Chapter 110: Attack.

''So what did you want to do with this?'' Noelle asked.

''Oh... We were playing a joke on you, She is already satisfied and she's being greedy now'' Asta said while patting Acier's back gently. Acier didn't mind it and continued sucking blood.

''...'' Veins began to grow in the foreheads of all the girls, They dared to joke!?

In this situation!?

Everyone was serious, very serious. Looking for a solution for the problem, and THEY ARE MAKING JOKES!?

Those were the thoughts of all the girls, they couldn't not help began to breath like wild animals...

''It is difficult to convince them sometimes, no matter how many times you say not to worry, it is the first thing they will do.'' Asta said.

''It's because they love us'' Acier said as she sat next to Noelle and place her on her lap. More veins popped on the girls head, they were about to explode.

''It is normal, our beauty exceeds the transcendental.'' Asta said with narcissism.


''Yeah, being a jade-skinned beauty is a problem...'' Acier said as she put her chin on her daughter's head.


''Yes, be chased by these young mistress it's a big problem, they want our swan flesh.''

''Yes but they are frogs in a p-'' Before Acier could finish Noelle bite her.

''Ah!'' Acier looked with embarassment at her daughter's actions.

''Pffft, Hahaha. Little angel you aren't like me'' Acier said with a motherly smile and pat Noelle's head.

''S-Shut up old woman'' Noelle said as she cross her arms lifting the big mounds.

''Old woman? That is a compliment! Your husband likes a lot the mature women!'' Acier suddenly said making Asta cough loudly.

''Yes, he likes a lot'' Mereoleona said with a wild smile.

''A lot? He's a fanatic!'' Lily said as she place a hand on her cheek.

''A fanatic? Is he in a cult!?'' Charlotte asked feeling concern about her husband's mental health.

''I can confirm that'' Mimosa said as her cheeks turns red.

''And I can deny that'' Secre said as she stood up and lift her breasts with pride.

For a moment everyone felt that Secre was being bathed in a holy light, she would look so pure and so tender if she hadn't said the following words:

''He ate me in the forest until my delicate body was a total mess!'' Secre said with pride.

''....'' Everyone seems to have a stoic expression except Sylph who seems proud to teach Secre the dao of shamelessness.

'How fast she grew...' Sylph looked like a mother full of pride.

Acier flashes a naughty smile as she stood up and approach Secre.

''Let me taste those lips to see if your words are true, I can know many things with a kiss'' Acier grabbed Secre's chin, Secre's face turned completely red and she turn into her bird form and flew to Asta, she returned to her human ford descending on Asta's lap, she hugged him and hid her face.

''L-Love, that woman is a pervert!''

''Don't worry baby, Your daddy will protect you from the mature woman 10 meters away'' Asta said as he narrow his eyes at Acier and pat Secre's head.

Veins popped in Acier's forehead and she stick out her tongue at Asta.

''Heh.'' Asta couldn't help but think that she looks so cute making that, They stared at each other for a long time, and the atmosphere suddenly started to heat up. Both eyes dilated losing themselves in the process as well.

''Woah.. I can feel a disturbance on my horny radar!'' Sylph whispered in Undine's ears making her blush intensely, Undine brought her mouth close to Sylph ear.

She whispered something with a naughty tone.

''Heh~ It would be a wonderful sight, but first I have to eat him'' Sylph whispered.

''You haven't done it yet!?'' Undine almost speaks louder in surprise.

''Well... I was about to assault him, but I had the beautiful idea that I would like to have my belly swollen and that my big sis also have it swollen too.'' Sylph whispered with a naughty tone.

''I would love for our children to be born together and grow up together, but I don't plan on making such a selfish request of your husband.'' Undine said with soft voice.

''I don't think my Daddy would let a woman as kind, sweet and beautiful as you escape. I'll take care of mating you two myself!'' Sylph said as she flash a naughty smile.

''Sylph! Don't dare to use pheromones, remember we decided never to use that again.'' Undine said like a mother scolding a child.

''But when I'm close to him it's impossible not to release them!'' Sylph asked.

''Release what?'' Asta who appeared beside her asked, Sylph jumped like a little scared cat and fall on Undine's lap, they both have sweat on their foreheads as if they were facing a dangerous enemy.

''N-Nothing Daddy, what are you doing here? D-Do you want s-something?'' Sylph stutter.

''No, it's hard not to be charmed by how beautiful the two sisters look together.'' Asta said as he flash a warm smile making Undine's heart and Sylph's began to pound faster.

'T-This man, he is dangerous!' Undine said, Undine felt in danger in front of him, she swore to herself never to fall but this man moved her heart with actions and words.

''Thank you Daddy!'' Sylph flashed a warm smile.

Asta moved her hand close to Sylph's face and caressed her cheek, she tilted her head in a tender way.

''My naughty wife... You promised me children, but you are escaping from me, can i know the reason?'' Asta grabbed her chin softly making her look into his deep eyes.

''Ammmm... Mating season is over!'' Sylph spoke up, everyone looked at her with an eyebrow lifted like Dwayne Johnson. Her face turned completely red, she was so nervous that she spoke very loudly.

''It has sense! How had i not thought it before!'' Asta said, Sylph's eyes glowed believing that Asta swallowed such nonsense.

''You know Asta... She isn't lying.'' Undine suddenly said making Asta and Sylph feel surprised, they looked into her eyes waiting answers.

''W-We have mating season...'' Undine said as she look to other side with obvious embarrassment, she just lied trying to help her little sister.

''Really!?'' Sylph said, Undine and Asta almost fell over when Sylph believed what Undine said.

Asta looked at Undine with a big smile, she looked at him and tilted her head.

''Your actions to help Sylph are very cute'' Asta said. Undine seemed to have received critical damage, an intense red color began to rise from her chin to completely cover her face.

''Hahahaha'' Asta let out a soft chuckle and steal Sylph from Undine, he places her on his lap and hugged her, Sylph melted in his embrace and closed her eyes.

Asta looked at everyone in the room, the atmosphere was so warm and good. The girls talked to each other and laughed very often. Asta looked with a dumb smile at Mereoleona looking like an excited little girl beside Acier.

The image had been replaced by a big family of more than 50 people, A tear spilled from Asta's right eye. His smile had become so pure and happy that he almost dazzled the entire place, what a pity that none of his wives could see such an expression because he hid his expression on Sylph's shoulder.

He thought that resting for an eternity after so many battles it was the right thing to do, but now he feels totally happy to have been reincarnated and happy to have started a new family. But despite this, he will not go easy on the people who dared to touch his soul.

'It's an unbreakable rule...' Asta thought as his eyes glow with a golden hue.

'No one touches the soul of a-' Asta's thoughts they became distorted as if it were a TV whose channel had been cut off.

Sylph's body shivered, she settled on Asta's lap and hugged his neck.

''Is something happening Daddy? I feel your soul twiching.'' Sylph said as she looks at Asta's lips.

''Sylph... You can feel my soul?'' Asta's eyes widened, He had made sure that each of his wives had a connection with his soul the moment they made the love, but he hadn't expected Sylph to sense it so early.

''From the day that i met you!'' Sylph touched Asta's chest ''Your soul is like a warm and calm ocean''

''Oh... That's because I get a lot of love'' Asta kissed her making her let out a chuckle.

''So I'll fill you with love everyday to make your soul more warm'' Sylph said with a loving expression.

''And I'll make sure to fill you with my love until you get sastified'' Asta said as he kiss her again.

''D-Daddy, T-That's lewd. But i like it!'' Sylph's said as her face turn red.

''....'' Undine look at the couple with her cheeks red, she was about to leave the place but Asta easily take her and place on his lap too, he frowned for a moment when he carried Undine's body.

''A-Asta!?'' Undine looked nerviously at Asta.

''Where do you think you are going? You owe me something'' Asta flashed a sly smile.

''Y-Yes... What do you want?'' Undine asked.

''Be mine...'' Asta said making Sylph's eyes glow.

''W-What!?'' Undine's face turned completely red.

''I need the power of the four spirits'' Asta said.

''.....'' Asta noticed a great disappointment in Undine's expression.

A great silence had fallen, only the happy voice of the girls could be heard and that of Lolopechka that sounded sleepy, she had arrived at some point and was dragged away by the girls.

''I don't complicate myself Undine'' Asta said making Undine's eyes glow realizing.

'YES!' Sylph shouted in her mind, She flashed an evil and naughty smile.

'All according to Keikaku!'

Sniff Sniff

Undine looked at Sylph.

''Little sis... You are releasing pheromones!'' Undine whispered in her ear.

''You too!'' Sylph said with obvious embarrassment.

''Me!? I know how to control myself unlike you'' Undine had the expression that she was looking at a fool.

''Then big sis... What is this?'' Sylph's hand glowed with a green hue and something was absorbed from Undine's body.

Sniff Sniff.

Undine sniffed the thing on Sylph's hand.

''I-I-I'' Undine's face turned completely red and smoke came out.

''Hahahaha'' Sylph let out a chuckle.

'Are they like this all the time?' Asta couldn't help but thought, seeing these sisters. They looked very cute and as if they were in a chibi form.

''W-What?'' Undine and Sylph tilted their heads and looked at Asta feeling something.

''N-Nothing..'' Asta suffered x4 damage.


While Asta was spending quality time with his new family, other people were having an extremely hard time.

''WHAT THE HELL WITH THIS KINGDOM!'' Dante couldn't help but shout looking at the kingdom. Zenon was frozed next to him.

''It's perfect and it's totally guarded we'll have it complicated...'' Zenon said as he clenches his fists.

A dark portal emerged next to him, and a lot of demons began to came out.

''This distraction can work very well, we should do this fast Dante'' Zenon said.

Dante was breathing feeling annoyed, with just a simple glance he would know that he couldn't attack the kingdom but luckily for them the base of the Black Bulls was separated from the kingdom.

Zenon and Dante became like shadows vanishing from the place and moving at a monstrous speed, it didn't take them minutes to find the base of the Black Bulls.

Dante looked with glowing eyes at the voluptuous woman with long pink hair carrying a little girl who was smiling happily, He looked the mature woman and licked his lips, then he emerged from the shadow...