Chapter 107: Two bodies.


In the middle of the night full of clouds on a black pillar, Acier and Noelle were fighting as if they had entered a state of frenzy, kicks, punches, knees, elbows and even headbutts flew everywhere and every time they collided a thunderous sound and a terrifying wave happened.


Noelle landed a knee against Acier's abdomen. Acier bent and lifted up a little, she raised her face looking at her daughter with a maniacal and excited smile, a punch collided with Noelle's abdomen making her go back 30 meters.

Noelle shook her head and looked at her mother with the same expression and feelings like her, she walked slowly as Acier did.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

They both raised their right arms and clenched their fists tightly, then slowly leaned back and when they got very close they hit each other hard.


Both women's hair swayed wildly with the amazing breeze and pressure released from the impact of their punches, Acier moved her left hand blinking instantly, strangely Noelle hadn't received any blows but her body was suspended upwards as she moved as if He just received more than 30 punches.

Despite receiving several blows the excited and maniacal smile never changed on Noelle's face, slowly her eyes turned like tornadoes her feet glowed brightly and suddenly exploded closing the distance quickly.


Noelle did an axe kick with reinforcement magic on her leg, her kick impact with Acier's causing a metallic sound that echoed around the area.

They both stayed in that position, Noelle was breathing heavily and her water buff spell had disappeared leaving her body naked.

''Hehehe'' Noelle flashed a big smile.

''So beautiful, and your body is excellent and you haven't even matured'' Acier said as she look at her daughter's body, Noelle's abdomen is toned, her waist is wide and her arms has a little muscles defined. Her body was not far from the epitome that Acier reached, Noelle's body was like a perfect work of art in front of Acier's eyes, a work of art excellently forged by a female warrior. Her body had no unnecessarily big muscles, they were all delicate and slender as well as having incredible flexibility like a snake.

''What can I say? I Inherit the genes of the best'' Noelle said with a proud smile, she make a backflip going back several meters.

''Heh~'' Acier's smile grow when she heard her daughter's words. She took a different martial art stance, her two fists were placed a little close to her chin, she stood on her tiptoes, bowing her knees a little too, and finally her head was lowered a little.

''...'' Noelle looked at her mother's stance, something told her that this posture was very dangerous, it was as if Acier was going to constantly use her knees and elbows.


Acier threw a quick punch that sent a wind pressure towards Noelle raising her hair.

''What are you waiting for? Don't make your mother wait!'' Acier said with an excited voice, she was holding because if she use all of her strength she could seriously injure her daughter and that is something that she would never forgive herself, the black steel armor of Acier slowly retracted leaving her body naked.

''...'' Noelle slowly closed her eyes and inhale air.

''Remember Noelle, You can use this style when you're in trouble is a little unpredictable.'' Noelle remember her husband's words. Her stance changed, she leaned touching the surface with one hand, her other hand lifted to the left and her face bowed.

''...'' Acier looked at Noelle feeling surprised 'How many style she knows?' She couldn't help but thought.

Under the surprised gaze of Acier, her daughter run with her body very leaned. Her arms were flexed sideways too, when she opened her eyes slowly revealing a completely and different expression.

She was flashing a wild expression, and her eyes were glowing blue and purple with the shape of an swirl. When she reached her mother she attack her with an axe kick, Acier defend herself from the kick but for her surprise Noelle stopped and turned hitting Acier with her elbow. Acier grabbed her elbow as she looks at her with an excited smile, Noelle flexed like a snake getting entangled in th Acier's body.

Before Acier could do something her world turned several times and she was suspended in the sky, Noelle jump and a lot of punches and kicks impact against Acier. She stabilized her body and attack Noelle, the attacks began to impact making thunderous sounds again.


''Wonderful keep it up!'' Acier shouted with excitement, Noelle's body began to move very strangely her body turned and launched random attacks while at the same time flexing in an incredible way slowly a tornado of water exploded around her body blinking constantly.


Noelle's every attack began to be covered with a tornado of water in perfect timing. Acier received every loving blow from her daughter with satisfaction, she fought in such a wild and carefree manner. She noticed the slight blush of her daughter knowing that they were both fighting in a very shameless and rude way.

''Don't be ashamed daughter! we are reaching the true warrior's fight!'' Acier said as she attack more faster.

''Mhm!'' Noelle nodded and attack more faster too.

Two bodies began to look like a blur, a lot of attack impacted constantly leaving shock waves around the area.

Noelle felt time slow down, her swirl-shaped eyes met her mother's swirl-shaped ones. Noelle began to flash a loving, pure, happy and at the same time excited smile, Acier blinked her eyes in confusion, she felt that she was not fighting with one person but with two... The moment she noticed Noelle's change of expression she saw it she understood everything.

''Move with me Noelle, let our bodies are totally glued and follow the same movements perfectly, try to memorize as much as you can, Imagine that we are one.'' Noelle's eyes narrowed as she remember those beautiful moments, Noelle's movements seemed to have transcended, as if she had repeated this so many times that they had reached complete perfection.

''Daughter!?'' Acier's eyes widened of the surprise, She began to back away, each punch, kick, elbow, knee, Noelle began to chain every attack making a combo in conjunction with her tornado movements. She actually felt so many feelings seeing her daughter fight in such an amazing way, it was as if she had broken her chains and was fighting carelessly but at the same time it was as if this way of fighting despite looking simple was difficult to counter.

Acier began to respond to her daughter by fighting wildly, her blows connected with all of hers and at the same time she received his blows with pleasure, in this one it was even dawn... The sight was incredibly divine, two bodies properly trained and totally sweaty they fought with wild and carefree movements, non-stop as if their stamina was totally infinite.

The women's sweat spread all over the surface and even traces of blood were scattered, Noelle's movements never stopped as if they had no end and every time she attacked she tried to chain it with another type of attack.



Both women collided with a strong punch, and suddenly the steel pillar began to break completely collapsing, both fell slowly from the pillar looking at each other with a big smile. For Acier and Noelle it was as if this beautiful moment had turned into slow motion, both of them slowly descending from the top of the sky through the clouds.

Two wings of blood emerged from Acier's back, and she approached her daughter hugging her. Noelle felt herself melt into her mother's warm embrace and she couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy the moment.

As they descended Acier formed two blood dresses that fitted their bodies, then in a moment she landed safely, She sat on the grass with her daughter still in her embrace.

''Looks like we made a mess...'' Acier said with soft voice.

''Hmm'' Noelle said as she settle in her mother's embrace.

Acier looked at Noelle's neck and unconsciously her teeth grew, but she was able to hold back the great desire to bite her daughter's neck and get blood.

''We should back Noelle'' Acier said with complicated voice, 'I can't live some hours without blood...'
