Chapter 105: Mother and Daughter.

Acier and Noelle were spending time together, Noelle was hugging her arm as she flashed a happy smile, Acier had a soft expression and her eyes were narrowed looking at the people around who looks they with hunger.

'Those bastards...' Her red eyes glowed dangerously and several people fall down.

''Hahahaha'' Noelle couldn't not help but laugh ''You're bad''

''I don't like those looks, you're a married woman.''

''Yes, with a rabbit!'' Noelle spoke as she lift a finger.

''Pfft... I hope he listens to you I want to see his reaction'' Acier said as she let out a soft chuckle.

''Probably he just laugh'' Noelle said with a faint smile.

''Uhh, you two don't fight?'' Acier said as she tilt her head.

''...We just fight one time and...'' Noelle's entire face turned red remembering that ocassion.

She doesn't need to finish, Acier understand immediately.

''Oh... I wonder if I gave birth a rabbit or a strong girl.'' Acier spoke, for a moment she doesn't see her daughter like a little beautiful angel, she was replaced by a white rabbit with purple eyes.

''M-Mother! Y-You can't understand.'' Noelle stutter feeling embarassed.

''I can understand Noelle... A lot'' Acier said as she remember that night, she licked her lips 'Uhh, Why did he stop me!? i want to taste those lips and bite it' She was flashing a predatory smile, she's like her daughter almost everything. But there are things that she does not recognize or accept.

Noelle moved and buy some ice cream, then she approached her mother and gave one.

''So... Mother you will not explain me what happen to you?'' Noelle said as she bit her lips.

''Daughter... I can't explain something that i can't understand, and my story when i woke up is not beautiful.''

''It's okay mother, if you don't want to tell me the story i will not force you.'' Noelle said and began to lick her ice cream. The better option is not bring back the bad memories and make better memories, that's what Noelle thought after her mother's words.

''I want to bury all those bad memories Noelle... and make millions of happy memories with you.'' Acier said with a motherly smile.

''Hm!'' Noelle nodded and flashed a happy smile, she was looking around and couldn't help but feel more and more surprised, she liked this kingdom and how beautiful it was.

Acier let out a soft sigh as she look at her daughter, she still doesn't understand how her son could have done all those things to Noelle, she is like a little angel who didn't had wings until someone forged them.

''Mother come here!'' Noelle holded the hand of her mother as she flashed a happy smile, She looked like an excited little child, Acier got carried away and they ended up on some kind of magical water. There was beautiful music around too, people moved away when they saw Acier, recognizing her immediately.

They started to sway together around, the sight was simply magical and beautiful, both women were like the counterpart of the other. But despite that it was as if they had a pure and unbreakable bond, Acier felt her heart tighten and melt looking at Noelle's expression.

'That expression...'

Noelle's expression was like that of a little girl full of happiness, Acier felt as if the whole world around her changed. Noelle no longer looked like an older woman but like a little 5-year-old girl swaying with her mother, Her long ponytail in the same style as hers swayed with every move, Acier couldn't help but think what she missed.

'I missed so many things... Was it too much to ask to be able to raise and watch my daughter grow?' Acier couldn't help but spill tears making Noelle suddenly stop.


Acier shooked her head and hugged her daughter 'It doesn't care now, the important thing is that we are together again'

''...'' Noelle remained silent and gave back the hug, She could understand more or less what her mother thought.

''I love you Mother.'' Noelle suddenly.

''I love you too Daughter'' Acier said while caressing Noelle's head.

They both continued spending time until the dusk arrived.


Acier had taken her daughter to an amazing place, they both walked through a kind of magical ocean that allowed them to walk on it.

''What are we doing here Mother?'' Noelle asked as she tilt her head, Acier slowly step 30 meters away from Noelle and looked at her with a big smile.

''I want to see how much has grown my daughter!'' Acier said, a black steel spear appeared in her hand.

''Are you sure about this mother?'' Noelle asked as she flash a soft smile, her eyes strangely glowing blue.

Acier felt goosebumps, that look of her daughter...

Her daughter's smile changed to a proud smile, a smile of pure confidence as if her personality had suddenly changed, she felt a wild feeling exuding from her daughter too..

Badump! Badump! Badump!

'This is...' Acier touched her heart. She felt that she was facing a warrior and not her daughter.

''I will take that like a yes, Mother~'' Noelle said with a naughty voice, suddenly a strong breeze assaulted the place.


Acier's eyes widened at the sight...

Noelle seemed to have been inside a gigantic tornado of mana, an unbelievably huge mana worthy of royalty. Noelle's hair came loose and swayed wildly, her eyes glowing of deep blue color as she looked at her mother with a wild smile. Noelle's pink lips moved softly letting out a few words that made Acier gasp for a moment.

''Mana Zone: Queen of the Dragons!''


Acier was pushed back several meters due to the pressure, she slowly raised her gaze and felt even more emotions than she had felt before.

A crown of horns of water magic was formed on Noelle's head, her eyes became blue and sharp like a dragon's, her dress became water scales reaching almost to her knees, her arms were fully covered. by the dress of scales hiding everything completely.

''Heh~'' Noelle leaned her body, a longsword formed in her right hand, she flashed an impish smile and said:

''Show me mother, show me the power of the woman that i admire so much!'' Noelle shot towards Acier.

''Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!'' Acier began to laugh loudly making Noelle stop.

''Noelle Silva...'' Acier flashed a big and excited smile. She looked so deeply into her daughter's sharp eyes, Noelle couldn't help but shudder at her mother's gaze.

''I am proud that you are my daughter!'' With that words Acier release her mana.


''!!!'' Acier grit her teeth, her hair loosened with bangs around her oval face and a long bang in the middle of her face, her blood-red eyes became sharper, an armor began to tighten her sinful body. The armor was made of black steel, then other parts were formed by blood magic, two long blood wings emerged from Acier's back, her hands that were totally normal before became sharp just like her feet.

Noelle couldn't not help but feel goosebumps watching the her mother's mana.

The mana of Acier seemed totally controlled...

''What's up daughter? Your mother scare you?'' Acier said with naughty voice as she approach her.

''My husband told me that a true warrior doesn't worry about fear, but what he stands to lose.'' Noelle said with a big smile, she began to approach her mother too.

''Those are good words!'' Acier said with an excited voice.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

The footsteps of both women echoed throughout the place, both approached to the point that both could feel their breathing.

A pair of blue eyes met a pair of glowing red eyes.


A thunderous sound that caused an earthquake resounded in the place, both of them were shot in different directions. As if their movements were synchronized, both women placed their hands on the surface and slid to a stop.

Their inmense mana began to dance wildly around their bodies, they both shot towards each other...

''CRIMSOM METEORITEE!'' Acier shouted.

''DRAGON STAMPEDE!'' Noelle shouted.