Chapter 91: While they live happily, others move in the dark...


Unknown Place...

A giant gothic castle was in the center of mountains, There seemed to be no one there and everything was totally silent, the place looked a bit gloomy as it seemed to be set in a gloomy tone unlike other places that are wonderfully beautiful.

In a meeting room there were two men, both exuding a strong pressure. Their faces seemed to show not a hint of emotion as they looked at each other.

''Where she went?'' The man with a crown on his head asked.

''She's looking for that woman again... After that defeat she became very crazy and obsessed with that woman.''

''I have a question Zenon, really you don't have any interest in that woman? She's a strange case but i don't care about it, She's one of the most beautiful woman i ever seen... I want her'' The eyes of the man with a crown on his head glowed intensely with desire.

''I'm not interested about that woman, and we should focus on the misssion, Dante.'' Zenon said with cold voice.

''We were supposed to move carefully after hearing about the strength of the clover kingdom, but she just didn't care about that and went out to do whatever she wanted.'' Dante said as he put his hand on his chin.

''She is like that, at least she will continue to be useful.''

''You talk as if she were a tool and not our sister'' Dante said with a sneer smile.

''She isn't the only one, we are tools too.'' Zenon said with as his eyes turn empty.

''Don't make that face, you're scary Hahaha'' Dante said with mocking voice.

''Let's not get sidetracked, we already have a key. There is only one left and if we have to kill half the kingdom to get it, we will.'' Zenon said, then he took a glass of wine and began to drink.

''To think that the child who had trouble killing can now kill as if he were breathing.'' Dante said as he settle on his chair.

''Dante can't you stop changing the subject?'' Zenon began to release a strong pressure.

''Forgive me, Forgive me Hahahaha. Don't bother Zenon~''

''Sometimes I wonder if you can take something seriously.'' Zenon said looking irritated.

''Women maybe, I might try harder to take the last key and then go after that amazing woman.'' Dante said as his eyes glow intensely.

''As long as we get the last key I don't care what you want to do.'' Zenon said.

''Hahahaha, I can't wait any longer, but I will slow down. I'm still not sure what the hell is going on with that kingdom, they won two wars easily. I wonder who is behind all this, we can't even access information as if something is blocking us.'' Dante said as he stood up.

''The only idea I can think of is that another person of the same level as the Wizard King appeared.'' Zenon spoke.

''What does it matter if he is in the level of the Wizard King, a captain or whatever. We will take that key by moving slowly through the darkness~'' Dante said as he walk to the door.

''And then i will catch that woman...''



''Was it too much to ask to work with normal people?'' Zenon said as he stood up.

Even though I had said I was not interested in this woman, it was the opposite, I had never seen anyone like her before. But he could not understand Vanica's great obsession with the Queen of the Kingdom Heart and Undine.

''This is probably due to Megicula'' Zenon said.

Tap Tap Tap

Zenon went out from the room as his eyes glowed intense with curiosity.

''Dante...'' Zenon looked at the pets of them.

''They're beautiful, no?'' Dante asked.

''Beautiful not, but stronger yes.''

''Soon the age of demons will arrive.'' Dante said as he open his arms and look at the sky with a big smile.

''And no one is going to stop us'' Zenon said as he walks.

Both began to release a monstrous dark aura as their bodies transformed and moved as if they were shadows in the midst of the darkness.



Asta entered the bathroom with Fana who seemed to be settled like a baby in his arms, Asta never looked away from that cute and sleepy expression.

Slowly they entered the pool together, Fana's body shivered slightly as she felt the water. She looked at Asta with a little smile as she sat on the edge of the pool, Asta approached her and planted a kiss on her lips which she happily accepted.

''Stay quiet'' Asta said and Fana nod.

He began to wash her body, and then her hair. Fana was surprised at how careful he was being. His hand ran through her hair as if he was brushing a soft silk, Fana exhibited a tender smile knowing that one of the things Asta likes most about her is her incredibly white hair.

Moments later Asta finished bathing Fana and just as he was about to bathe alone, she stopped him.

''L-Let me do it'' Fana said feeling a little embarassed.


Fana began to run the soap over his muscles, staring at each muscle, effectively washing it. As she cleaned him, her little red tongue was at the corner of her lips.

''What?'' Fana looked at Asta's eyes.

''Nothing, continue'' Asta said with a faint smile, he was beginning to like this elf more and more.

''HmmHmm'' Fana began to hum as she wash him, she stopped at his abdominals and gulped audibly.

''C-Can I touch it?'' Fana asked with embarassement.

''When are you going to stop asking my permission?'' Asta said.

''...'' Fana touched his abdomen very very slowly, she alternated her gaze beetwen his abdominals and his eyes, Asta gave her a smirk.

''.....'' The Fana's hand began to move faster making a lot of bubbles, seconds later Asta was covered by a lot of bubbles.

''Haaaa'' Fana sighed and wiped the ''sweat'' from her head, her eyes looked for Asta but she didn't find him.

''Hmm? Asta?'' Fana looked around.

''This elf...'' Asta spoke.

''Eh?'' Fana looked at the bubble man in front of her with a silly expression.

Asta remove the bubbles from his face and looked at Fana with a stoic expression.

''Pfft, Hahahahahah! you look so dumb!'' Fana started to laugh.

Asta's eyes glowed with an idea, then he suddenly summerged in the pool.

''Asta?'' Fana stop her laugh, she slowly looked around.

Asta's figure slowly rose behind Fana, she was pushed against the edge of the pool. Asta's arms wrapped around her abdomen and pinned her down.

''A-Asta!?'' Fana's face turned completely red, Asta place his chin on her shoulder and began to spoke.

''I have every right to do this''

''D-Do what?'' Fana asked as her eyes moved side to side.

''Ahhhh!'' Fana moaned when she felt Asta biting her ear.

''My silly elf thinks that she can tease me without nothing happens to her''

''I'm not teasing you-''





''What are you talking about?'' Asta asked, he grabbed her chin making her look at him. A little saliva was coming out of her lips, and her eyes were blurry.

''What were you going to say?''

''I love you...'' Fana cupped his face and looked at him with a soft and loving expression.

''How much?'' Asta asked with a big smile.

''Much! Much! Much!'' Fana said as she moved her head tenderly.

''That's not enough, tell me more'' Asta whispered in her ear.

''...'' Fana didn't said anything and just kissed him. When they parted after a few moments, she was overwhelmed by his intense gaze.

He grabbed her hips and place her on the edge of the pool. Fana hugged him and wrapped her legs around his waist, Asta held her chin and kissed her passionately.

''I love you! I love you! I love you!'' Fana said like a broken record as she fill Asta's face with kisses. She paused a moment later and then looked at his expression and her heart pound with happiness to see him smiling warmly.

Asta kissed softly her forehead and then he said:

''Let's go out today''

''Hm!'' Fana's smile became radiant as she knew she would have time alone with Asta.