swirling and finally her cheeks turned bright red, A minute had passed but Asta did not stop saying things sweeter than honey in Noelle's ear...

''D-Darling...'' Noelle's inner self tightened, and many hot juices began to spill out of her opening that had Asta's shaft completely swallowed.

''Do you want me to continue?'' Asta asked.

''Huhm'' Noelle nodded in a tenderly way.

Asta lifted the bangs stuck to Noelle's forehead, and gently kissed her forehead.

''I love you'' Instead of Asta tell her more sweet things he looks directly in her eyes and said that while showing a sweet expression.

''I love you more'' Noelle said with a warm smile, She hugged his head and placing it on her breasts.

Noelle bit her lips and looked at with an expression concerned her husband who enjoyed her hug.

'Now that he is going to be king, It's very certain that he is going to ask for that ... and the girls and me already talked about that, I do not want to see his sad expression. I know how much I would like that idea, but we are still very young and others have other reasons.' Noelle thought, her eyes looked at Asta with a sad expression, he was so good and she loved him so much. But she had thought very well about something, something that will probably make him get sad. Noelle is in conflict, she doesn't want husband to get sad. She wants to love him every day and make him happy every day, but probably the moment she has to reject a petition from her husband is close.

'Maybe I should simply accept it? How could I reject it, I love him so much... but there are things that I'm not sure to do' Noelle thought as her eyes take the shape of a swirl. Asta raised his head from the breasts of Noelle and looked at her with a warm smile, Noelle tremble unconciously by seeing that happy and warm smile of her husband.

Asta takes time by telling them all his plans, he always spoke with a big smile and an excited expression. Everything progresses perfectly, at this point they will have a great and invincible kingdom.